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Swat Operation II

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AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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Link to Swat Operation I thread here: http://www.defence.pk/forums/war-terror/8202-army-operation-swat.html

48 Taliban killed, 5 security personnel martyred in Swat clashes
Updated at: 2015 PST, Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More than 48 Taliban militants including 10 commanders have been killed in a fierce clash in the troubled Swat valley in the northwest, while 5 personnel of security forces were martyred, according to military sources.

The fighting took place overnight in a village near Matta, a known stronghold of militants in the region.

"We have inflicted heavy losses on the militants. We have video footage showing bodies of the militants killed in the fighting," a military spokesman said.

"Five of our brave soldiers have been martyred," he added. He said a curfew had been imposed across the Swat Valley until further notice.

Muslim Khan, Taliban spokesman confirmed the death of a top Taliban commander Maulvi Hussain Ali alias Toor Mulla, he, however, denied reports that many Taliban militants were killed. Separately, militants shot and killed an Afghan woman accused of being a U.S. spy in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region on the Afghan border.

Pakistani authorities signed a peace pact with the militants in Swat in May, bringing a lull in months of violence, but militants have stepped up activity in recent weeks after accusing the government of failing to honour the accord.

48 Taliban killed, 5 security personnel martyred in Swat clashes

As was expected, the 'peace deal' only resulted in the Taliban reorganizing while never ceasing their attacks, even though this particular one was explicit in what was expected from the militants (which never happened), though enforcement mechanisms were lacking.

The change in tone in the media continues to be important - the reference to KIA soldiers as 'martyred', by both military spokesmen and the media.

Ten commanders killed eh. Good, let the scum rot in hell.
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Gen Athar Abbas said 25 militants were killed while one officer two GCOs and one Jawan was martyerd in the operation.

Few days back the Takfiri-led Fazlullah of US-backed Baitullah Mehsud's group threatend to carry out suicide attacks.
This operation was over due and it is sad that Baitullah and his gang was given time to regroup but now they are holed up and should be eleminated.

It is sad that they were allowed to regroup, but in order to show the 'awam' that 'dialog' was given a chance, this approach had to be tried.

It is sad that they were allowed to regroup, but in order to show the 'awam' that 'dialog' was given a chance, this approach had to be tried.

Dialogue is the way but with own people who are not anti-State. The problem with the new government is that due to egoistic and their hate towards accepting intellegence assesment it is not ready to see foriegn funded Mehsud's agenda.

They went for talk with Baitullah and now it is having taste of their foolies.

But its good that now the government had realized that talks with anti-Pakistan foreign funded Baitullah are not the way.
Whose going to be sent in FC or regular army?
Big deal if they are taken out. Fact is that Mehsud and Mullah FM is still at large and we are simply unable to track them down and hunt them. Also Agno awaam will not get a positive meaning out of it. The way they see it, will be to please their masters in the US. DO not forget the recent tour of PM to the US and how will this operation be seen in context to that.

It is sad that they were allowed to regroup, but in order to show the 'awam' that 'dialog' was given a chance, this approach had to be tried.

So let me get this straight we keep signing these so called peace treaties with Terrorist who only wants to destroy Pakistan.iam sure this is like the 100th time this so called treaty is been signed and used by terrorist to regroup re-arm to start all over again.
Is it really the awam that needed to see jawans bodies to see the reality on ground or is it the politician's playing politics or is there some one behind the scene not letting the job get done.

IceCold Big deal if they are taken out. Fact is that Mehsud and Mullah FM is still at large and we are simply unable to track them down and hunt them

If BBC reports can find them for a interview i am positive intelligence agencies can do the job.quite frankly Americans are right Pakistani government don't want to do it and you cant convince no body other wise any more.
Best of luck.

Smash these terrorists to Kingdom Come.
So let me get this straight we keep signing these so called peace treaties with Terrorist who only wants to destroy Pakistan.iam sure this is like the 100th time this so called treaty is been signed and used by terrorist to regroup re-arm to start all over again.
Is it really the awam that needed to see jawans bodies to see the reality on ground or is it the politician's playing politics or is there some one behind the scene not letting the job get done.

If BBC reports can find them for a interview i am positive intelligence agencies can do the job.quite frankly Americans are right Pakistani government don't want to do it and you cant convince no body other wise any more.


This was the first time a treaty was signed with the Swat Taliban, AFAIK.

The agreements during Musharraf's time were never accepted by the political parties or 'awam' as 'sincere' - hence my argument that a democratically elected government had to go through the process of trying them again to try and show that they did not work.

Will it work, in getting more people to support military action?

Too early to tell.
More Troops Arrive in Pakistan's Swat to Launch Second Phase of Operation - TV

By: iStockAnalyst Friday, August 01, 2008 1:55 AM

Text of report by privately-owned Pakistan television Dawn News on 1 August

On the request of the NWFP [North-West Frontier Province] Government more troops have arrived in Swat to launch the second phase of the ongoing offensive in the valley. Security forces continue to pound militant hideouts in various areas of upper Swat. The death toll in the two days of fighting rises to 63. Details follow in this report:

[Begin recording][Unidentified female correspondent] The once picturesque tourist resort of Swat is once again plagued by violence. Intermittent gun battles continued in Char Bagh, Kabal, and Matta tehsils of the troubled valley throughout the night. Some shells missed their targets and hit the civilian population in Deolai and Sakai Shah Dheri areas of the Kabal tehsil. As a result 13 people including seven members of the same family were killed. It was not known that the casualties were caused by shells fired by security forces or the militants.

The military says they are taking extreme care while targeting militant hideouts to avoid any collateral damage. The militants also set ablaze two schools and the famous tourist resort of Malam Jabba. They have so far damaged dozens of schools and other government buildings. Fresh fighting erupted on Wednesday after dozens of local Taleban made an abortive attempt to storm a security post in Matta. The military claims that at least 40 militants have been killed and several injured in the ongoing operation. Authorities relaxed the curfew on Thursday morning for a few hours to allow local population to purchase kitchen items. Local residents say that the fresh fighting has badly affected the local economy.

[Unidentified local resident, in Urdu] The situation is such that our business has been ruined and the people are facing hardships.

[Correspondent] They also believe that the use of military force is not a solution to the problem and the government should engage the militants in talks.

[Local resident, in Urdu] The security operation is not a solution to the problem because things are being resolved all over the world through dialogue. The path of dialogue should be adopted and use of force leads to bad effects.

[Correspondent] Critics claim that past experience shows that the strategy of peace talks has failed to deliver. But residents say that both the militants as well as security forces are responsible for the breakdown of the peace agreements.

[Another unidentified local resident, in Urdu] Past peace agreements have been breached at times by the Taleban and at other times by the Army people.

[Correspondent] In a related development police have foiled the sabotage bid by seizing a huge quantity of explosives from a car in the Charsadda district. The haul included 500 kilograms of explosive, 22 mortar shells, detonators, and time devices. Fresh fighting in Swat has brought two month old peace deal between the NWFP government and the militants to the brink of collapse. [end recording]

Originally published by Dawn News TV, Karachi, in English 0300 01 Aug 08.

(c) 2008 BBC Monitoring South Asia. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.

Story Source: BBC Monitoring South Asia

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In a related development police have foiled the sabotage bid by seizing a huge quantity of explosives from a car in the Charsadda district. The haul included 500 kilograms of explosive, 22 mortar shells, detonators, and time devices.

Where on earth did they get such a large supply of explosives? Its not like they could just pick it up from a supermarket.
Where on earth did they get such a large supply of explosives? Its not like they could just pick it up from a supermarket.

Supplied by US/Karzai Govt from Afghanistan
Where on earth did they get such a large supply of explosives? Its not like they could just pick it up from a supermarket.

Read this article JK.


Pakistani LEA's have stated that most of the explosives used in the bombings in Pakistan are of Russian/CAR origin. That would fit in with what this article states, of an interlinked drug, weapons and explosives trade in the North of Afghanistan supplying the Taliban.

Add in the latest report ( and there have been several) on how the Karzai adminsitration is neck deep in these activities, and there is perhas US complicity due to association, support and inaction - sort of similar to the same arguments used to indicate ISI complicity in Taliban Cross border attacks.

The Russian sourced explosives allegation is also validated by Robert Gates accusation that Iran was involved in supplying weapons and explosives to insurgent groups in Afghanistan (though that could just be the US trying to pressure Iran), with Iran sourcing her supplies from Russia.
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