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Iran nuclear scientist assassinated in Tehran

AP Exclusive: Shot Iranian said to be nuke expert

Associated Press
Published: Thursday, Jul. 28, 2011 - 7:41 am
Last Modified: Thursday, Jul. 28, 2011 - 9:22 am
VIENNA -- A man shot dead on a Tehran street by motorcycle-riding gunmen last weekend was a scientist involved in suspected Iranian attempts to make nuclear weapons and not a student as officially claimed, a foreign government official and a former U.N. nuclear inspector have told The Associated Press.

The man was shot Saturday by a pair of gunmen firing from motorcycles in an attack similar to recent assassinations of two nuclear scientists that Iran blames on the United States and Israel. State-run media initially identified him as Darioush Rezaei, a physics professor and expert in neutron transport, but backtracked within hours, with officials subsequently naming him as Darioush Rezaeinejad, an electronics student.

An official - from a member nation of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency - verified that the victim was named Darioush Rezaeinejad, but said he participated in developing high-voltage switches, a key component in setting off the explosions needed to trigger a nuclear warhead. An abstract seen by the AP and bearing the name Darioush Rezaeinejad as a co-author appears to back that claim.

AP Exclusive: Shot Iranian said to be nuke expert - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
Nothing is concrete, no one knows when Israel will attack and how.
The element of surprise is crucial.

i thoguht it was israeli DEFENCE force, and not israeli attack force. why are you going to attack iran anyway.
i thoguht it was israeli DEFENCE force, and not israeli attack force. why are you going to attack iran anyway.

Because of people like the person above my post. Because Iran not only vowed many times to destroy Israel but funded and still funds Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria`s Assad regime.
The IDF defends the country, doesn`t wait for it to be destroyed.
If you say so. What about those millions that went to the streets to demand the end of tyranny? Were those not Iranian people?

what do those two have to do with anything?
My own cousins were in the streets day and night during the protests. If I wasn't a broke univ student I would have gone as well just to be apart of it. The nuke program is popular among every part of the Iranian society however. There are countless polls done by both Iran and Western countries that attest to the fact. More than 90 percent of the ppl support it.

How the fvck anybody can connect those two things is beyond me lol
Because of people like the person above my post. Because Iran not only vowed many times to destroy Israel but funded and still funds Hezbollah, Hamas and Syria`s Assad regime.
The IDF defends the country, doesn`t wait for it to be destroyed.

lmao because of ppl like us?
I'm not muslim
Iranzamin is anti regime and I'm not sure if he's muslim
Persiangod I also don't know but he's also anti-regime

I've never seen a person barf so much on the cyber space. You better stop it, it's starting to stink.
Nah, these guys playing this game for the last ten years.

the thing is, they knew that they didn't have the airforce needed to even scratch Iran. On the surface you look at the list of jets and think they have a much better airforce than Iran, and that's true, but how do you compensate for the distance? They would need 2 support planes for every fighter. They would have to refuel at least 3 times (they would have to slow down over Iranian airspace to refuel making them super vulnerable) and they would need hundreds of jets to take out just half the targets (the distance between the Bushehr reactor in Southern Iran and the research facilities in Northern Iran is the same distance as Iran to Israel itself). It was down right impossible. They wanted to push the Americans into a war and this is looking more and more unlikely. The US today is on the verge of having its credit rating down graded. They can't even pay their interests anymore without having a fiasco in Washington. The dollar is tanking (a few years ago I used to get .7 american dollars for my canadian buck but now I'm getting 1.06 and rising. By next month it'll probably be 1.10 at min).
Majority of Iranians support Iranian nuclear program, our problem with the government is the lack of freedom but when it comes to our nuclear program, we would even want our country to have a nuclear weapon.

Brilliant! years ago Iranians strongly oppose that they building nucler weapons and saying that this is against Islam and they dont have a need in nuclear weapons :yahoo: and now you do want it and you do building it, Israel will not let it to happen.

Can you see the parallels?
Sabotage of reactor core in France-Stuxnet
assassination of Yahya El Mashad- Assasinations of Iranian scientists
Operation Opera- :D ?
Brilliant! years ago Iranians strongly oppose that they building nucler weapons and saying that this is against Islam and they dont have a need in nuclear weapons :yahoo: and now you do want it and you do building it, Israel will not let it to happen.

Can you see the parallels?
Sabotage of reactor core in France-Stuxnet
assassination of Yahya El Mashad- Assasinations of Iranian scientists
Operation Opera- :D ?
the last part of your post shows the forum why you're talking out of your back side.
Stuxnet hit Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant. It was a light water nuclear reactor that wasn't even connected to the grid yet. Even if it was, there is only one use for a light water reactor, and that's to make electricity. You could technically take the waste produced by the reactor and recycle it for weapons. That technology however is not smtg Iran has been after and I don't think we even are going to recycle the waste produced by our reactors. Even if we were, it would be extremely inefficient and purely for environmental reasons.

If the Iranian regime is after weapons, then they are going after a uranium bomb. The Natanz enrichment facilitiy and the upcoming Fordo facility in the North have centrifuges churning out enriched uranium 24/7. We already have enough enriched uranium for multiple nukes (as stated by the US and Israeli govts). Technically, we are a screw away from a nuke. If we pull out of the NPT, we could have a functioning bomb within weeks.

you need to do some more research before gloating over assasination of a 35 year old father and husband who didn't even hold a master's degree! <<< according to you, this guy was key to Iran's nuke program lmao

btw, most Iranians on this site are nationalists and non-muslims. We are actually more in favor of nuke weapons than muslim Iranians. Hardcore muslim Iranians actually see it as haram and they are against it. Even in the Iran-Iraq war Iranian mullahs banned the use of chemical weapons and when Saddam used it on Iran, they didn't allow the military to even consider the option.

you need to know your enemy better my friend.
the last part of your post shows the forum why you're talking out of your back side.
Stuxnet hit Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant. It was a light water nuclear reactor that wasn't even connected to the grid yet. Even if it was, there is only one use for a light water reactor, and that's to make electricity. You could technically take the waste produced by the reactor and recycle it for weapons. That technology however is not smtg Iran has been after and I don't think we even are going to recycle the waste produced by our reactors. Even if we were, it would be extremely inefficient and purely for environmental reasons.

If the Iranian regime is after weapons, then they are going after a uranium bomb. The Natanz enrichment facilitiy and the upcoming Fordo facility in the North have centrifuges churning out enriched uranium 24/7. We already have enough enriched uranium for multiple nukes (as stated by the US and Israeli govts). Technically, we are a screw away from a nuke. If we pull out of the NPT, we could have a functioning bomb within weeks.

you need to do some more research before gloating over assasination of a 35 year old father and husband who didn't even hold a master's degree! <<< according to you, this guy was key to Iran's nuke program lmao

btw, most Iranians on this site are nationalists and non-muslims. We are actually more in favor of nuke weapons than muslim Iranians. Hardcore muslim Iranians actually see it as haram and they are against it. Even in the Iran-Iraq war Iranian mullahs banned the use of chemical weapons and when Saddam used it on Iran, they didn't allow the military to even consider the option.

you need to know your enemy better my friend.

Whats with you and back sides? If you are homosexual, please go right ahead and say so, i won`t judge.
Some Muslims here might but hey, you can charm them with your wits.
I stopped trying reason with you but hell you are amusing.

if muslims in iran says that they dont want nukes, why is ayatollah letting the government do this kind of stuff? is it a different muslims ideology?

if muslims in iran says that they dont want nukes, why is ayatollah letting the government do this kind of stuff? is it a different muslims ideology?

Iran's leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has actually issued a fatwah against nuclear weapons and has called it haram. The Ayatollahs and mullahs are also THE government and rulers of Iran.

"Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a fatwa saying the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons was forbidden under Islam. The fatwa was cited in an official statement by the Iranian government at an August 2005 meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

Iran's nuclear program has been a subject of international debate for decades. The Iranian government claims the purpose of its nuclear development is to produce electricity, while some western countries accuse it of trying to create nuclear weapons."

There are three ways of looking at this Iranian nuclear program

1) They are lying out of their teeth and are just buying time (Israeli view).
  • unlikely because in the 80's, they issued the same fatwa against chemical weapons and when saddam used chem weapons, they refused to answer in kind.

2) They are trying to make electricity as they say (the Iranian govt view).
  • Unlikely because then there would be no need for such a large ballistic missile program. Ballistic missiles are mainly for transporting nukes.

3) They are trying to stockpile heavily enriched uranium and get the know how for a nuke but not build one (like Japan) so that if they are pushed into a corner they could put all the pieces together and have a functioning weapon within weeks (my view, and the view of large portion of Iran). If the West knows that Iran has enough enriched uranium for multiple bombs and it also has the know how, it won't bother messing with Iran. At the same time, the mullahs can come out and say we don't have nuclear weapons.
  • They won't test a nuke nor will they ever come out and say we are after nuclear weapons. They will stockpile as much enriched uranium as they can and get the know how to build nukes.
Whats with you and back sides? If you are homosexual, please go right ahead and say so, i won`t judge.
Some Muslims here might but hey, you can charm them with your wits.
I stopped trying reason with you but hell you are amusing.

nope, not a homo. But my uncle has this fat brother in law that is a homo. His name is Abbas. Send me a PM if you're intereted.

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