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Why doesn't Pakistan build an aircraft carrier?

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No, no, we can't export cheap labor from India right? Or can we? I mean I read somewhere that India is #1 exporter of human trafficking.

Baah, cheap labor from India when u can get free labor from all those mujahideen and suicide bombers running loose all over Pakistan - just get a few mullahs to tell them its in the service of Allah. They'd work for free :pakistan:
No, no, we can't export cheap labor from India right? Or can we? I mean I read somewhere that India is #1 exporter of human trafficking.
stop derailing the thread with your Intelligence of mixing up things... I talked about industrial base, which India has been building from a very long time... Go enjoy BSing yourself...
Even though Pakistan borders an ocean it has a very weak navy. Only 1 destroyer, a couple of frigates and 5 submarines. But, India has more destroyers and even an aircraft carrier. Shouldn't we build one to be able to keep up with them?

Off course you can and you should. In conventional war navy plays important role. Any country in world depend upon supply of resources, which mainly come through seas. In war time India can blockade Pakistani sea-route and hence Cripple your supply. Without supply the war can not go longer.

Pakistan need strong Navy so that it can save its cargo ships. Pakistan need half size of India NAVY. at least 1 AC, 5-6 destroyer, and many Submarines.
I firmly believe Pakistan should go for atleast 2 carrier battle group. :pakistan:


Do you want Pakistan to get into an arms race and drive into bankruptcy? just like former USSR...
Just maintaining one aircraft carrier will eat up their entire defence budget for the navy.
stop derailing the thread with your Intelligence of mixing up things... I talked about industrial base, which India has been building from a very long time... Go enjoy BSing yourself...

You know exactly what it means.You expect us to buy one from China even when the thread title says 'build'.
I am all for Pakistan building aircraft carriers. I'd say 11 CBG's ought to do the trick.
Hey!!! Its not some paddle boat we talking about. Not all that easy to build an aircraft carrier. U sure u guys would be able to do it? :pdf:

of course! we built atom bomb in few months why not AC?
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