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New Pirate Tactic: Hunt Indians

They are Indian navy commandos MARCOS not cowards like you that seeing pakistani army you were hiding in the holes till Indian army came to rescue. :lol: Cowardliness is in your blood.

1.Because of your avatar I am not going to abuse back. We have respect for the Sikhs owing to Brig Sabegh Singh and Gen Arora.

2. We have seen Indians in 1965 and 1971, and lately in the Battle of Padua. Only a coward nation shoots unarmed civilians on the border. Except the Rajputs and Sikhs the rest are "bhagora" cowards. In 1971, you came in during the last couple of days to steal the victory we were about to achieve. That's all beside Indian Bengalees Hindus giving shelter to the BD Bengalee Hindus. And for this you received plenty of aid from ICRC, UNHCR, NGOs and other Govts.
They are Indian navy commandos MARCOS not cowards like you that seeing pakistani army you were hiding in the holes till Indian army came to rescue. :lol: Cowardliness is in your blood.
There's no need for a post like that ... Reported
They should start putting armed guards on the ships, like Germany and UK.

And Inidian Navy should get rid of the pirates on the spot, no need to bring them to India and make them a burned on Indian taxpayers:fie:

Mate, we have a situation over here. Indian sailors are in the great demand. Most of the ships have Indians among crew. Even if we deploy guards on "Indian" ships even then pirates will get lots of Indians to hunt on.
1.Because of your avatar I am not going to abuse back. We have respect for the Sikhs owing to Brig Sabegh Singh and Gen Arora.

2. We have seen Indians in 1965 and 1971, and lately in the Battle of Padua. Only a coward nation shoots unarmed civilians on the border. Except the Rajputs and Sikhs the rest are "bhagora" cowards. In 1971, you came in during the last couple of days to steal the victory we were about to achieve. That's all beside Indian Bengalees Hindus giving shelter to the BD Bengalee Hindus. And for this you received plenty of aid from ICRC, UNHCR, NGOs and other Govts.
Feel free to claim all that U want.... The only reason am restraining to comment is that the other person provoked U.
Oh I forgot to add ur post Su***ks
It is a terribly hard situation. Whilst a MARCOs raid can't be ruled out I'd say it was unlikely as the scores of hostages are going to be in small groups in multiple locations all around Somalia (btw one of the most dangerous places on earth) and the Gulf coast so it would be nessercary to hit all locations simultaneously. This would require a large raiding force to be able to hit so many locations at once with enough force to be successful. It would be safe to assume if any Indian hostage was left behind they would be as good as dead so you would have to be 100% about the locations of EVERY SINGLE Indian hostage which would require incredibly high amounts of intelligence inputs which no country possess in the region. the logistics would also be an issue, not so much the insertion of SOFs but extraction of them once the alarm has gone up especially with the huge amount of rescued hostages that would also need to be extracted very fast.

The MKI option is a no go as surly you are trying to SAVE the lives of the hostages??!! Same issue with intel- you need to know where to hit.

Added to that there is NO mandate by UN or anyone else to conduct such offensive actions on Somalian soil.
In the old days, the Soviet would send their KGB agents to locate the families of kidnappers. They would then send photos of them to kidnappers, along with a severed finger. Nobody kidnapped Russians for a good few decades.

Perhaps it is needed in dealing with pirates.
In the old days, the Soviet would send their KGB agents to locate the families of kidnappers. They would then send photos of them to kidnappers, along with a severed finger. Nobody kidnapped Russians for a good few decades.

Perhaps it is needed in dealing with pirates.

[Citation needed]
In the old days, the Soviet would send their KGB agents to locate the families of kidnappers. They would then send photos of them to kidnappers, along with a severed finger. Nobody kidnapped Russians for a good few decades.

Perhaps it is needed in dealing with pirates.

There was also an incident that I heard sometime ago, when Russian Navy caught some Somali pirates. According to official version, they were stripped off their weapons & rations and put on a dinghy in the middle of the sea, but nobody knows the truth. Anyways one thing is for sure, Russians have a reputation for stamping out their problems in ways that may not be to the liking of the 'civilized' world.
1.Because of your avatar I am not going to abuse back. We have respect for the Sikhs owing to Brig Sabegh Singh and Gen Arora.
How can you! We fought protecting you losers.

2. We have seen Indians in 1965 and 1971, and lately in the Battle of Padua. Only a coward nation shoots unarmed civilians on the border. Except the Rajputs and Sikhs the rest are "bhagora" cowards. In 1971, you came in during the last couple of days to steal the victory we were about to achieve. That's all beside Indian Bengalees Hindus giving shelter to the BD Bengalee Hindus. And for this you received plenty of aid from ICRC, UNHCR, NGOs and other Govts.
You have really seen us otherwise you were still called Pakistani not Bangladeshi. :lol: Indian border guards shoot you because you try to illegally enter our country. We let you did that in 1971 does not mean we will let you do that everyday.
for once i agree with the Chinese military we must bomb Somalias shores to teach these pirates a lesson these SOB's take our hard working sailors torture them until ransom is paid it does not matter on race these pirates are gnats and its time to bust out the fly swatters and teach them a lesson

think of it this way how can they go out to sea if there shores are bombed and to tell with the innocent people crap Somalia is a anarchic state the pirates have more power than the gov't and the people align themselves with the pirates listen to China and lets bomb some pirates!!!! :sniper:
Indian government so soft, just feed those pirates for sharks. Who cares human rights for pirates!
nice dude ok then hire them on monthly pay basis so that they will not harm Indian citizens .... what a crap idea
dude you are talking about paying criminals ...... what you think after that deal will they never do it again?

We are already paying them in ransom money at least if we make contact with them and talk to them we can work out the problems.
a collective action by all nation (not UN peace mission)....invade Somalia.....seize arms...restore a government...protect it...make sure arms dont enter the country...effort to make improvement of the living standard by investing in infrastructure, education etc...
a collective action by all nation (not UN peace mission)....invade Somalia.....seize arms...restore a government...protect it...make sure arms dont enter the country...effort to make improvement of the living standard by investing in infrastructure, education etc...

I would rather spend my tax dollar on the upliftment of our people and the rest of it on a few more bullets for these pirates.

Cheaper and better.
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