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India to give $2bn to fund bailouts in Europe

been following your post a lot mate and i agree with quiet a few. but you must learn not to resort to calling people dogs or using profanity in your posts . use sensible arguments . using bad language just makes people feel you are ranting .

I mean no offense to any members here. You need to understand what nonsense is going on in my part of India thanks to our wonderful government (this one in particular). Here people live like sages and there is gross insecurity vis a vis economy and even national security. Military here is not allowed to retaliate, any gunfight is silenced by the central government and even the deaths of the fight are not disclosed.

I will not say this too openly lest I am a target of this government but trust me; there are a lot of things you guys from north, west and south India don't know going on in east. It is not a taunt but a genuine fact. Most bad things here in eastern India are due to pathetic politics of central government.

To rise to a global power status, there are both SOFT and HARD methods to do. Just doing one of them will not get us into a status power but make us a cash cow for the entire world. Remember that. This lop-sided government's obsession with everything soft is not good or healthy for our country.

The reason China is respected around the world and feared at the same time is because they do what they got to do at the right time and right place; meaning they don't hesitate to go using brute force where they have to and be soft where they have to. There is BALANCE. We on the other hand are NOT balanced. Our policies are weak, skewed and myopic.

Hence even tiny over-populated failed states are able to make fun of us. This is why getting to world power goal is getting tough for our country. You see, world power status is to be encouraged in the part of the world that is emerging rather than a part of the world that is dying and is soon to vanish.
I suspect this was India's way of telling the Europeans that your days of running the IMF are over. Time to let the BRIC takeover.
Is $ 2 billion going to save their necks? No. Do you know how many times more money France and Germany have poured into this crisis? At least 50 times more money than this. And still EU is not recovering. It CANNOT recover. It is in total disarray as their markets and economies have come to stagnation. Had we rather bought weapons from them worth $2 billion extra, or maybe invested this in one of our African friendly countries' mines, we would have reaped rich dividends in the following years.

It is pathetic that our country has been reduced to the status of a backup for European disasters by the dogs who were once licking European shoes.... I am shocked how you find it that it would backfire on us.

Oh and it is NOT global crisis... it is European crisis.

2 Billion $ is nothing ... Its a toffee .. it must be 200 Billion $ if India want to help in Bailout
I suspect this was India's way of telling the Europeans that your days of running the IMF are over. Time to let the BRIC takeover.

hmm may be you are right.

i also suspect appointment of a woman as IMF chief was due to pressure from BRIC as they dont want a white man again as chief.
2 Billion $ is nothing ... Its a toffee .. it must be 200 Billion $ if India want to help in Bailout

even that would not bail out the european countries from the mess they r in..But i guess this is a good will gesture which India will cash in some other way from small European countries..
good gesture from india! but 2 billion i am afraid will fix nothing! besides it is not AID it is a loan!! that europe will need to pay back!! india will is surely investing well its as safe as investing in US TREASURIES or Bonds!
hmm may be you are right.

i also suspect appointment of a woman as IMF chief was due to pressure from BRIC as they dont want a white man again as chief.

Not really. This time around BRIC didnot have a suitable candidate.Hence they did not oppose Lagarde's selection. But still she had to go to every country and try and garner support. But this definitely seems to be a statement.
Not really. This time around BRIC didnot have a suitable candidate.Hence they did not oppose Lagarde's selection. But still she had to go to every country and try and garner support. But this definitely seems to be a statement.

We need to find a common candidate in BRICS for this. It is time we better get our acts together. The most likely candidates that we can consider (assuming that there is no bickering between us and the Chinese) would be a Russian candidate that is independent of any western control which all the BRICS nations would easily agree on (Even Brazil looking at its relatively more independent stand).
We need to find a common candidate in BRICS for this. It is time we better get our acts together. The most likely candidates that we can consider (assuming that there is no bickering between us and the Chinese) would be a Russian candidate that is independent of any western control which all the BRICS nations would easily agree on (Even Brazil looking at its relatively more independent stand).

To be honest, only India and China hold strong bargaining power within BRIC. This time around the strongest candidate looking for BRIC support was the Mexican candidate (And Mexico isn't even a BRIC nation.) Russia may be a diplomatically well placed, but their economists are no match for Indian and Chinese ones. With $1 trillion USD bonds,China may even nudge the USA to relinquish the World Bank presidency.
Make no mistake about it, despite the smoldering border disputes, India and China do regularly become allies to corner the developed nations at the IMF and WTO.
was kinda busy with admissions. how r u? ??

good man am in Hyderabad as i am taking over a new team in our company. so enjoying a few days of dry weather before i go home to a rainy Mumbai .
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