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Rangers murder young boy in Karachi

It is a sad incident and the death of the boy is regrettable even if he is guilty, it just proves that you can't have PM doing policing for any length of time, the training is completely different, also PTSD can be a factor also, because of lesser resources - in developing countries it is not picked up quickly.

And this type of incident can happen anywhere, and if not for the majority of Rangers who behave honorably Karachi would not be livable at all, the Man who shot the guy should be punished, but equally the people on this forum trying to vilify the tens of thousands of decent security people should also STFU.

my 2 Cents.

you know nothing about karachi so shut fucckk up!!, if there was no rangers and no police, karachi would be a lot safer, these guys help help spread the crime and help the criminals
Pak Rangers And ARmy sucks...Rangers do their bad act in cities and GOD knows who are killing in US DRONES attack!! Now question arises may be ARmy telling lie to us in case of drones that millitants are dying!! Like rangers were doing before the vid. was on television!!
I don't know why you guys find this so shocking. Rangers have been killing innocents in Karachi for the past 25 years.
Pak Rangers And ARmy sucks...Rangers do their bad act in cities and GOD knows who are killing in US DRONES attack!! Now question arises may be ARmy telling lie to us in case of drones that millitants are dying!! Like rangers were doing before the vid. was on television!!

no u suck....and ur knowledge sucks cuz the rangers are not part of the army they are paramilitary.....
Pak Rangers And ARmy sucks...Rangers do their bad act in cities and GOD knows who are killing in US DRONES attack!! Now question arises may be ARmy telling lie to us in case of drones that millitants are dying!! Like rangers were doing before the vid. was on television!!

you sucker, you should first get the facts in your pea sized brain then spew garbage here. And just give a thought that if it werent for the army, then your sorry would have been in the hands of the Taliban or the Indians.
I don't know why you guys find this so shocking. Rangers have been killing innocents in Karachi for the past 25 years.

For all the ignorants on this forum dragging army into this incident. RANGERS IS NOT ARMY THEY ARE PARAMILITARY. LOOK UP 'PARAMILITARY'
Thats pure trolling..how this prossy video relates to The thread?
Can you explain?

Ofcourse. I am highlighting an endemic problem that's quite perculiar to Pakistan are other corrupt nations and that is the lack of accountability.

As others here are also highlighting previous cases that have been dismissed, just as this will eventually be dismissed once its tossed into pile of "under inquiry" like countless others gone by.

Let me give you a little run down... Sialkot murder of boys, extortion and slaying of pregnant Chechen women and family, execution of teenagers in swat, elderly men being brutally whipped in swat, testicle-queezing torture in FATA by FC, man being dragged on a cobbled road in FATA for 100+metres by Army. etc...need I continue? All of which are "under investigation" or have been dismissed as conspiracies by those in denial...I'm surprised someone hasn't posted how this might've been made on a Bollywood set too.

Accountability, professionalism and acting with integrity go hand in hand. Despite however much you despise UK and USA at least whenever these countries troops/officers commit these breaches of human rights they are brought to justice and there is some level of accountability.

In Pakistan it is "under investigation" never to be heard of again.

Mukhtar Mai case is an example of the level of disgust I have for the judicial system and the law enforcement agency in a state that happens to kill/rape/torture its own citizens for the highest bidder.

Honestly, sometimes I want to rip up my passport.
if it werent for the army, then your sorry would have been in the hands of the Taliban or the Indians.

You mean how The army protected Swat from the Taliban or how the army protected East Pakistan from India?
For all the ignorants on this forum dragging army into this incident. RANGERS IS NOT ARMY THEY ARE PARAMILITARY. LOOK UP 'PARAMILITARY'

Army is in no way excused from such summary killings. There's enough of their trophy videos that have been leaked on their torture houses and killing fields in swat.
This is an act of 1-2 individuals who committed a crime of passing judgement prior to a court hearing

The person tried to take the gun away form the person holding the gun , but the gun holder

Its difficult to know if a person has a C4 like thing under his shirt

a) Rangers, Army , Police they are in front line against Terrorist so they have alot of dangers they need to
not trust anyone

b) The kid , attempted to take the gun form the person instead of quietly going into the van

c) The firing of weapon on unarmed civilian when he was apprehended violates all laws of engagement

Lack of proper anti terrorism , devices , to detect explosives yet again shows how difficult it is for people to determine if someone has a explosive or not
Army is in no way excused from such summary killings. There's enough of their trophy videos that have been leaked on their torture houses and killing fields in swat.

This thread is not about WOT or Army...
Army is fighting a war in which its nearly impossible to know friend or foe and an innocent looking boy may go kaboom the next moment,so thats a very different scenario.
Rangers doing Extra Judicial Killing in Karachi is not something new :undecided:

Suspect killed while Fleeing usually refers to After searching "ja beta ghar ja" followed by *bang*

Actually Rangers belong to deserts,mountains and forests,protecting Pakistan's Borders in the far flung areas,they dont belong to cities...
Why you think Pakistan's borders are thoroughfare and just about anybody roams in and out,because Rangers are in Cities.
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