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Swat Operation II

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Blaming others for internal problems.

I guess you need to read the post by Agno

Read this article JK.


Pakistani LEA's have stated that most of the explosives used in the bombings in Pakistan are of Russian/CAR origin. That would fit in with what this article states, of an interlinked drug, weapons and explosives trade in the North of Afghanistan supplying the Taliban.

Add in the latest report ( and there have been several) on how the Karzai adminsitration is neck deep in these activities, and there is perhas US complicity due to association, support and inaction - sort of similar to the same arguments used to indicate ISI complicity in Taliban Cross border attacks.

The Russian sourced explosives allegation is also validated by Robert Gates accusation that Iran was involved in supplying weapons and explosives to insurgent groups in Afghanistan (though that could just be the US trying to pressure Iran).
Blaming others for internal problems.

Nitesh - read the article I pointed out above, and this one:


This is something acknowledged by NATO as well, though perhaps not as harshly, given that the GoA 'allies' need to be propped up.

All of this under NATO's nose - as I said, guilt by association and inaction. One cannot use that argument against the ISI and refuse to see how it also applies to NATO/US with regards to the weapons and explosives trade funding the militants and costing the lives of Pakistani civilians and security forces.
This weapons supply should be targeted with full force. Stem the supply stem the bombings.

Its a disgrace that some people are profiting from the deaths of Pakistani soldiers from their business practices.
I guess you need to read the post by Agno

Yes that article also points that iran also might be involved so why not blame Iran also for it. Why only US/ Afgan gov. Seems like afgan gov. is supporting taliban.
Yes that article also points that iran also might be involved so why not blame Iran also for it. Why only US/ Afgan gov. Seems like afgan gov. is supporting taliban.

Karzai Government, Indian Government and USA supporting terrorist Baitullah Mehsud and his men against Pakistan. They being supplied weapons and money to creat unrest in Pakistan and kill pro-Pakistan tribal leaders.

AS far Iran well reports say that Iran is supplying weapons to Taliban in Afghanistan not Pakistan.

Its the responsibility of US/NATO, Karzai to check this.
Karzai Government, Indian Government and USA supporting terrorist Baitullah Mehsud and his men against Pakistan. They being supplied weapons and money to creat unrest in Pakistan and kill pro-Pakistan tribal leaders.

AS far Iran well reports say that Iran is supplying weapons to Taliban in Afghanistan not Pakistan.

Its the responsibility of US/NATO, Karzai to check this.

who is baitullah mehsud? A taliban operative right.
Taliban operative who was expelled by Mula Umer for his suspeciouse role and due to working for US and India.

He is a taliban operative who is operating in Afghanistan.
who is baitullah mehsud? A taliban operative right.

But so far there is little to indicate that he is fighting in Afghanistan, other than his own statements. His groups has primarily focused on fighting Pakistanis SF's and demanded his organization and affiliates be allowed free reign in Pakistan (during peace negotiations).

In fact in one interview when asked about the complaints that he was violating the agreement of cross border attacks, he even blatantly said that his area was not the one on the border, and that the journalists should go to Mullah Nazir's area to see who is crossing the border.

His group is also the one to co opt the Swat Taliban (Mullah FM) who also have nothing to do with fighting NATO, rather want to enforce their obscurantist system in Swat and Pakistan.

Pakistani sources estimate that his organization is funded to the tune of 150 million dollars annually - not possible without the drug trade or external support or both. The drug trade owes itself to NATO inaction in Afghanistan, as mentioned in the two articles I posted, as do the weapons and explosives supplies.

These Taliban groups have different priorities than the others, and AFAIK, the TTP has not really been attacked by US drones - those attacks have primarily been focused on the other groups, despite the US intel's own claim of B Mehsud being 'more dangerous'.

Add in the reports of B Mehsuds men warning against the Tribesmen threats to organize Lashkar's against a possible US invasion of FATA (after the Us bombing of the FC post) and it does cast an extremely shady light on his motivations and sponsors.
Blaming others for internal problems.

Its a funny statement coming from an Indian you do realize even when some one Farts in India ISI is the first one to be blamed.

Iran supplying to TAlibans funny last i checked Americans were training people to carry out terrorist activities in IRAN.

India building a road linking Afghanistan to Iran for trade routes (funny)and supplying Army personals to protect the road.why do the Indians need to protect a truck carrying potato's and rice to Afghanistan unless those so called freight trucks are carrying say weapons and other military supplies.:enjoy:
so far, Jana's reports have been true. Jana what do you think about this article? are these the people who have seen mehsud for what he really is? I mean a lot of people have realized the mehsud has killed more muslims compared to people in afghanistan.

Top Taliban leaders in Pak break away
30 Jul 2008, 0055 hrs IST,PTI

ISLAMABAD: Four senior leaders of the Pakistani Taliban from the tribal areas have formed a new group after breaking away from the organisation led by commander Baitullah Mehsud.

Salar Masood, the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman in Bajaur Agency, told reporters on phone from an unknown location that Maulvi Munir, Abdul Wahab, Maulvi Abdul Waheed and he had "resigned" from Mehsud's group and formed the "Tehrik-e-Taliban Al-Jehad".

Masood said they presented their resignations to Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan chief in Bajaur Agency.

He said some members of the Pakistani Taliban had killed innocent people and he had complained about this to Mehsud. However, no attention was paid to the complaint and thus the four leaders had resigned in protest, Masood said.

Meanwhile, eight tribes in Hangu district of the North West Frontier Province have decided not to shelter local Taliban and any other extremist or armed group in their areas, a tribal elder has said.

The tribesmen also vowed to help the authorities in expelling Taliban and members of other fundamentalist armed factions from their areas, said Malik Jalil-ur-Rehman.

The decision was made at a jirga attended by over 100 members from the eight tribes.

The Hangu district, located along the border of the semi-autonomous Aurakzai Agency, has witnessed several incidents of violence in recent months. Earlier this month, the local Taliban in Hangu shot dead 15 paramilitary troops who were heading to a fort under the protection of tribal elders.

Security forces then launched a major operation against the Taliban and killed 20 of them. The members of the eight tribes decided that every tribe will be responsible for the security of their respective areas.

They said they would cooperate with the government to help establish its writ and to expel the Taliban. They also called on the government to ensure the security of the main roads leading to the area.

Top Taliban leaders in Pak break away-Pakistan-World-The Times of India
But so far there is little to indicate that he is fighting in Afghanistan, other than his own statements. His groups has primarily focused on fighting Pakistanis SF's and demanded his organization and affiliates be allowed free reign in Pakistan (during peace negotiations).

In fact in one interview when asked about the complaints that he was violating the agreement of cross border attacks, he even blatantly said that his area was not the one on the border, and that the journalists should go to Mullah Nazir's area to see who is crossing the border.

His group is also the one to co opt the Swat Taliban (Mullah FM) who also have nothing to do with fighting NATO, rather want to enforce their obscurantist system in Swat and Pakistan.

Pakistani sources estimate that his organization is funded to the tune of 150 million dollars annually - not possible without the drug trade or external support or both. The drug trade owes itself to NATO inaction in Afghanistan, as mentioned in the two articles I posted, as do the weapons and explosives supplies.

These Taliban groups have different priorities than the others, and AFAIK, the TTP has not really been attacked by US drones - those attacks have primarily been focused on the other groups, despite the US intel's own claim of B Mehsud being 'more dangerous'.

Add in the reports of B Mehsuds men warning against the Tribesmen threats to organize Lashkar's against a possible US invasion of FATA (after the Us bombing of the FC post) and it does cast an extremely shady light on his motivations and sponsors.
So this means that US wants to break pakistan. Her own ally These groups are roaming free in pakistan and if they are so dangerous then why there is no action taken place against them.
Its a funny statement coming from an Indian you do realize even when some one Farts in India ISI is the first one to be blamed.

Iran supplying to TAlibans funny last i checked Americans were training people to carry out terrorist activities in IRAN.

India building a road linking Afghanistan to Iran for trade routes (funny)and supplying Army personals to protect the road.why do the Indians need to protect a truck carrying potato's and rice to Afghanistan unless those so called freight trucks are carrying say weapons and other military supplies.:enjoy:

wow now someone farts and blame is on ISI what a nonsense statement.

What is so funny about India building a road?
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