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Why our enemies targeted P3C Orion Aircrafts in attack on Mehran Naval Base

Just because we purchased the aircraft from the US does not give them the right to sabotage them! Its a deceitful world, nothing is as it seems.

The whole incident has US-Indian finger prints all over it, so what do you think we should do? let it go? Obviously the Pakistan Government cannot confront the US and tell them that CIA is involved, it has to work around the problem.

US supplying the aircraft and then destroying it ,has many implications, plausible deny-ability being one of them.

Some times I ponder whether Indians are really that dumb or they pose to be so innocent:rolleyes:

BTW, I don't rule out Indian hand in the incident either.
dear senior one thing which baffels me most is whenever im on this forum is that no matter what the topic is indo-us cnspiracy angle comes in ...?anyway what happened in mehran was sad but the bad news is not loss of P3C's but loss of innocent & brave souls & crimminal was the circus that followed so instead of pointig fingers at India or US kindly aknowledge the rot in your system & rectify before it hits your bigger intersts.thanks.
Whosoever was responsible..
The shameful thing is that 5, not 20, not 40.. FIVE.. men were able to hold a military base hostage for over 20 hours..
Killed multiple military personnel.. and caused a loss of millions of dollars.
Yet the Naval chief comes in the next day in his BMW 7 series(with the extra security options).. flag fluttering .. steps out in his pristine white uniform.. and looks around and leaves. Perhaps the money that went into the BMW might have bought a few more cameras.. more training. more fencing.

The Navy blamed the AF.. they blamed somebody else..
This is the ineptitude that has come over the Pakistani military.
It was lax security, put it in anyway, blame it on anybody, but at the end of the day, we were held hostage by some 5 or so people, in a Naval base. Poor security, and they were holed in there until the SSG came.
Just because we purchased the aircraft from the US does not give them the right to sabotage them! Its a deceitful world, nothing is as it seems.

The whole incident has US-Indian finger prints all over it, so what do you think we should do? let it go? Obviously the Pakistan Government cannot confront the US and tell them that CIA is involved, it has to work around the problem.

US supplying the aircraft and then destroying it ,has many implications, plausible deny-ability being one of them.

Some times I ponder whether Indians are really that dumb or they pose to be so innocent:rolleyes:

BTW, I don't rule out Indian hand in the incident either.

WOW :woot: first it was the states now its India too .

why look in your own backyard when you have so many others you can blame ... right???
WOW :woot: first it was the states now its India too .

why look in your own backyard when you have so many others you can blame ... right???
that attitude is hurting them but its the easiset thing to do so :hitwall:
america thinks ten times before giving any defence hardware to pakistan.......if they didnt want us to have these planes than they wouldnt give them to us in the first place....duh....so we can rule out USA......well now we have to see who would benefit with planes being destroyed....my guess is that INDIA was behind these attacks
dear senior one thing which baffels me most is whenever im on this forum is that no matter what the topic is indo-us cnspiracy angle comes in ...?anyway what happened in mehran was sad but the bad news is not loss of P3C's but loss of innocent & brave souls & crimminal was the circus that followed so instead of pointing fingers at India or US kindly aknowledge the rot in your system & rectify before it hits your bigger interests.thanks.

you're right, corruption in every echelon in our governance is the root cause, and as a nation we need to redress it on top priority basis. As Cicero put it, 'A nation can survive its fools and ambitious, but not its traitors'.

These traitors that are ruling us unfortunately are puppets of US of the worst kind, and are towing policies favorable to the US and India, InshaAllah we will get rid of them later if not sooner. Having said that, we are analyzing in this thread the factors that led to this attack and the internal and external elements involved. Therefore pointing fingers at India and the US are substantiated, backed by evidence. By no measure does it mean that we are not at fault, but India's heinous involvement in this dastardly attack is evident in terms of ground evidence, consequences, and Indian foreign policy history and its hegemonic behavior towards other smaller countries of this region. So, while you are indeed true that we need to rectify internal problems, they cannot be viewed or undertaken in isolation and have deep corelation with external actors and their nefarious agendas for Pakistan. Sorry, you cannot repudiate it as conspiracy, there's much more to the story that meet the eye.
that attitude is hurting them but its the easiset thing to do so :hitwall:

the same can be said about you guys when some terrorist piss all over Delhi for several days and all you can come up with are allegations of the most unfounded kind, then parade all over the world to sell your idiotic story and fail in garnering international support. At least our allegations make sense. Stop behaving like a college girl who whines about her cherry getting popped in the whole neighborhood. take a deep look at your own double standards, find out why Kukare was murdered and then come here to when you've failed tiem and again in your blame game and espousing Pakistan's involvements.
the same can be said about you guys when some terrorist piss all over Delhi for several days and all you can come up with are allegations of the most unfounded kind, then parade all over the world to sell your idiotic story and fail in garnering international support. At least our allegations make sense. Stop behaving like a college girl who whines about her cherry getting popped in the whole neighborhood. take a deep look at your own double standards, find out why Kukare was murdered and then come here to when you've failed tiem and again in your blame game and espousing Pakistan's involvements.

are you referring to the Mumbai attacks , which the world including the GOP has admitted emerged from Pakistan?
also stop rambling mate and try to learn to construct a decent sentence.
the same can be said about you guys when some terrorist piss all over Delhi for several days and all you can come up with are allegations of the most unfounded kind, then parade all over the world to sell your idiotic story and fail in garnering international support. At least our allegations make sense. Stop behaving like a college girl who whines about her cherry getting popped in the whole neighborhood. take a deep look at your own double standards, find out why Kukare was murdered and then come here to when you've failed tiem and again in your blame game and espousing Pakistan's involvements.
Seniorji with all deu respect that episode was a great blessing in disguise as all of the world started speaking our language and look at what a great image it created for you guys the world over & so think of it....?
are you referring to the Mumbai attacks , which the world including the GOP has admitted emerged from Pakistan?
also stop rambling mate and try to learn to construct a decent sentence.

Bingo! correct answer!, You're right, I lack in the English department, but that doesn't have anything to do with speaking the truth. Sorry, its gonna take more than than that to irritate or break me, if thats what you're trying to do.

---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:52 PM ----------

Why feeling bad??.. This attitude works very well for India...

not feeling bad, we will return the favor in an opportune time, don't worry freindly neighbor troll :sniper:
Seniorji with all deu respect that episode was a great blessing in disguise as all of the world started speaking our language and look at what a great image it created for you guys the world over & so think of it....?

right!! the only thing which is going in your favor for the evanescent phase is that ur just start pff with ur love affair with Uncle Sam... enjoy it while it lasts, btw you failed miserably in convincing the world your point of view in connection to Ahmal kasab.

And what do you mean by 'the world speaking your language??????' kindly elabotae junior munnaa :chilli:
Whosoever was responsible..
The shameful thing is that 5, not 20, not 40.. FIVE.. men were able to hold a military base hostage for over 20 hours..
Killed multiple military personnel.. and caused a loss of millions of dollars.
Yet the Naval chief comes in the next day in his BMW 7 series(with the extra security options).. flag fluttering .. steps out in his pristine white uniform.. and looks around and leaves. Perhaps the money that went into the BMW might have bought a few more cameras.. more training. more fencing.

The Navy blamed the AF.. they blamed somebody else..
This is the ineptitude that has come over the Pakistani military.

Well lack of Night vision visors and equipment for special ops - I mean our soldiers had no visors they had visors and sniper rifles and garrisoned building

Even if the buildings were operated by limited people but they had the strategic advantage

a) Safety in night
b) Building to protect them
c) Weapons
d) Vision in night

The tactic, mentality and look and feel of this "Project" was very similar to what happened in neighboring country

I checked some news articles where our Military requested Visors and Night vision for our usage and nothing specific was mentioned from other side.

I think if we really look at "Motives" - Beneficiaries from whole episode , I mean the Big picture I can only conclude

a) I mean Mumbai thing was done , just at the peak of Indian - Pakistani dialog
Would Indian then agree to pressurize Pakistan ? No how could USA get India to put pressure
on Pakistan's Eastern Front ? Of course if something nasty like Mumbai was orchestrated

out come : Pressure on East , USA forces Pakistan to use its military to go into FATA displace 3 million civilians

Who carried out the attack rouges - Money / Green cards / Political Help in their organization's cause/ Funded by Contractor

b) P3 Orion Navy Base :

Comes right after Abbottabad - who was planning to attack or invade Pakistan during that time - USA
I mean Obama has openly stated that intent many times , we just have shrugged off that intent
Who really benefits ? USA because they are the only nation interested in going into Pakistan to build a base

Who carried out the attacks well stated that it was some Anti Russian rouges ? Since when did Pakistan had problem with
Anti Russian rouges ?

Who carried out the attack rouges - Money / Green cards / Political Help in their organization's cause/ Funded by Contractor

I mean lets use , common sense , its after the "RAID" / operation in Abbotabad , our Nation let alone army was alert
There was checking all over streets , and checkpoints so few "Individuals" in the shadow of night using "Stealth" would come / land so close that all the check points were bypassed? Equipped with visors and vision equipment that even our own soldiers did not had ? We had to wait until morning

Its very interesting - how some of us , quickly don't consider similarities
a) Use of stealth obvious (not boat rowing , or swimming as it is suggested)
back then no one knew about the existence of a stealth helicopter
I mean how would they reach shore to shore in a night ?
b) Similarity in tactics
c) Looking at the beneficiary , behind the scene and immediate aftermath

Also is it just me of there are lately less Bombings in Pakistan since Pakistan kicked out CIA contractors :whistle: I mean I am not gonna suggest the obvious but "REALLY"
Our armed forces have night vision equipment.. even the paramilitary forces... but do keep in mind tht the base is very god damn big spread on 20+KM area with hundreds of rooms,areas n facilities .... which takes time to clear.
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