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Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

That was not the aim.

Though i have hell lot of mowaad collected to draw a comparison, but i never posted it as i didnt find anyone justifying the incident and that our 'friends' also kept quite over the issue. This was just something i had my twitter telling me over and again.

P.S. BTW, where did you see me forwarding justification for the incident?

And had i wanted to do a real 'pathetic attempt' i would have posted these:

Police Brutality Across The United States | Raw Justice

Bangladesh urged to end extrajudicial killings by "death squads" - AlertNet

But then you too had to prove yourself predictable enough by labeling me as someone who would reciprocate by blaming 'ALL organs of the State as corrupt', which i never did, yes i do like to point out a fingers at some, unlike others who find solace and joy by mud-slinging an entire family.

VCheng, how about i posted this Police gun down man in street, threaten to shoot witnesses for filming incident instead? See, but i didnt.

You have miscalculated me grossly.
Sialkot brothers were dacoits and killer as per intel agencies investigations.

So in reality they were not...

I have a few friends being denied travel outside the country because their sole crime is they have openly criticized Zardari in public and guess what the intelligence agencies think about them...

That they are probably taking orders from Mossad...


Our Army elite is out to destroy Pakistan... Here... Read this...

Wikileaks: Kayani wanted more drone strikes in Pakistan – The Express Tribune
Ignoring your cheap shots at me, which actually revealed a lot about your module. You still haven't been able to nullify my claim that Pakistan coast guard,Pakistan paramilitary forces (FC &Rangers) & Pakistan strategic & Nuclear command are not part of Pakistan military. Your deliberate attempt to mislead us is bit too frivolous to be accepted as truth. Here is some thing for your knowledge, have a look.

FYI the above figures are not based on my subjective views, unlike you.

For fcuks sake, make use of google!!

There's a hell lotta difference between military and paramilitary/civil armed forces. And then there's LEAs (Law Enforcement Agencies), normally these include the military, police and the paramilitary forces.

So For the love of balls, will you stop acting like a douche and pay attention to what i am saying?

And then for holy love of God, for once and all try to understand that Rangers is a PARAMILITARY force, not the MILITARY itself, with no connection to the Armed Forces of Pakistan (note the missing 'civilian' - Pakistan Civilian Armed Force), which strictly include the Army, Navy and PAF, though in a broader sense the Civilian Armed Forces are also listed under the Armed Forces.

Paramilitary Forces of Pakistan can include:
Airport Security Force

Maritime Security Agency (the Coast Guards)



Pakistan National Guard (specifically the Mujahids, the NCC amd Women Guards), now guess what, Mujahid Force is totally related to the Army, they are trained by the Army, they are employed by the Army, they have equivalent Pay Scales and almost equivalent perks, but still they are NOT part of the Pakistan Military, BUT form part of Pakistan Paramilitary Forces, for crying out loud!

So that's what we have been saying that when Rangers screws up, the Army cannot be blamed, held responsible or censured for it! (for the reasons i have already mentioned in my previous posts - there command under the MoI alone is a enough a reason for this)
Your next prime minister is ashamed to be Indian and extrajudicial killings happen all the time in Indian Kashmir by Indian soldiers. They dont get punished either.

A recent tally over 9 months suggests nearly 2,000 of these killings were committed by the Indian Army.

"According to the department`s 2010 human rights reports, as many as 1,616 extrajudicial or unlawful killings were committed in India up to Oct 17 last year."
Indian forces carried out 1,600 extra-judicial killings: US report | World | DAWN.COM

so you must hate the indian army 2,000 times more than the pakistani paramilitary based on this?

They are 'water proof', see:
meanwhile on other thread's pakistani's keep screaming and shouting that isreali and indian force's keep killing innocent children in kashmir and palestine , can you please explain this now , RIP TO THE DEAD BOY , like you i wouldn't go ahead and make some immature statement's, you can't blame the entire army for this , it is just one immature soldier who lost his cool and commited this act , he should be punished for this.

No we cannot explain this. We cannot explain this as this is the worst thing that can happen to/in a civilized society, we condemn it to the extent possible and we hope the justice is meted out so that no such repetitions occur, but i wonder if you guys can explain this:

Indian forces carried out 1,600 extra-judicial killings: US report | World | DAWN.COM
IMO the rangers involved in this incident may have taken part in some counter terrorism operation, their body language(esp shooter's) was similar to a post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD). PTSD patient has a lot of anger,it can jump out at inappropriate times, aimed at the wrong person for the wrong reasons...from shooter's 'no-mercy' behavior it can be concluded that he was not mentally fit.

Just like US in Iraq/Afghanistan Our soldiers fighting in WoT have similar disorders too...counter terrorism ops are being conducted in Karachi since past few years, their flashbacks in soldiers can become disastrous unless anger management lessons and psychological treatment is made on the participants soldiers.
You mean how The army protected Swat from the Taliban or how the army protected East Pakistan from India?

Dude you should get rid of this habit to blame whole institution and i seen that you are passing this negative judgement in every single topic and there is a limit of sarcasm
Ofcourse. I am highlighting an endemic problem that's quite perculiar to Pakistan are other corrupt nations and that is the lack of accountability.

As others here are also highlighting previous cases that have been dismissed, just as this will eventually be dismissed once its tossed into pile of "under inquiry" like countless others gone by.

Let me give you a little run down... Sialkot murder of boys, extortion and slaying of pregnant Chechen women and family, execution of teenagers in swat, elderly men being brutally whipped in swat, testicle-queezing torture in FATA by FC, man being dragged on a cobbled road in FATA for 100+metres by Army. etc...need I continue? All of which are "under investigation" or have been dismissed as conspiracies by those in denial...I'm surprised someone hasn't posted how this might've been made on a Bollywood set too.

Accountability, professionalism and acting with integrity go hand in hand. Despite however much you despise UK and USA at least whenever these countries troops/officers commit these breaches of human rights they are brought to justice and there is some level of accountability.

In Pakistan it is "under investigation" never to be heard of again.

Mukhtar Mai case is an example of the level of disgust I have for the judicial system and the law enforcement agency in a state that happens to kill/rape/torture its own citizens for the highest bidder.

Honestly, sometimes I want to rip up my passport.

I agree with you and we are all sad about these incidents but rip up your passport will not solve any problems. Even if you get British passport, this tag of Pakistani will remain with you unless you change your face and get rid of this Asian look :)
I usually dont engage in deflection/diversionary tactics, but if you want to see what REAL police brutality is against unarmed people --then go do a google search for ''Amadou Diallo''

4 officers. 42 shots. 1 target. Unarmed.
Dude you should get rid of this habit to blame whole institution and i seen that you are passing this negative judgement in every single topic and there is a limit of sarcasm

It's the truth and it hurts. I cannot blindly support the Army because it's their mistakes that the innocent people of Pakistan are paying for.
It's the truth and it hurts. I cannot blindly support the Army because it's their mistakes that the innocent people of Pakistan are paying for.

The truth is tht u like to act like a victim of things tht happened 2 decades ago and ui hadnt seen!

Involving Army in everything and trolling is what ur doing!

For example.... in the prostitute case and now the rangers killing the guys thread!

Just look what you are doin?

Does 1 ranger represent the whole Ranger Force and Army? A sane and healthy minded guy wont agree.......
I cannot blindly support the Army

But you can blindly blame them, right?

The truth is tht u like to act like a victim of things tht happened 2 decades ago and ui hadnt seen!

Involving Army in everything and trolling is what ur doing!

For example.... in the prostitute case and now the rangers killing the guys thread!

Just look what you are doin?

Does 1 ranger represent the whole Ranger Force and Army? A sane and healthy minded guy wont agree.......

I was very well alive in the 90s. And this is not the first time these people have shown their colours. The military has failed Pakistan.

I cannot blindly support the Army

But you can blindly blame them, right?


I'm not blaming anyone but it's just the facts. It's not like I'm distorting the truth.
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