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Nato supplies breakthrough US to officially apologise for Salala, Pakistan

Don Jaguar

Mar 12, 2011
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ISLAMABAD: In a bid to reopen suspended Nato supply routes through the country, Pakistan and the United States are due to launch “hot talks” this week following which Islamabad and Washington will issue a joint-statement.

It has been agreed that the United States will officially apologise for last year’s Salala check-post attack, and will pay a tariff (fee) for each container in exchange for the opening of the supply line.

According to diplomatic and military sources, a senior United States official — on behalf of US President Barack Obama — will apologise publicly for martyring 26 Pakistani soldiers in the Salala attack.

It has also been secretly agreed that there will be a red line and mechanism for launching drone attacks on terrorist havens in Fata and North Waziristan. Furthermore, the United States will pay a $2,000 tariff to Pakistan for safe passage of Nato containers.

According to sources, there is also a likelihood that compensation will be paid to the heirs of the martyred soldiers on behalf of Washington, and the exact figure of this amount will be agreed within a few days.

Sources said the secret talks, which have been underway for several weeks between diplomatic and military channels of both countries, have proved meaningful. It was also said that the announcement of the Pak-US agreement would be made mid June, following which Pakistan will reopen the supply lines.

Nato supplies breakthrough US to officially apologise for Salala, Pakistan to reopen supply routes - thenews.com.pk
Inevitable has happened. Any one with little understanding of diplomacy knew that this is going to happen one day or the other. Both the parties are at win win situation. :smokin:
Why did the Americans agree to say sorry I thought they had northern routes
good breakthrough :)

yeah,you have been begging to U.S for apology since last 6 months and they keep on pounding drones..


Drones are a sign of frustration for the rampant ied attacks inflicted upon NATO.

Pakistan already knows that fighting with the Talibs is pointless.
2000 dollars per truck extortion.

Bloody money for the martyred.

And US finally apologizing for the first time in its 236 year old history.

Hahaha now tell me who is bending over? :lol:
The truck drivers deserve a much higher salary. It is a very dangerous job.
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