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Sino-Indian Experts not fazed by US call for India to 'lead' Asia


Jun 15, 2011
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US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged India on Wednesday to be more assertive in Asia, saying the country should play more of a leadership role. "India's leadership has the potential to positively shape the future of the Asia-Pacific... and we encourage you not just to look east,US will continue to press Pakistan on 26/11, says Clinton but continue to engage and act east as well," she said in Chennai.
Clinton said India should play a role as a US ally in regional forums such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and a planned East Asia Summit later this year.

New Delhi could also help promote trade links in violence-wracked South Asia, which would bring prosperity and peace to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Clinton said.

"This is not a time when any of us can afford to look inward at the expense of looking outward," she added. "This is a time to seize the emerging opportunities of the 21st century. This is a time to lead."

Clinton's encouragement for India reflects US policy of promoting the country as a potential counter-balance to an increasingly assertive China in Asia.

As well as praise and advocacy for India, Clinton returned to the issue of New Delhi's stance on human rights abuses in Asia, which was also highlighted by US President Barack Obama in his visit to the country last year.

"As India takes on a larger role throughout the Asia-Pacific, it is also taking on new responsibilities including the duty to speak out against violations of universal human rights," she said.

Obama chided India for failing to criticise the record of military-run Myanmar.
Clinton urges India to be more assertive in Asia - Hindustan Times
The US are asking for a lot but not giving us enough in return.
I don't care what US asks. I am more concerned with the fact that someone has to ask and we can't take an initiative.

we tend to be an introvert in our external polices . so not surprising .
Is there any hidden meaning in her such advice esp towards INDIA like look East & etc
I don't care what US asks. I am more concerned with the fact that someone has to ask and we can't take an initiative.

This is the issue of having numbnuts in command at the center. They are busy with screwing people internally with scam by scam.I even doubt if they are justifying their own portfolio.SM krishna for eg: cut short his carribean tour when YSR heli gone missing. I see no relevance in that that a foreign minister cutting short his scheduled visits just for the sake of a corrupt politician.

For send more agressive signals outwards, we first need to clean the mess inside. This goes along with a age old saying that," First win at home, then take it to the society".

With the current gov in power and getting involved itself in numerous scams, I hightly doubt that their agressiveness and outward looking will be any credible.

what all we have in the central gov are peace nicks and half-indians and corrupted vutltures.With these people in power, Indian nationals cant even have a day without an incident,and forget the agressive guesture to external societies.......

Just my 2 cents.

Is there any hidden meaning in her such advice esp towards INDIA like look East & etc
That is quiet obvious in what we are looking at. All she meant is show some balls to china and pakistan,given the current volatile situation in west pacific ocean.
First MMS should be more assertive in Congress !! Being assertive in Asia only BJP can do !
this old whore is turning evil...:coffee:

but yes, Americans tend to think they are smarter than others.
The US are asking for a lot but not giving us enough in return.

why should it ever give us anything, they can demand what they want but we know what is best for the region and we are not going to follow or work for someones ambition. It is in the best interest of India and its people to bring peace to the region. We do not want leadership role but we want a role where every other asian nation can be a part for active development. it should be like Knighthood where every one has the right to say what can be done to the improvement of the region and not like a chain of command with other neighbours
She's right you know......we need to be more assertive. Now that the US is explicitly backing us. Man, i got no trust issues....i mean, we already have a HUGE relationship with Israel on almost every front.
I recall a time when she asked Pakistan to be more assertive in its attacks on the taliban. Shortly thereafter the Americans started intensifying their drone bomb attacks on the Pakistanis. Heaven help us. Now she wants us to be more assertive on something :undecided:
Americans have realized that they are a fading power and they need a strong ally in Asia to do their bidding, and India fits the bill. India's foreign policy has mostly been non-alignment and least interference in world affairs. But whenever there has been a situation presented and national interests are directly affected, India has been assertive (e.g Bangladesh 1971). We will see Indians asserting themselves more in the next decade, on the back of a larger military capability and a successful economy. Till then India will have to do what China has done over the last two decades - stay low and work hard.

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