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New Pirate Tactic: Hunt Indians

Pirates don't pick and choose who they hold at ransom. They take what they can capture. And frankly dealing with pirates/terrorists is the worst way to resolve a problem. There is barely any centralized leadership there.
A permanent solution would not be an arrangement with them. It's either deterrence, which seems to be failing, eventually leading to an offensive.

Actually the top people running this scam are big players and know very well what they are doing as this is big business for them, the actual pirates are just the pawns they use.


If India can cut a deal with the head guys it will save us alot of $$ and manpower and energy in the future.
Release the pirate, but before doing so inject every one with a slow poison that induces cancer in them.
I do not opt for extrem action, but what I see here is pain and suffering caused by tugs. if they do not have a job they can represent the UN to do some development and job opening for them in their nation with the help of rest of the world, but they opted for the easy way of hijacking ships.
Thief is thief. Laws could holding them but can not stop them, only way to stop them that sink them into the sea. I agree do not spend a peny taxpayers for those pirates.
no need to take pirates as prisoners sink them at sea and let the Ocean deal with them as for our captured sailors send a MARCO team into Somalia to rescue our sailors and that will solve our problems

The first part can be done but then the second part i think is not possible as it will lead to dearth of some indians but on a larger context we as a nation should start accepting some hard truths, giving someone ransom to release some is liking burying ur heads in sand and infact it attracts them to attack us even more. The real solution should be offensive and if some indian die in that way we should be ready to accept it with pride and not cry over it..
Why the heck in the world should we talk with these scum bags :hitwall:

just wipe them off from the sea and land :guns:

---------- Post added at 12:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:28 PM ----------

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
install antiship anti dingy guns on commercial ships even some cheap and basic anti ship missiles would do to make the pirates think twice before hijacking. better if the crews are armed with ak47s.
Why cant the IN mount an operation to end this?
If the ships can be rescued (if the MARCOS are all they are hyped up to be), India could further boost its "international player" image by striking at pirate hideouts... after all, with AAR.. the MKI's have that range.
Why cant the IN mount an operation to end this?
If the ships can be rescued (if the MARCOS are all they are hyped up to be), India could further boost its "international player" image by striking at pirate hideouts... after all, with AAR.. the MKI's have that range.
I have no idea. Although, I suppose if it were a more assertive government at the centre....it might be possible. The present administration is preoccupied with scandals, corruption and a beacon of sheer ineffectiveness.
Why is NATO not invading horn of Africa and bombing these towns of Pirates but seems very actives in Libya and weighing its options in Syria!
Why is NATO not invading horn of Africa and bombing these towns of Pirates but seems very actives in Libya and weighing its options in Syria!
The Arab league and even turkey are weighing their options for Syria. Which universe do you come from?
Why is NATO not invading horn of Africa and bombing these towns of Pirates but seems very actives in Libya and weighing its options in Syria!
Simple because they are not going to get Crude oil from Somalia.....or their Bosses in B.P,Shell and all other big oil and Petroleum companies are not ordering them
Simple because they not going to get Crude oil from Somalia.....

Apparently there is some potential for OIL near the border of North and south Sudan.. hmm.. partition??
Apparently there is some potential for OIL near the border of North and south Sudan.. hmm.. partition??
But sir there is no proven oil resrves their like Syria or Libya .....and untill any Chineese or Indian firm finds any oil field in Somalia....Somalia will remain Democratic country with no human right violation for them....
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