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Hafiz saeed to challenge US bounty in international court

I think LeT's ambitions must be getting too big and that's why the US needs to eliminate them anyhow, being the #2 enemy (along with Israel) of LeT. Lets hope this does not end in the same way as Osama did.
Is this turning of screws on LeT a part of the deal between India and USA for India to provide port facilities for landing supplies in Gujrat that then can be airlifted to Afghanistan bypassing Pakistani land routes..
Americans are employing bully tactics. They can't declare bounty on some one just like that. I hope that GoP wont cave in to these unjust demands by USA.
Its time now we stand up and say no to american atrocities we must put 20m dollar on terrorist bush, clinton and also for obama for killing thousands of innocent in Pakistan
Here is why US made the announcement at this time; from an indian diplomat prospective:

‘We want Headley, Wendy!’

Those folks in Washington always knew that New Delhi has a fair share of morons — perhaps even more than the usual share of a capital city. Even then, the announcement about putting a 10-million dollar bounty on Pakistani militant Islamist Hafeez Saeed, made in New Delhi by the visiting US Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman on Monday takes the cake.
The timing is just superb: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Pakistan president Asif Zardari are contemplating a meeting during the latter’s ‘private visit’ to India next Sunday. Goodbye Mr. Singh, Goodbye Mr. Zardari — Sayonara! No way can India-Pakistan dialogue move an inch forward on April 8 when they meet. (That is, assuming Zardari will still want to come after what Sherman did.)

Barack Obama has ensured that PM will only have time to talk about Saeed. If these Indian and Pakistani leaders thought they could do without the US facilitating their dialogue, they didn’t know what was good for them in the first instance.
Don’t these Washington folks know it takes just a few minutes to get the Indians all excited, raring to go? Look at the splendid result Wendy got. Manish Tewari, spokesman of Congress Party is elated that Uncle Sam is such a sincere pal, after all. Home Minister P Chidambaram is beside himself, unconsolably agitated about the bad things Pakistan does to India. External Affairs Minister S.M.Krishna is all excited as if it is all happening on a tennis court. And, of course, Bharatiya Janata Party is not to be left behind, isn’t it? I wonder how many of them are actually taking a pot shot at PM Singh in a proxy war.

It can’t be that these well-informed people in our political class don’t know Sherman’s announcement doesn’t change things on the ground. The entire world knew a long time ago that 26/11 was masterminded from Pakistan. So, pray, where is the additionality? Mullah Omar too has a 10-million dollar bounty on his head. So what? Has it made any difference? The American and NATO diplomats are queuing up to do business with him at his earliest convenience.

I would have liked it if Sherman came all the way to tell us they have had a change of heart and we could have David Headley. Imagine if she had offered Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai: ‘We”ll hand over both Headley and Rana. Fix them, grill them till they cry out for their mom; and you guys get to the bottom of this stuff of 26/11.’ No, she wouldn’t say anything of that sort. Headley will take his dark secrets to his grave.

Things were actually looking up for India-Pakistan relations. The climate is distinctly better than ever before in memory, and there is hope that a new phase in the relationship might begin. A long-awaited visit by PM Manmohan Singh to Pakistan was being talked about — even if in whispers. The bold decision by Pakistan to grant MFN status to India promises to be a game changer. The two countries are noticeably reticent despite sustained western attempts to make out that Afghan problem is an India-Pakistan issue.

All that vanished now as wishful thinking. PM Singh has no dearth of detractors in New Delhi who would bray for his (political) blood if he dared to advance the dialogue with Pakistan, leave alone contemplate a visit to Pakistan in a near future.

Why is Washington doing this? It’s no mystery. An India-Pakistan normalization at this juncture significantly boosts Pakistan’s ’strategic autonomy’ while negotiating the reset of its ties with the US. Washington is desperate to kiss and make up with Islamabad, especially with the timeline for troop withdrawal from Afghanistan drawing nearer. But Islamabad is proving to be tough customer and playing hide and seek — and Obama feels exasperated.

This is political chicanery of the highest grade on the part of the Obama administration. The US officials, on the one hand, lament incessantly that India is the core reason why Pakistan isn’t optimally cooperating with the US; and, that Islamabad is paranoid about the ‘existential threat’ from India.

The US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta lamented even yesterday on these lines — while Sherman is effectively telling us that actually US and India could have a joint enterprise in killing Saeed or squeezing Pakistan or both. Amen.

I am aghast at the naivety of our political class. Or, perhaps, I’m wrong. At any rate, I have a point to make to all four of them — Chidambaram, Krishna, Tewari and Rudy. They should have had the courage to ask, ‘We want Headley, Wendy!’. But they didn’t. Maybe, they knew it isn’t a terribly smart thing to annoy Washington.

Indian Punchline - Reflections on foreign affairs
Hence proven US is literally being run by jokers ... I mean literally ...
A person who right there, not in hiding, go get him, why announce $10mn bounty !!!
Those who own America -or- their puppets that we see upfront have literally lost it ...
Hell will break lose for yanks, if they will try to re-enact the ''Osama killing charade''. Even GoP is aware that, despite it's covert support to USA over these issues, people will not tolerate another Abottabad style operation.
Hell will break lose for yanks, if they will try to re-enact the ''Osama killing charade''. Even GoP is aware that, despite it's covert support to USA over these issues, people will not tolerate another Abottabad style operation.

What do you think will happen?
Jamaatud Dawa (JuD) has decided to challenge United States (US) announcement of placing a bounty on the group’s chief, Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and Lashkar-e-Taiba co-founder Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki, in international courts. The group has initiated legal consultations in this regard.

Earlier while speaking on Geo News, a defiant Saeed said that, “only God can end my life and not the United States.”

Responding to a question on what will be his reaction if the US carries out a unilateral raid to eliminate Saeed, one of the most wanted terrorists by the US, he said that he is not concerned about death since only God had control over his life and death and he will die according to His will as and when his time comes.

Dismissing the recent US announcement of declaring him a wanted terrorist, with a $10 million bounty placed on his head for information leading to his arrest, as propaganda, Saeed said its purpose was to hinder the cause of the Difa-e-Pakistan movement by tarnishing his image in Pakistan.

Vowing to continue his movement, Saeed said, “We will continue to stand up for our rights and justice.”

As a concluding remark, an eloquent Saeed humbly ‘advised’ the US to stop its oppression and pull out its troops from Afghanistan, while curtailing its influence in Pakistan. “Live in peace and let us live in peace,” adding that US’ intervention in the region was causing an economic crisis.

He requested the politicians in the country to rise above party politics and unite in defending Pakistan. “This is not about me, its about Pakistan”.

India has an agenda against me: Saeed

Responding to another question regarding India’s persistent pressure on Pakistan to bring Saeed to book for his alleged involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, he said that India has always maintained a hostile stance against him because he spoke about the Kashmir cause, the water issue and India’s alleged intervention in Balochistan, vis-à-vis fueling the separatist movement. Therefore, India considered him as a hindrance in their ulterior motives.

He added that India was not ready to acknowledge the existence of Pakistan, much less a decision by a Pakistani court of law.

Talking about the 26/11 Mumbai attack investigation, Saeed said that India had sent at least four dossiers against him, 300 to 400 pages each, but could not prove his involvement in the attacks.

“A Lahore High Court full bench had acquitted me, saying that I was not involved in the Mumbai attack, along with clearing me of all terrorism charges. JuD is not a banned outfit.”

The JuD chief challenged India to face charges levied against him in any court of law in the world.

Earlier on Tuesday, JuD spokesperson Yahya Mujahid said the US had offered a $10 million bounty for the chief of Jamaatud Dawa, a charity wing of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), due to the Difa-e-Pakistan Council’s (DPC) strong resolve against the reopening of Nato supply routes through Pakistan, drone strikes in the country’s tribal badlands and trade with India.

Mujahid went on to claim that the move by the US was politically motivated and it was evident who the US government was trying to gratify.

“Yes, the Americans wanted to please India and they did it.”

Prominent religious parties in the country, including Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ), Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam- Samiul Haq (JUI-S), Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), Dawat Ahl-e-Hadees, Majlis Ahrar-e-Islam, International Khatam-e-Nabuwat and Jamiat-e-Ahl-e-Hadees, had criticised the US move.
Good Going! These Americans can't always get away with their antics, people need to stand up against American tyranny.
So Indian judiciary had sent 1200 to 1600 pages of dossiers but could not prove his involvement? Where is the hard core evidence of his part played?

Your 'evidence' is singing in our Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.

Why do you think the hindu baniya is feeding your faridkot wonder boy and spending Rs. 50 cr INR everyday on his security?
Hell will break lose for yanks, if they will try to re-enact the ''Osama killing charade''. Even GoP is aware that, despite it's covert support to USA over these issues, people will not tolerate another Abottabad style operation.

why are you not outraged that a terrorist is being allowed to roam freely? you know that he has an arrest warrant in Lahore. He is taunting and laughing at your constitution. He will go one day and do a 911 like job in some country and wrath of all countries will besiege upon Pakistan. why have such a loose cannon roam freely?

where is that national pride and personal pride to strive for a better country?

Article shows:
- How this guy is mocking the Pakistan's judicial system, risking life's of Pakistani ordinary policemen
- How the Punjab police point guns at Lahore police to protect him.
- How the man has an arrest warrant in Lahore but they are too scared to touch him.

Some quotes from it:

Despite an order barring their entry into Islamabad, Saeed and Ludhianvi sneaked into the city on Tuesday

The capital's "security apparatus" proved no match for Saeed and Ludhianvi, the Dawn newspaper reported. "They appeared and disappeared; were stopped and freed; intercepted in their cars and protected by their armed guards, as crowds gathered to watch the spectacle and traffic jams ensued," the report said.

"Eventually the harassed, red-faced and embarrassed policemen managed to hold Maulana Ludhianvi, only after negotiations, while Saeed escaped," the newspaper report added.

Ironically, police guards provided to Ludhianvi by the Punjab government aimed their weapons at the Islamabad police while ASWJ activists cordoned their leader's vehicle

Your 'evidence' is singing in our Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.

Why do you think the hindu baniya is feeding your faridkot wonder boy and spending Rs. 50 cr INR everyday on his security?

Yet they were unable in 1200 - 1600 pages of dossiers to give confirmed evidence that was applicable to this case? The evidence lies in a persons witness statement is that the evidence? Is that it? I think the security $$ is being wasted as his evidence will be as credible as your posts...
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