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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

No you didn't. The "26 countries do not recognize Israel. There must be a good reason why" is an Argumentum ad populum type fallacy, a type of Red Herring. It's like arguing that just because the majority of ancient peoples believed the Sun rotated around the earth that made their belief true.

Will you continue to laugh at mentally retarded people, SMC?


Dear god. Why do you think I made that point as a counter example? Do you think I seriously meant to use that as my argument? Please read my post again, carefully.

Btw, as an aside, a lesson for you in logic. argumentum ad populum is when one suggests lot of individuals believe something and therefore that something must be true. Here we're talking about states, not individuals.
well that logic goes counter to your claim that government ("elements") knew of OBL's alleged presence in A-bad.
That's right.

what was the bounty for his head?
$25 million, lowered from $50 million.

as implied in my previous post, i dont think bounty shmountys will make much a difference.
That's just what I'd expect a Pakistani eager to collect the bounty to say - the better to ward off any competition.
Dear god. Why do you think I made that point as a counter example? Do you think I seriously meant to use that as my argument? Please read my post again, carefully.
I find sarcasm doesn't always travel well across cultural lines. And I spend part of my time and wealth assisting the retarded hence I look unkindly at those who make fun of them. Do judges really do that in Pakistan?
And I spend part of my time and wealth assisting the retarded hence I look unkindly at those who make fun of them.

“Who keeps company with wolves will learn to howl” - Proverb

I find sarcasm doesn't always travel well across cultural lines. And I spend part of my time and wealth assisting the retarded hence I look unkindly at those who make fun of them. Do judges really do that in Pakistan?

All right, my bad for being overly aggressive in my post. I was assuming you followed the trail of posts.

The problem we have here is we have a master logician bharati who is claiming that just because Bharat and US are going after this guy, that must be enough reason in itself to prove that this guy must be guilty. Of course these countries must have a very good reason to go after him. Why would they go after him and not some charity worker instead?

You can find several fallacies in that argument. I think you know that there are some arguments that are so utterly fallacious that you don't know which fallacy to mention first. This is a prime example of one.
That's right.

$25 million, lowered from $50 million.

that's still a good chunk of change for someone the US State Dept. claimed had lost opertational capacity to harm Americans

(it seems that Pakistan and Afghanistan pocketed most of the 'overhead' and other 'variable costs' and expenses -- $25m of which could never cover them)

That's just what I'd expect a Pakistani eager to collect the bounty to say - the better to ward off any competition.

how ignorant will i sound if i were to say that it's reasonably ironic that one of 'your kind' is talking about others eager to collect "free" moneys...you love receiving money and hate spending it :rofl:

i would hope that after Dr. Afridi and his not so happy fate, Pakistanis would be warned not to receive or accept material "gifts" or payments given for services "rendered" to a foreign government without notification to the local authorities --especially at this current juncture where bilateral ties are a bit shaky.

that isnt to say that if HS is found guilty of terrorism, treason or even simple criminal charges -- i would expect or hope that he roam the streets openly

I believe in the sanctity and binding nature of the proceedings of the courts with jurisdiction -- in this case neither your federal or state courts (nor indian courts) have any locus standi over this matter. The Americans already know this -- hence the bounty tactic which i think will prove to be futile.

as for Difa e Pakistan, well i think the religious parties and people who identify themselves as "hafiz" should not be the face behind such POLITICAL organizations. It causes confusions about their agenda.

the fate of the NATO supplies resumption rests with parliament....so maybe the Obama admin or the CIA or whoever is in charge of affairs in the U.S. should place a bounty on the members of parliament as well -- since they are the ones calling the shots over the supply routes.

my additional 2 cents
That's just what I'd expect a Pakistani eager to collect the bounty to say - the better to ward off any competition.

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in the interests of "free and fair competition"-- for those "eager Pakistanis" in need of $10 million, just take a rickshaw to Johar Town Lahore, near Anarkali Bazar.

if you see a paan shop/newspaper stand nearby and some barricades, you'll know you're close ;)

happy, Solomon? :rofl:

p.s. i'm being serious by the way :)
Your 'evidence' is singing in our Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.

Why do you think the hindu baniya is feeding your faridkot wonder boy and spending Rs. 50 cr INR everyday on his security?

We sincerely doubt he is Pakistani. So let him go.

As for the bounty. $10 million bounty on Mullah Omar and US is dying to have talks with Taliban. They have stopped calling them terrorist. This term 'terrorist' is just a term of convenience.

As for Hafiz Saeed, he has been exonerated by the courts in Pakistan. The evidence that India gave has no legal standing. Pakistan's fact finding mission went to India just a few weeks ago and they were not given any cooperation. This speaks volumes about India's hollowness.

He hasn't done anything against US. So dont understand this US logic.

Hafiz Saeed only talks about liberation of Kashmir. And that is the voice of our nation.
All right, my bad for being overly aggressive in my post. I was assuming you followed the trail of posts.

The problem we have here is we have a master logician bharati who is claiming that just because Bharat and US are going after this guy, that must be enough reason in itself to prove that this guy must be guilty. Of course these countries must have a very good reason to go after him. Why would they go after him and not some charity worker instead?

You can find several fallacies in that argument. I think you know that there are some arguments that are so utterly fallacious that you don't know which fallacy to mention first. This is a prime example of one.

Maybe in your eagerness, you have been trying to milch a bull all this while :) In case you missed, evidence or not (Pakistani style) not withstanding, the message is clear, the stateless actors rants of the Pakistanis has just been accorded the dump that it always deserved. This step clearly tells the Pakistan army and the punjabi terrorists that the veil is there no more and now the Pakistani state needs to act against these profitable tools of proxy foreign policy.

For those who cannot understand, this is a bigger slap than the ruthless and merciless mowing of 26 pakistani soldiers at salala or getting the goat of the revered sheikh of abbuttabad.

The real repurcussion of this, which should be getting chaddis in a twist at the GHQ is the fact that it is the first time the US has refused to continue ignoring these tools of the GHQ Marde Momins for running the proxy war against India in Kashmir. It is a message beyond the ambit of comprehension of the pakistani qadri kissing lawyers. Of course you will find it all fallacious!!
"hindu baniya" spend so much on the "evidence" to keep him alive and chubby (as alive as 26/11 drama itself) while over half the indian population is starving and poor -- many of them malnourished children

maybe that's where this $10 million would be better spent....perhaps even the most jingoistic of element from india that litters this forum would agree as well?
If Pakistan really wants valued ''evidence'' of the extremely high quality they require (and their standards are really high, as their courts simply never convict ANY terrorists, in conclusion, there is no terrorism in pakistan), then they should have collected it themselves as this saeed guy has been closely working on pakistan's international terrorism projects for over two decades. He lives in pakistan, so the best guys to get that evidence would be pakistanis, i.e. if they want that kind of thing.

Its like - if they wanted to capture OBL, they should have done it, they had a decade, but they did not. And for the sake of future, let me record it, the same would apply for their other national hero, dawood ibrahim too, when the truth finally comes out, they will again chose to make silly excuses and refuse to come out of their denial mode. Thats just how pakistan has become, blind to their own doings.

I'm just glad at this stage they are not saying saeed is not in pakistan (OBL, Dawood), or that he's not pakistani (Qasab), or that he did it single handeldly but he'll be pardoned because he's a national hero (AQ Khan), but only to ''he's just an innocent charity worker'' :)

Why the hell are you responding to my post? Why not make a new post? Not a word of what you said relates to what I said, except the last sentence, which of course is based on your previous sentences which have nothing to do with my post -- and therefore you didn't make a counter argument to what I said but merely made a diversion.

And of course as far as all this tomboy stuff from the US is concerned, it will of course be funny for everyone to watch US eagerly but humiliatingly exit Afghanistan in a couple years. :lol: That's when your bharati bubble will pop. I know you don't want that day to ever come, but it's coming.
Hafeez saeed represents a lot of pakistanis .. His arrest will hurt a lot of sentiments ..
These type of terrorists and terrorist sympathisers are already hurting pakistan .. People should detach themselves with these kind of parasites ...
Dehli is prety international, im sure if he asked there would be plenty of people to help pay for his travel costs. Though some one might want to point out to Saeed before he fronts up they dont have a revolving door like hes used to in Lahore
"hindu baniya" spend so much on the "evidence" to keep him alive and chubby (as alive as 26/11 drama itself) while over half the indian population is starving and poor -- many of them malnourished children

maybe that's where this $10 million would be better spent....perhaps even the most jingoistic of element from india that litters this forum would agree as well?

Me thinks the Shias who lost their loved ones due to the influence of these Hafeez Sayed types would be the most deserving.
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