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India to give $2bn to fund bailouts in Europe

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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India to give $2bn to fund bailouts in Europe - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: India is set to fund bailouts in financially-stricken Europe, marking a dramatic role reversal from 20 years ago when it went knocking on the doors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to avert a balance of payments crisis.

The government on Tuesday sought parliamentary approval to provide over Rs 9,003 crore (over $2 billion) in loans to the multilateral agency's New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB), a fund whose corpus was raised to over $500 billion in March when the debt crisis in Europe showed no signs of abating.

So, from Greece, which has received $300 billion so far, to Portugal's $100 billion bailout, India could be playing a part in the international rescue operations.There are already suggestions that more funding would be required from the European Union as well as multilateral bodies.

Over the past two years, amid increased stress in the global economy, the IMF has been pressed into service on several occasions and has financed bailouts in European countries facing a crisis due to high levels of debt.

The 10-fold rise in the NAB corpus was the result of the new global financing order created by G20, a group of the world's most powerful economies, in the post-financial crisis era. Along with the jump in corpus, membership to the elite club of NAB contributors was also expanded to include 13 emerging economies, which included India.

"The NAB is the facility of first and principal recourse in circumstances in which the IMF needs to supplement its quota resources," the agency said on its website.
How amusing the way the roles switched, good for India, this news is something to gloat about.

To gloat would not be in order. Just that we asians are adept at saving so there is money to spare & earn goodwill .

India is financially sound. Even when the Tsunami struck aid was refused by India.

If only India could sort out its internal financial management & reduce ( eradication is not possible) its corruption things would look up within too.
Excellent news. Our country should help in such economical crisis if we can.
sir what about your 350 million poor who live on less than $1 per day...who will feed them?...israel?:azn:

We have enough money to feed them. Our poverty is decreasing and not increasing like your own country. Don't worry, Look your own country. Jealousy we earned - We are giving help and you are taking. :azn:
No you can't. The economic crisis is a system problem. money from any country will seems tiny little fund...far from enough to fill up the huge hole which seems like has no bottom. Besides, even you have that massive fund to be on loan to them, Who can make sure that you can get them back ?

So, I mean you may remove their pain for one minute but you can not cure them, No country on earth can.
No you can't. The economic crisis is a system problem. money from any country will seems tiny little fund...far from enough to fill up the huge hole which seems like has no bottom. Besides, even you have that massive fund to be on loan to them, Who can make sure that you can get them back ?

So, I mean you may remove their pain for one minute but you can not cure them, No country on earth can.

Yes that's true. we are just doing our bit :angel:
But, maybe you guys should consider more of your own instruction of facilities demesticaly as well as boost your people's live standard level. Not tring to get a windy " global role".

Weak country never has global role except been a derided mockery. Appears wealthy but Inherently poor. Be real.

People always can find a way out, they will. Need time......
But, maybe you guys should consider more of your own instruction of facilities demesticaly as well as boost your people's live standard level. Not tring to get a windy " global role".

Weak country never has global role except been a derided mockery. Inherently poor but appears wealthy.

People always can find out a way out, belive they can find it out.

$2 Billion is merely a token of goodwill gesture.
Besides , its a loan ,not aid
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