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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

Yet they were unable in 1200 - 1600 pages of dossiers to give confirmed evidence that was applicable to this case? The evidence lies in a persons witness statement is that the evidence? Is that it? I think the security $$ is being wasted as his evidence will be as credible as your posts...

lol we'll see if the international courts are also kangaroo courts like Pakistani ones, which could not sentence one terrorist during 10 years of WoT, or real courts where real justice is delivered.

Time will tell.

Till then, let this vermin count his days...
why are you not outraged that a terrorist is being allowed to roam freely? you know that he has an arrest warrant in Lahore. He is taunting and laughing at your constitution. He will go one day and do a 911 like job in some country and wrath of all countries will besiege upon Pakistan. why have such a loose cannon roam freely?

where is that national pride and personal pride to strive for a better country?

Article shows:
- How this guy is mocking the Pakistan's judicial system, risking life's of Pakistani ordinary policemen
- How the Punjab police point guns at Lahore police to protect him.
- How the man has an arrest warrant in Lahore but they are too scared to touch him.

Some quotes from it:

Nobody said anything about him being innocent, but Americans have no right to punish Pakistani's or anyone for that matter, who have not even committed a crime on American soil. This is a mockery of International law and International institutions. If he is guilty of any crime, then he should be dealt with according to the law of the land.
So Indian judiciary had sent 1200 to 1600 pages of dossiers but could not prove his involvement? Where is the hard core evidence of his part played?

This is exactly what I have been asking many Indian fellows entire day. If India has evidences against him then why don't they share it with Pakistan and help native courts to convict him? He has been prosecuted in Pakistani courts couple of times but due to the unavailability of concrete evidences he has been acquitted every time. Irony is we don't even know the statement of Kasab!
This is exactly what I have been asking many Indian fellows entire day. If India has evidences against him then why don't they share it with Pakistan and help native courts to convict him? He has been prosecuted in Pakistani courts couple of times but due to the unavailability of concrete evidences he has been acquitted every time. Irony is we don't even know the statement of Kasab!

“Pakistan had offered to give Saeed's voice sample to India but later reneged on the promise”, he added.

Pak has enough evidence to detain Saeed: PC
Nobody said anything about him being innocent, but Americans have no right to punish Pakistani's or anyone for that matter, who have not even committed a crime on American soil. This is a mockery of International law and International institutions. If he is guilty of any crime, then he should be dealt with according to the law of the land.

terrorism has no boundaries, Besides you guys love to say it's state less actors. But now somehow your stateless actors are your protected lot? which side of the fence do you guys want to stand in? This guy has hands in some international failed schemes per the article. How long before he , who mocks your laws and constitution decides to attack another country again?

The reason America is dealing with it because your judicial system has failed. It has the highest amount of acquittals for the most dangerous terrorists. It can't even arrest him when he was stopped in Lahore. Your cops and pointing guns at each other!
Q; why india dint announce bounty instead of US?

A;If India had announced the bounty, Hafiz Saeed would have surrendered, got 51 crores, would have given 21 crores in bribe, and escaped.
terrorism has no boundaries, Besides you guys love to say it's state less actors. But now somehow your stateless actors are your protected lot? which side of the fence do you guys want to stand in? This guy has hands in some international failed schemes per the article. How long before he , who mocks your laws and constitution decides to attack another country again?

The reason America is dealing with it because your judicial system has failed. It has the highest amount of acquittals for the most dangerous terrorists. It can't even arrest him when he was stopped in Lahore. Your cops and pointing guns at each other!
You argument still doesn't justify American involvement. We have credible judicial system, so it shall deal with it. There are no legal grounds for America to intervene. Such ludicrous claims that ''an article says so'', ''your judiciary has failed'',''other countries security at stake'' are only based on pre-conceived assumptions nothing concrete.
You argument still doesn't justify American involvement. We have credible judicial system, so it shall deal with it. There are no legal grounds for America to intervene. Such ludicrous claims that ''an article says so'', ''your judiciary has failed'',''other countries security at stake'' are only based on pre-conceived assumptions nothing concrete.

well then understand this about this bounty. It is not one where they will come kidnap him, drone him - yet. It's just a bounty and if he ever steps in any country that is favorable to the US - they will arrest him ( I doubt he is going anywhere) . But America has all the right to put forth any bounty it seeks to arrest any terrorist in the world. Btw- you as country also have such rights.
So Indian judiciary had sent 1200 to 1600 pages of dossiers but could not prove his involvement? Where is the hard core evidence of his part played?

What kind of hardcore evidence do you require? What makes you think the evidence provided is not enough when the same evidence is enough for them being declared terrorists by UN and other law agencies.

It is obvious that Pakistan's courts are not impartial and capable of providing justice. The need to support terror against India is greater than the need for justice. Therefore it is only fair that Pakistani citizens be now tried for spreading terror by foreign powers.

Pakistan has a history of aiding and abetting terror, it is now upto saner and more responsible governments to bring to the book those responsible for innocent deaths. Pakistan has failed to be a responsible state in exercising its sovereignty, it can now no longer hide behind the excuse of non-state actors.
You argument still doesn't justify American involvement. We have credible judicial system, so it shall deal with it. There are no legal grounds for America to intervene. Such ludicrous claims that ''an article says so'', ''your judiciary has failed'',''other countries security at stake'' are only based on pre-conceived assumptions nothing concrete.

Justice system works only when you present the proof, if the lawyers decide not to fight the case right or the police decides not to investigate the leads. The justice system is good for nothing. That is what you guys did in case of 26/11, made no attempt to find the proof and also no attempt to present the case right.
So Indian judiciary had sent 1200 to 1600 pages of dossiers but could not prove his involvement? Where is the hard core evidence of his part played?

No one can prove anything if you have decided not to agree. Almost the entire nation has decided to take sides without looking at any proof. You cannot wake up someone who is pretending to sleep. You all know who he is and you want to support him alright, but have the guts to accept it. You all talk about bravery and then try to hide behind a lie.
No one can prove anything if you have decided not to agree. Almost the entire nation has decided to take sides without looking at any proof. You cannot wake up someone who is pretending to sleep. You all know who he is and you want to support him alright, but have the guts to accept it. You all talk about bravery and then try to hide behind a lie.

Isn't that a two way street----.
Isn't that a two way street----.

Well said sir - i am not attempting to take sides. I come to the table with not all the facts of the case - i dont think many of us would. Its difficult to assess as it sounds like a complex case. One cant blame the judical system in Pakistan when the evidence provided in the 1200 to 1600 pages provided is no conclusive link. One cannot in such a case pin the blame on evidance that is made up of "heresay evidence and inconclusive." If evidence is provided that stands up in a court of law - i have faith with the judicary he will be dealt with accordingly but so far statements like "you cannot wake up someone who is pretending to sleep" or "have the guts to accept" are futile and certainly not meriting his involvement.
Why does it feel like if this guy isn't handed over to America it might become an American excuse to attack Pakistan "bacause it was sheltering this "terrorist""? And why does it feel like if this guy is handed over to America it'll be like literally selling our people?

What has this guy even done to deserve a bounty?
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