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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

Hitler threatened entire peoples, regardless of their deeds collectively or as individuals. Ptex is boasting of Israel's skill at killing criminals. What are the main differences between them? The justice of the Israeli cause and the deaths of thirty million people in WWII. So why aren't you ashamed?

It was Nazi Germany who carried out the Holocaust. Not Arabs or Muslims.
It was Nazi Germany who carried out the Holocaust. Not Arabs or Muslims.

Muslims were part of Nazi military. Bosnian Muslims slaughtered 90% of Bosnian Jews. The Mufti of Jerusalem at the time warmly welcomed Hitler, calling Jews the scorch of the world, and Humanity`s greatest enemy.


The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated. After the war, Husseini fled to Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received. The Mufti used funds received earlier from the Hilter regime to finance the Nazi-inspired Arab Liberation Army that terrorized Jews in Palestine.

A staunch antisemite[3] al-Husseini was widely reported to have encouraged his followers to "kill the Jews wherever you find them".[4] During World War II, he collaborated with Nazi Germany[5] and Fascist Italy, meeting Adolf Hitler[6] and Benito Mussolini in 1941.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muslims were part of Nazi military. Bosnian Muslims slaughtered 90% of Bosnian Jews. The Mufti of Jerusalem at the time warmly welcomed Hitler, calling Jews the scorch of the world, and Humanity`s greatest enemy.


The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated. After the war, Husseini fled to Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received. The Mufti used funds received earlier from the Hilter regime to finance the Nazi-inspired Arab Liberation Army that terrorized Jews in Palestine.

And what do those prove in the context of today?

A lot Muslims fought for the Allies as well. Remember the British Indian Army? Many Muslims there.

And Muslims certainly did not call the shots for WWII. The Axis powers, USA and Commonwealth did. I don't recall any holocaust in the Middle East during WWII, even though it was a sure battleground.
And what do those prove in the context of today?

A lot Muslims fought for the Allies as well. Remember the British Indian Army? Many Muslims there.

And Muslims certainly did not call the shots for WWII. The Axis powers, USA and Commonwealth did. I don't recall any holocaust in the Middle East during WWII, even though it was a sure battleground.

You said that Nazi Germany committed the holocaust but Muslims were a part of Nazi Germany.
I added how the Mufti of Jerusalem convinced thousands of Muslims to join the SS and how Bosnian Muslims slaughtered Jews.

That being said, Turkish Muslims saved Jews and other Muslims as well.
Well, that really depends if the Indian government wants to learn from us. ;)
These guys know best.

Urban counter-terrorism and warfare. That's our weak-point as you would have obviously gauged from what happened in Mumbai 3 years back. Mountains, deserts, beaches, ship decks, snow, jungles... we can take them all, but a mini-war in the midst of a crowded metropolitan is something we've never done before as elaborately as you lot have done for years. That is one crucial knowledge we lack compared to what Sayaret Matkal or S-13 knows.

Yeah, Islam neither tells its followers to go into blindly into battle unprepared. Apparently, the Arabs fell asleep during Soviet sponsored tank lectures. Result - two damaged Israeli Centurions destroying an entire Syrian armored division. They were terrible in air warfare as well. Only a band of PAF pilots actually did well - with no losses.

Then how can your be left with any credibility of calling Jews or any other non-Muslims as discriminative if a full religious edict in your religion explicitly mentions an entire community for warfare purposes? Isn't that kind of negating your own reputation in a way? For example, no other religion whether organized or philosophical, mentions Muslims as antagonists explicitly and collectively contrary to this.

Coming to what Arabs did in Soviet tank lectures, it is simply not possible to adopt entire strategies even if Arabs were all ears to what Russians were saying as Russian war tactics especially in USSR days were very different. They had the earth's largest army and around 40,000 tanks. You know what that means? No sane country could stand a chance against USSR head on no matter what they tried. Hence Arabs even if all ears, could have gained only little in terms of application against Israel.

Israel's specialty in warfare is its unrivaled aerial supremacy--the way they conduct aerial warfare, no one not even the US does it. Single-handedly decimating entire air forces is a feat hardly anyone else has done that too with such pin-point precision. They have the highest clocked hours of training and that too one hell of a training regime-- and it shows. Naturally Arabs stood no chance despite greater numbers and equally capable jets as Israelis. PAF pilots stood a chance at that time because they were far more trained and grilled than Arabs. They were quite effective in those days, I will not deny that.

Although, I can honestly say that a lot of wrong-doing has been done on part of the Arab leadership - both politically and military. Much of it couldn't come to terms even today. They don't think about the consequences of the key decisions they make. The kind of thoughtlessness on part of the Arab leadership just gives the Israelis more reasons to go about its usual practices today - i.e. building of Jewish settlements.

The thing is, Arabs don't know how to tackle a rival neighbor without going all bruhaah on them and getting beaten to pulp. There are other ways to engage Israelis. I don't see what is wrong with their settlements though; it is their country. How does that make it wrong? :what:

The State of Israel exists - understandable. But considering that there is no recognition of a Palestinian state on part of the Israeli leadership, along with their powerful backers in the US, what will happen to the Palestinian (Arab) inhabitants in the Holy Land?

Quite the contrary. Tell me how many Arab countries recognize Israel? Or for that matter Islamic countries? Even someone as far as Malaysia (who has literally no connection to Israel) has a travel restriction and zero relationship with Israel. When there is such a coordinated hatred against Israelis that too from a religious aspect, then what do you expect Israelis to do? Israel was ready to accept the suggestion, Arafat backed off and Hamas and Fatah cannot make up their minds. What can Israel do in such a situation? Lay down their arms and submit to their neighbors?

Are they supposed to just blend in Israel? That's not going to happen, because Israel will no longer be a Jewish state. So the question is - what will happen to the Palestinians? What about the Palestinian refugee issue?

The same what happened to Jews in Muslim countries till they performed the Aaliyah-- or for that matter any non-Muslim communities in Muslim conquered lands. I don't want to digress from the topic but if you care to look at Zoroastrian community, at Buddhists, mainstream Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan, Jews of Middle East (Yemeni) etc. you'll get your answer for Palestine. They can easily blend into any of their ethnic Arab countries as they have enough landmass as well as common culture and religion. How much land space does Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Libya, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco etc have? Dozens of times more than Israel's.

By not accepting Palestinians into their countries and letting them suffer, Arab rulers are simply proving that they are using Palestinians as a tool for their rivalry against Israel-- not for the greater and genuine will to help Palestinians.

Oh and by the way, Iran does have a considerable Jewish population, not too many shenanigans there - although I am not a great fan of the current Iranian regime.

The same Jews for whom Israel approached us as a mediating ground so that they could migrate to Israel through India since Iran and Israel are not really chummies if you get my idea. Yeah well there are a lot of Muslims in Israel as well despite its tiny population. What are you trying to say? Israel is a Muslim-free only Jewish country? I don't think so.

The adviser to the Moroccan king is Jewish.

So? Israel has a million Muslim Arabs as its population in the total tiny population of 8 million. What does a symbolic adviser prove? :what:
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Urban counter-terrorism and warfare. That's our weak-point as you would have obviously gauged from what happened in Mumbai 3 years back. Mountains, deserts, beaches, ship decks, snow, jungles... we can take them all, but a mini-war in the midst of a crowded metropolitan is something we've never done before as elaborately as you lot have done for years. That is one crucial knowledge we lack compared to what Sayaret Matkal or S-13 knows.

Then how can your be left with any credibility of calling Jews or any other non-Muslims as discriminative if a full religious edict in your religion explicitly mentions an entire community for warfare purposes? Isn't that kind of negating your own reputation in a way? For example, no other religion whether organized or philosophical, mentions Muslims as antagonists explicitly and collectively contrary to this.

Coming to what Arabs did in Soviet tank lectures, it is simply not possible to adopt entire strategies even if Arabs were all ears to what Russians were saying as Russian war tactics especially in USSR days were very different. They had the earth's largest army and around 40,000 tanks. You know what that means? No sane country could stand a chance against USSR head on no matter what they tried. Hence Arabs even if all ears, could have gained only little in terms of application against Israel.

Israel's specialty in warfare is its unrivaled aerial supremacy--the way they conduct aerial warfare, no one not even the US does it. Single-handedly decimating entire air forces is a feat hardly anyone else has done that too with such pin-point precision. They have the highest clocked hours of training and that too one hell of a training regime-- and it shows. Naturally Arabs stood no chance despite greater numbers and equally capable jets as Israelis. PAF pilots stood a chance at that time because they were far more trained and grilled than Arabs. They were quite effective in those days, I will not deny that.

The thing is, Arabs don't know how to tackle a rival neighbor without going all bruhaah on them and getting beaten to pulp. There are other ways to engage Israelis. I don't see what is wrong with their settlements though; it is their country. How does that make it wrong? :what:

Quite the contrary. Tell me how many Arab countries recognize Israel? Or for that matter Islamic countries? Even someone as far as Malaysia (who has literally no connection to Israel) has a travel restriction and zero relationship with Israel. When there is such a coordinated hatred against Israelis that too from a religious aspect, then what do you expect Israelis to do? Israel was ready to accept the suggestion, Arafat backed off and Hamas and Fatah cannot make up their minds. What can Israel do in such a situation? Lay down their arms and submit to their neighbors?

The same what happened to Jews in Muslim countries till they performed the Aaliyah-- or for that matter any non-Muslim communities in Muslim conquered lands. I don't want to digress from the topic but if you care to look at Zoroastrian community, at Buddhists, mainstream Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan, Jews of Middle East (Yemeni) etc. you'll get your answer for Palestine. They can easily blend into any of their ethnic Arab countries as they have enough landmass as well as common culture and religion. How much land space does Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Libya, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco etc have? Dozens of times more than Israel's.

By not accepting Palestinians into their countries and letting them suffer, Arab rulers are simply proving that they are using Palestinians as a tool for their rivalry against Israel-- not for the greater and genuine will to help Palestinians.

Oh and by the way, Iran does have a considerable Jewish population, not too many shenanigans there - although I am not a great fan of the current Iranian regime.

The same Jews for whom Israel approached us as a mediating ground so that they could migrate to Israel through India since Iran and Israel are not really chummies if you get my idea. Yeah well there are a lot of Muslims in Israel as well despite its tiny population. What are you trying to say? Israel is a Muslim-free only Jewish country? I don't think so.

So? Israel has a million Muslim Arabs as its population in the total tiny population of 8 million. What does a symbolic adviser prove? :what:

I do not take lightly the amount of hate towards Arabs here. The Arabs on the 1967 war were caught off guard and unprepared for a war since they contrary to Israeli propaganda did not want to go to war at the time. They were in a case of routing so naturally there would be many losses they destroyed the entire air capabilities and started throwing napalm on fleeing soldiers yeah that is very heroic aint it???

And no It is not their country the settlement building in Palastenian land will not be tolerated at all and it is a clear act of oppression and invasion. the entire Israeli state is invasion of european jews to a country they moved out of thousands of years ago.

We will never recognize someone who just traveled to our land and settled there it is like saying you have to accept Pakistanis flooding illegally into Mumbai because simply they are there now and should be given a country.

We will not give Palastenian citizenship in our country not to let them suffer but because we learned what happened when jordan gave them citizenship very well. Palastenians are treated in KSA better than KSA citizens themselves by the way.
The Arabs on the 1967 war were caught off guard and unprepared for a war since they contrary to Israeli propaganda did not want to go to war at the time.
Either you are ignorant of the facts or you are knowingly propagating falsehoods. Why should anyone listen to your opinion on this matter, then?
Either you are ignorant of the facts or you are knowingly propagating falsehoods. Why should anyone listen to your opinion on this matter, then?

The Egyptians were pre-oocupied with the war against Saudi Arabia at the time (supporting northern yemen) it could not possibly sustain a war with Israel
Then how can your be left with any credibility of calling Jews or any other non-Muslims as discriminative if a full religious edict in your religion explicitly mentions an entire community for warfare purposes? Isn't that kind of negating your own reputation in a way? For example, no other religion whether organized or philosophical, mentions Muslims as antagonists explicitly and collectively contrary to this.

As far as the Koran is concerned, there was a lot of tribalism during the early days of prophet Muhammad. The Middle Easterners were a barbaric bunch, still are to some extent. No wonder why so many 'stuff' went on in the Middle East in the old days. It was said that if one thread into the territory of another tribe, the guy get's butchered.

The reason why the Koran does not see Jews in positive light in the context of war and tribal conflicts at the time was due to the fact that they were allied to the pagan Arab tribes. The pagans were Muhammad's greatest enemies. Although, the Koran does explicitly mention that Jews and Christians are people of the book.
People of the Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myths & Facts -The Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic Countries

Although, I do agree that there is a lot of propaganda going on for the past half a century in many Muslim societies. Along with stereotypes. Especially in regards to Israel.

Coming to what Arabs did in Soviet tank lectures, it is simply not possible to adopt entire strategies even if Arabs were all ears to what Russians were saying as Russian war tactics especially in USSR days were very different. They had the earth's largest army and around 40,000 tanks. You know what that means? No sane country could stand a chance against USSR head on no matter what they tried. Hence Arabs even if all ears, could have gained only little in terms of application against Israel.

Come now. The Viets used the same Soviet and training weapons against the Americans during the Vietnam War. Made the Americans and Chinese run like dogs with their tails between their legs. The Arabs were lazy and overconfident - plain and simple.

Israel's specialty in warfare is its unrivaled aerial supremacy--the way they conduct aerial warfare, no one not even the US does it. Single-handedly decimating entire air forces is a feat hardly anyone else has done that too with such pin-point precision. They have the highest clocked hours of training and that too one hell of a training regime-- and it shows. Naturally Arabs stood no chance despite greater numbers and equally capable jets as Israelis. PAF pilots stood a chance at that time because they were far more trained and grilled than Arabs. They were quite effective in those days, I will not deny that.

The Arabs were just...bad. Although, I have to admit, the Israelis are crafty, efficient and effective in warfare. In fact, they do have my respect.

The thing is, Arabs don't know how to tackle a rival neighbor without going all bruhaah on them and getting beaten to pulp. There are other ways to engage Israelis. I don't see what is wrong with their settlements though; it is their country. How does that make it wrong? :what:

There are still Palestinian territories. Although, very small. Has been shrinking throughout the years. There were many international attempts to create a state for the Palestinians with East Jerusalem as its capital, but to no success. Even the US tried that. Ever wondered why?


The key Arab demand is to have a state for the Palestinians in line of the 1967 borders. So far, this demand has never materialized.

Quite the contrary. Tell me how many Arab countries recognize Israel? Or for that matter Islamic countries? Even someone as far as Malaysia (who has literally no connection to Israel) has a travel restriction and zero relationship with Israel. When there is such a coordinated hatred against Israelis that too from a religious aspect, then what do you expect Israelis to do? Israel was ready to accept the suggestion, Arafat backed off and Hamas and Fatah cannot make up their minds. What can Israel do in such a situation? Lay down their arms and submit to their neighbors?

I am not sure why Malaysia have no diplomatic relations with Israel. The reason why my country has no relationship is due to the fact that many Bangladeshi laborers work in Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. And Saudi Arabia is the number one destination for Bangladesh's manpower export, and hence and an important source of remittance. If Bangladesh establishes diplomatic relations now, they might limit or even ban Bangladesh's man power export. This would severely affect the country's income.

Who told you that the great Yasser Arafat didn't recognize Israel? He did. Recall the Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization letters of recognition. Here are the messages.

Letter from Yasser Arafat to Prime Minister Rabin
September 9, 1993
Yitzhak Rabin
Prime Minister of Israel
Mr. Prime Minister,
The signing of the Declaration of Principles marks a new era...I would like to confirm the following PLO commitments: The PLO recognizes the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security. The PLO accepts United Nations Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. The PLO commits itself...to a peaceful resolution of the conflict between the two sides and declares that all outstanding issues relating to permanent status will be resolved through negotiations...the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume responsibility over all PLO elements and personnel in order to assure their compliance, prevent violations and discipline violators...the PLO affirms that those articles of the Palestinian Covenant which deny Israel's right to exist, and the provisions of the Covenant which are inconsistent with the commitments of this letter are now inoperative and no longer valid. Consequently, the PLO undertakes to submit to the Palestinian National Council for formal approval the necessary changes in regard to the Palestinian Covenant.
Yasser Arafat.
Chairman: The Palestine Liberation Organization.

Letter from Chairman Arafat to Norway's Foreign Minister
September 9, 1993
His Excellency: Johan Jorgen Holst
Foreign Minister of Norway.
Dear Minister Holst,
I would like to confirm to you that, upon the signing of the Declaration of Principles, the PLO encourages and calls upon the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to take part in the steps leading to the normalization of life, rejecting violence and terrorism, contributing to peace and stability and participating actively in shaping reconstruction, economic development and cooperation.
Yasser Arafat.
Chairman: The Palestine Liberation Organization.

Letter from Prime Minister Rabin to Chairman Yasser Arafat
September 9, 1993
Yasser Arafat
Chairman: The Palestine Liberation Organization.
Mr. Chairman,
In response to your letter of September 9, 1993, I wish to confirm to you that, in light of the PLO commitments included in your letter, the Government of Israel has decided to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and commence negotiations with the PLO within the Middle East peace process.
Yitzhak Rabin.
Prime Minister of Israel.

And you know what happened to Yitzhak Rabin? He died after that. He wasn't killed by Palestinian militants, but was murdered by a very angry young Israeli. The Israeli who did it was highly educated. After that, the whole thing just pretty much went ca-put till now.

Israel has diplomatic relations with a handful of Muslim majority countries. There is Turkey, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Egypt and Mauritania. How would more Muslim nations establishing diplomatic ties with Israel change anything with regards to the Israeli Palestinian conflict? How about diplomatic relations with Mars? Will that change Israeli intentions? The Arab-Israeli conflict is still officially on-going.

The same what happened to Jews in Muslim countries till they performed the Aaliyah-- or for that matter any non-Muslim communities in Muslim conquered lands. I don't want to digress from the topic but if you care to look at Zoroastrian community, at Buddhists, mainstream Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan, Jews of Middle East (Yemeni) etc. you'll get your answer for Palestine. They can easily blend into any of their ethnic Arab countries as they have enough landmass as well as common culture and religion. How much land space does Saudi Arabia, Iran, Oman, Libya, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco etc have? Dozens of times more than Israel's.

It is still their home. This isn't the medieval times we are living in. And it's nearly impossible to get citizenship from other Arab countries. Including Saudi Arabia. Lebanon had a civil war partly because of that.

By not accepting Palestinians into their countries and letting them suffer, Arab rulers are simply proving that they are using Palestinians as a tool for their rivalry against Israel-- not for the greater and genuine will to help Palestinians.

This is true. Many Muslims unfortunately fail to see this.

Oh and by the way, Iran does have a considerable Jewish population, not too many shenanigans there - although I am not a great fan of the current Iranian regime.

The same Jews for whom Israel approached us as a mediating ground so that they could migrate to Israel through India since Iran and Israel are not really chummies if you get my idea. Yeah well there are a lot of Muslims in Israel as well despite its tiny population. What are you trying to say? Israel is a Muslim-free only Jewish country? I don't think so.

I never denied that there aren't any Muslims in Israel. My point was simply that there are Jews who live in relative peace in Iran, despite the repressive nature of the the Iranian regime. There are Jews elsewhere in the Middle East, not just in Israel and Iran. And besides, Iran and Israel did maintain diplomatic relations with one another before the revolution. The Shah did however criticize the power of the pro-Israel lobby in the US.

Can you imagine a liberal Muslim leader saying that? And that was thirty-five years ago. Doesn't that tell you something?

So? Israel has a million Muslim Arabs as its population in the total tiny population of 8 million. What does a symbolic adviser prove? :what:

My answer is in the previous paragraph.

The issue of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and American influence in the Middle East as a whole is not something that people would easily forget for a very long time. You have to realize that all of them are related. After all, it's just a few strips of land with nothing but sand and ancient structures in the end.
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The Egyptians were pre-oocupied with the war against Saudi Arabia at the time (supporting northern yemen) it could not possibly sustain a war with Israel
Nevertheless this is what Nasser sought. He declared a total blockade of Eilat (an act of war), demanded the removal of the U.N. buffer force in the Sinai and moved Egyptian forces in, and unified the Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian armies under his commanding general. The airwaves were full of blood-curdling Arab threats, the attitude being that the Arabs were closing in for the kill and Tel Aviv would become a mountain of Jewish bones.

So Arab leaders had prepared both their armies for combat and filled their people with the desire to commit genocide. Had the Arabs had time to line up for a united three-front thrust nothing could have stopped them. Had even small-scale conflict started I doubt that Arab leaders would have restrained their soldiers from advancing.
Nevertheless this is what Nasser sought. He declared a total blockade of Eilat (an act of war), demanded the removal of the U.N. buffer force in the Sinai and moved Egyptian forces in, and unified the Egyptian, Syrian, and Jordanian armies under his commanding general. The airwaves were full of blood-curdling Arab threats, the attitude being that the Arabs were closing in for the kill and Tel Aviv would become a mountain of Jewish bones.

So Arab leaders had prepared both their armies for combat and filled their people with the desire to commit genocide. Had the Arabs had time to line up for a united three-front thrust nothing could have stopped them. Had even small-scale conflict started I doubt that Arab leaders would have restrained their soldiers from advancing.

If they really unified the armies as you say then wouldn't the Syrian and Jordanian front attacked the moment the events of the war started?? But no they had no plans and they were regrouping at the time because there was no plans. Israel was planning this attack for 5 years. And it carried it out the moment Egypt was incapable of protecting itself because the important part of their army was elsewhere.

And the way you see Arabs as yellow teethed people screaming "blughr blughr bluhr, Kill all jews bluh bluhr bluhr" Is really disgusting. You really think if Israel Lost it will be a genocide?? They would simply over throw the regime and let the people return to their homes but no Israel can not live without victim propaganda.
If they really unified the armies as you say then wouldn't the Syrian and Jordanian front attacked the moment the events of the war started -
So it's selective ignorance. For an account whose accuracy very few have disputed, I recommend Michael Oren's Six Days of War. [Note: Oren is currently Israel's ambassador to the U.S.]
The Egyptians were pre-oocupied with the war against Saudi Arabia at the time (supporting northern yemen) it could not possibly sustain a war with Israel

This I didn't know about.

If they really unified the armies as you say then wouldn't the Syrian and Jordanian front attacked the moment the events of the war started?? But no they had no plans and they were regrouping at the time because there was no plans. Israel was planning this attack for 5 years. And it carried it out the moment Egypt was incapable of protecting itself because the important part of their army was elsewhere.

And the way you see Arabs as yellow teethed people screaming "blughr blughr bluhr, Kill all jews bluh bluhr bluhr" Is really disgusting. You really think if Israel Lost it will be a genocide?? They would simply over throw the regime and let the people return to their homes but no Israel can not live without victim propaganda.

Jeez, I don't know. I don't recall any mass slaughter of Jews in the Middle East in the days of WWII. And yet there is still this 'poor me' syndrome from the Israelis for some strange reason.

Me thinks they want to hold on to their Jewish nation no matter what.

But you have admit mate, Arab leaders really did screw up big time. I mean...two damaged Israeli tanks obliterating an entire division of Syrian tanks by using hit-run attacks from the Golan Heights. Jesus Christ man. Yes, a good tank along with a good crew can make a big difference. Similar story for the Arab air forces. Only Pakistan Air Force pilots had some effect.


Also, correct me if I am wrong, but the persecution of Jews from Arab nations did not bode well for the Arabs. The Protocols of Zion was Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda.

That only gave the Israelis more determination than ever. And that is what made them triumphant. Hope you understand.

What can I say, to the victor goes the spoils.
Also, correct me if I am wrong, but the persecution of Jews from Arab nations did not bode well for the Arabs. The Protocols of Zion was Soviet anti-Semitic propaganda.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a forgery probably created by the Tsarist secret police which later took on a life of its own. Adolf Hitler used to wave it around. Hamas cites the Protocols as a reason for hating Jews in its 1988 Charter. Every anti-Semite waves the Protocols for the same reason: they can't find anything just and true to support Jew-hatred.
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