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Video shows army personnel shooting unarmed man in Kashmir.

It is just perspective ain't it ..for you it is WOT but for the other side it is holy Jihad to get your country free from the clutches of the 'evil' Americans .

Similarly in Kashmir ..it is freedom fighting for you guys but for us it is combating your trained and armed militant groups ..most of whom are even on UN terror list.

Even being less than decade old it has brought you down on knees and on verge of collapse ..where as we have been fighting your sponsored insurgencies for past 30 yrs first in Punjab and then in Kashmir and doing way better than you guys in all fields.

Ha Ha... I was wondering when the % economy rant will come.
By your account, all those observing Black day for the last sixty odd years must be on Pakistan's pay roll...... speaks volumes of our economy too ! wouldn't you agree. Since you are in oblivion, let me remind you there was no WOT before US invaded Afghanistan, hence your clutches conclusion is a bit far fetched. As for the rest, it's just an ooze of bankrupt thoughts and wishful thinkings.

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

Oh the senior clown. Humm.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: ;)
Oh the senior clown. Humm.

Bro!!you just get the answer (Thanks to liquid) and even you read army spokeperson clarification with video proof .
I think you should now stop trolling and go back to sleep ..
All of them r locals.... Genius...

Or is tht tht thousands of local kashmiris go to Pakistan get training come back and r buried in mass graves while these r watching ur border:

First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes' - Telegraph

Maybe thts why.

Yes genius the article is just quoting the infamous ( for all the BS it writes) Pakistani Daily Mail. The article even mentions RAW and other such lies. These women aren't prostitutes, the are brave daughters of their homeland. You people really will stoop to any level to discredit India just bease your country is going to $hit.
Ha Ha... I was wondering when the % economy rant will come.
By your account, all those observing Black day for the last sixty odd years must be on Pakistan's pay roll...... speaks volumes of our economy too ! wouldn't you agree. Since you are in oblivion, let me remind you there was no WOT before US invaded Afghanistan, hence your clutches conclusion is a bit far fetched. As for the rest, it's just an ooze of bankrupt thoughts and wishful thinkings.

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 PM ----------

:rofl::rofl::rofl: ;)

As i said US ,UK AND UN are against you.Let ,jaise e mohammed etc are all banned for their humanity and welfare towards world.Pakistan media is now also against LET ...:lol:
All of them r locals.... Genius...

Or is tht tht thousands of local kashmiris go to Pakistan get training come back and r buried in mass graves while these r watching ur border:

First female Indian troops 'are prostitutes' - Telegraph

Maybe thts why.
Original Post By Pakistani Nationalist

irony is that Pakistan is still not able to take away kashmir from postitues.

May be prostitutes are much better than them then i guess....
Just don't understand by what right pak members are crying out for the death of that guy becoz even if he's not a terrorist its completely the fault of pak as they were the ones who introduced terrorists in J/K and forced our army to join the battle .

---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

no we should not do it. feeding to dogs would be a better idea. at least they didnt do anything good when they were alive at least there dead body would feed someone.

Relax girl no need to fall in their category to counter them.:meeting:
Did you heard what those Jawans said ??
1st guy said -Ha!!nikaal usko,Then suddenly one guy said
''Pheche hat jaldi,iske haat mein grenade hai "
"Maar saale ko"

If you still ignoring those words then Allah hafiz...

---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ----------

What do you mean ID card ??You think there handlers are Idiots like you to let them go with their ID card hanging around their neck....What if he's from *** ???:rofl:

Just wait for sometime and then he'll also ask for their voter id card , ration and despencery card.

Now comming on topic were have you heard the word grenade in that video :rolleyes:
Wow , Indian member's "pride" over shooting an unarmed man is priceless !!
I didn't know India was packed with yobbos who can't differentiate between cowardice & professionalism.

Reast In peace.

carrying a grenade is considered unarmed in pakistan ?...some researcher you are .....
Then keep your mouth shut and don't say that he is a Pakistani militant since it is unestablished. :pop:

Fine then we will not call those terrorists pakistani but what what about rest of the world who call pak a terror state and safe heavens for all the terrorists. Will you ask them for proof too.:pop:
Where was the grenade, oh let me guess planted latter. Ok yes Godzilla says he was a terrorist, so we should all say that he was one.

no dracula says he was a jihadi, a freedom fighter..so he was one.....take a rest dude....it is our land....

You and your scum buddies hunt in packs like mad dogs on this thread.
Firstly he wouldn't we waiting to be found and shouting he would just blow it up. Secondly why would he put one arm out with the pin still in?
You are a bunch of peasants to put a video of someone being shot and secondly to forget the atrocities your army has been guilty of. I find it sad that anyone loses life indian or pakistani yet you thrive on it and stage a show of contentment.
Then you wonder why your country is so isolated. Guilty only when you have proof. Until then, innocent

our country is isolated...? and your country dictates terms to all..? what are you smoking....afghan weed ?
I guess we will ignore, The Red Corridor, Assam, Naga Land Etc. since this thread is about cold blooded killing of a Kashmiri.

ok so what planning to do next....? except whining on pdf ?

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------

Ok my question still stands. I have a poor eye site so help me guys you indians are good at IT editing and all the other stuff. Please some one post the picture of a grenade from the damn video so I can agree with yall.

you dont need to agree dude....we give a damn if you agree or not....if the indian army thinks some one has a grenade he will be shot...there is nothing, absolutely nothing you or your country can do about it..and yes you dont need to agree with it....

Death to the occupation of IOK.

ok LOL...
Fine then we will not call those terrorists pakistani but what what about rest of the world who call pak a terror state and safe heavens for all the terrorists. Will you ask them for proof too.:pop:

Rest of the world isn't your problem. If you have some solid proof that this alleged militant was citizen of Pakistan so definitely call him Pakistani militant, if you don't have the proof which is obvious in this case, quit the rant is the option for you.

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