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Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean


Sep 5, 2011
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The Turkish Navy is planning to dispatch three frigates to the Eastern Mediterranean to ensure freedom of navigation and to confront Israeli warships if necessary, a Turkish news report said on Monday.The Turkish frigates, to be dispatched by the Navy's Southern Sea Area Command, will provide protection to civilian ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, blockaded by Israel since 2007, the Turkish daily Sabah reported. If the Turkish warships encounter an Israeli military ship outside Israel's 12-mile territorial waters, they will advance up to 100 meters close to the ship and disable its weapon system, in a confrontation that resembles dogfights in the Aegean Sea with Greek jet fighters, according to the report.

The report comes days after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that Turkish warships will escort civilian aid ships headed to Gaza to prevent a repetition of last year's Israeli raid on a Turkish-owned ship that killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American, setting the stage for a potential naval confrontation with its former ally.

Turkey announced a set of sanctions against Israel after it refused to apologize for the 2010 raid, expelling the Israeli ambassador and other senior diplomats and suspending military agreements with Israel. Turkey also promised to take measures to ensure freedom of navigation in the eastern Mediterranean.

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said Erdoğan's remarks were “harsh and serious,” but stressed that Israel was not interested in a war of words with its once-close ally. “Our silence is the best response. I hope this phenomenon will pass,” he said on Friday.

Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean
Yeh since last 2-3 days their are many threads going on. Mod should merge them all.
Simple!!! there will be no confrontation! everyone with an average IQ knows we will not go to war with Israel for Gaza or for any other reason
If all Muslim countries decide to go to War Turkey will have no other option it can't afford having problem with all Muslim Nations
Simple!!! there will be no confrontation! everyone with an average IQ knows we will not go to war with Israel for Gaza or for any other reason

He is putting Turkey in a position to look foolish. All Israel has to do is wait for the ships to enter territorial waters and board them with Turkish ships nearby unable to act.

What Israel needs to do next time is take the ships and cut them up or sell them off. Ship owners will not risk their ships then. Nor would they be able to get insurance coverage.
Recent polls show that up to 70 percent of Palestinians say they believe there will be a new intifada if the deadlock is not broken shortly; this should encourage Israel to seek peace with the moderate Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

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Erdogan: Israel's mentality is a barrier to Mideast peace

Turkish PM, speaking before Arab League meeting in Cairo, attacks Israeli government's policies, says recognition of Palestinian state is 'an obligation.'

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told a meeting of Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo on Tuesday that the mentality of the Israeli government serves as an obstacle to peace in the Middle East, and stressed the need for recognition of a Palestinian state.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a tour on the Egyptian border that "eventually common sense and logic prevail, both on our side and on the other side."

"The barrier to peace in the region is the mentality of the Israeli government," Erdogan said. "The people in Israel are under a blockade (by its government)."

He insisted that Turkey will not return to normal relations with Israel until it apologizes for the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid, compensates the families of the victims, and lifts the blockade of the Gaza Strip. Without directly mentioning Israel, Erdogan added that "every country must pay for the terror acts it carries out."

Erdogan also stressed that Turkey believes no country is above international law. "Turkey will take every possible step to ensure the freedom of movement in the eastern Mediterranean."

Moreover, the Turkish premier emphasized that the recognition of a Palestinian state was "not an option but an obligation."

The Turkish prime minister was visiting Egypt at the start of a North African tour aimed at cementing Turkey's standing in the region following the "Arab Spring" uprisings.

Erdogan: Israel's mentality is a barrier to Mideast peace - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

---------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 PM ----------

Erdoğan attacks Israel, seeks Arab support for Palestinian statehood

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, visiting Egypt at the start of a North Africa tour, reiterated criticism of Israel at an Arab League meeting and called on the Arab countries to support a Palestinian bid for recognition of statehood at UN General Assembly later this month.

“Our Palestinian brothers should be able to have their own state. Let's fly the Palestinian flag at the UN together,” he told a meeting of the 22-member Arab League.

Erdoğan also said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was a “matter of humanity” and added that the current status quo can no longer be maintained.

Israeli policies towards Palestinians have strained once-solid Turkish-Israeli ties. Tensions peaked when Israeli commandos killed eight Turks and one Turkish-American on an aid ship trying to break an Israeli blockade of Gaza, under way since 2007, in May 2010. Turkey announced earlier this month a set of measures against Israel, expelling the Israeli ambassador and suspending military agreements.

Ankara also vowed to take measures to ensure freedom of navigation in eastern Mediterranean, where last year's raid took place, and said it would seek a review of the Israeli blockade by the International Court of Justice.

Erdoğan said last week that Turkish military ships will escort civilian aid ships to prevent a repetition of the 2010 raid, setting the stage for a military confrontation with Israel.

In Cairo, Erdoğan said Israel continued taking steps that undermine its own legitimacy, noting that it killed nine Turks on the aid ship and five Egyptian soldiers at the border in August.

He reiterated that a UN report defending the Israeli blockade of Gaza as legal was “null and void” for Turkey and insisted that Turkey's relations with Israel will not return to normal unless Israel apologizes for the 2010 raid, pay compensation for families of the victims and lifts the blockade of Gaza.

“Turkey does not recognize the Gaza blockade,” Erdoğan said, reiterating that Turkey will take measures to ensure freedom of navigation in the eastern Mediterranean and vowed that Turkey will press for an International Court of Justice review of the blockade.

“States, just like individuals, have to pay the price for murders, for acts of terrorism they committed so that we can live in a more just world,” he said.

Recent polls show that up to 70 percent of Palestinians say they believe there will be a new intifada if the deadlock is not broken shortly; this should encourage Israel to seek peace with the moderate Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.

So long as Hamas is in control of Gaza there will never be peace.

Also whats up with your advertising a Video game gold website? It violates forum rules.
Its nice to think that Turkey is doing something for the Palestinians but I think its just politics and turks are just flexing their muscle. Going anti israel is always a popular move amongst muslim countries. But we must not forget that PLO in the past were given a lot more time by Greeks than Turks.

.The Turkish frigates, to be dispatched by the Navy's Southern Sea Area Command, will provide protection to civilian ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, blockaded by Israel since 2007, the Turkish daily Sabah reported. If the Turkish warships encounter an Israeli military ship outside Israel's 12-mile territorial waters, they will advance up to 100 meters close to the ship and disable its weapon system, in a confrontation that resembles dogfights in the Aegean Sea with Greek jet fighters, according to the report.

So stupid its laughable, Turkey plans to attack Isreali ships in international waters, yea right

Erdogan seems to have backed himself into an imposible corner and rather than back down he is willing to drag Turkey down with him.

BTW seem the blockade ended months ago.

10:34 a.m. PDT, May 28, 2011RAFAH, Gaza Strip (KTLA) -- Egypt's interim ruling council reopened the crossing on the Sinai-Gaza border Saturday, almost four years to the day since president Hosni Mubarak closed the gate between Egypt and the Gaza strip
I think Turkey is ready to teach the Israelis a lesson. The Israelis would be foolish to think Turkey will do nothing if a second confrontation were to occur. If the Turks did nothing, all of Erdogan's tough talk would tarnish the reputation of the country. I'm sure Nato is nervous about the situation as it could cause many problems.
So long as Hamas is in control of Gaza there will never be peace.

Also whats up with your advertising a Video game gold website? It violates forum rules.

I would say that we are unlikely to see peace in the middle east whilst israel exists is more appropriate
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