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Equipment recovered from Raymond Davis - Diplomatic Immunity or License to Kill


Aug 26, 2007
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Amidst the heated debate going on, on Raymond Davis case, one thing is easy to contemplate and has become part of the “differential diagnosis” as to who might be involved in the target killings of innocent Pakistanis in Karachi, Lahore and elsewhere. This is also easy to understand that how and why the interests of the TTP and the foreign security agencies, working undercover in Pakistan, converge. Which further infers that, who might be the inventor of the false flag outfits in Pakistan?

Let us take a close look at the contents of Mr. Raymond’s belongings which include a GPS, a satellite phone & other hi-tech communication devices, military grade knives, cutters, 100 M16 bullets, sophisticated pistols, and above all, smart cameras, and more than 10 pictures of madrassas inside Lahore (picture shows all his belongings). Should such items be found on a respectable person like a diplomat? Or are they supposed to be found on a mercenary who was involved in espionage and/or a hunting mission?

Diplomatic Immunity or License to Kill | PKKH.tv

I also read a ticker on some news channel that he also had a special make up kit to alter his facial features. any confirmation?
Looks like he was one of their forgien arms assisting the talibans / jehadis / TTP.
Double play of US is highly suspected among Pakistani intelligence circles.
Some body merge this to the main thread..

Those two who died----did they have hand guns on them---did they rob other civilians before the incidence happened.

What pak police didnot do---and possible didnot have the intellect to do was to make an immediate raid at the home of the two dead people and search the house to see if there was any items in that house that would have belonged to people who may have been supposedly robbed by these two----just to be sure and to be on the safe side---.

About the weapons here---you don't go out and do target killing with expensive sophisticated expensive weapons---.

These pictures and news of the contents should never been leaked to the media---but Rana being a lacky of the taliban and alos the Sharif bros in cohoots with the taliban---have put pakistan in a terrible position.

It reminds me of Clacutta in around the 1920's----a british woman was raped by the locals and then murdered----the british locale were extremely unhappy with the gov when he didnot acty strongly and immediately---his response was--'I will make these people pay'--an artificial famine / shortage of food was created---close to a 100 thousand people died in that event---muslims and hindus and sikhs and etc were trying to search for grain in cow dung---.

You have to look at the price that you have to pay for your pride---. Sometimes it is the heads you loose and same goes for the tails.
New updates say that two alleged robbers were actually ISI agents, Police went on government pressure to call those two men as robbers but in actual they were ISI agent. I read it in news

WASHINGTON: The United States has suspended high-level contacts with Pakistan as ties between the two countries continue to deteriorate over the Raymond Davis affair.

The situation has worsened to such an extent that the Obama administration is reported to be putting a hold on Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's proposed visit to Washington next month. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also declined to meet Pakistan's foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on the sidelines of a security conference in Munich. Agitated US lawmakers have indicated that defense and economic ties, including aid to Pakistan, may need to be revisited.

So what is the Raymond Davis affair? While Washington and much of the world continues to be transfixed by the drama over democracy in Egypt, an ugly sideshow involving spooks and spying in Pakistan is consuming the Obama administration, redrawing the security contours with regards to what was once regarded as a stalwart ally.

Davis, an alleged private security contractor, was on the rolls of the American diplomatic mission in Pakistan when he shot dead two Pakistanis last month in what he said was in self-defense after they attempted to rob him. He has been incarcerated pending legal proceedings despite US demands that he be freed because he enjoys diplomatic immunity.

Washington has now convinced Pakistan that Davis has a diplomatic passport, and although it is stamped with a work visa, he is entitled to diplomatic immunity under international conventions. But the situation in Pakistan appears to have slipped out of government's control, with anti-U.S interests and pro-American sources each selectively leaking information to inflame public opinion, which is already anti-American.

For instance, it turns out that even as Islamabad is publicly resisting American pressure, a section of the Pakistani establishment has revealed that the two men who were shot were in fact agents of the ISI, its spy agency. Adding to the confusion, the wife of one of the alleged robbers/spies died under mysterious circumstances in a Pakistani hospital after consuming poison, but not before she met journalists and issued a revenge call, demanding "blood for blood."

Meanwhile, unnamed Pakistani officials also told the Express Tribune newspaper in Lahore that the Pakistani government's "tough stance" on the whole issue was also a "reaction to the attempts by certain elements in Washington to implicate...the ISI in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks," including the decision by an American court to summon top ISI officials in connections with the attacks.

The incredible and often acrimonious drama, being played out on the sidelines of the Egypt spectacle, has greatly soured ties between US and Pakistan, with the growing feeling in Washington that its once-famed ally is now turning rogue. There is now a demand in some quarters in Washington to turn off the aid spigot vital for Pakistan's survival, even as there is pressure on the civilian government in Islamabad to hold to account the United States, whose lifeline to its 140,000 troops in Afghanistan runs through Pakistan.

Some analysts are starting to compare the situation to the one that existed between US and Iran during the hostage crisis.

Matters have reached such a head that the US ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter called on President Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad on Monday to follow up on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's phone call to him last week to resolve the matter, which has now become more complicated by the latest disclosure and the suicide.

But instead of moving towards a resolution, Pakistan on Monday put three more Americans, accused of driving a vehicle that came to rescue Davis but instead killed a pedestrian in a hit-and-run incident, on an exit control list.

The atmosphere has been particularly exacerbated by the alleged suicide of Shumaila Kanwal, widow of the one of the men shot dead by Davis. Kanwal, 26, reportedly told medics and journalists that she was ending her life in protest at alleged leniency shown towards Davis. "I want blood for blood," she was quoted as saying after she arrived at the hospital. "The way my husband was shot, his killer should be shot in the same fashion. I need justice."

Pictures in the Pakistani media showed Kanwal being tube fed and drinking water, but she was mysteriously pronounced dead a few hours later. Soon after, some Pakistani politicians have demanded that Davis and other Americans be tried for her death too. The US mission has declined to hand over the three other Americans accused in the hit-and-run case.

All this now makes it even more difficult for Pakistan's civilian government to release Davis even if it now transpires, as was reported by the Express Tribune, that the two motorcycle borne men who were killed were ISI agents. An unnamed security official told the newspaper, which is brought out in collaboration with the International Herald Tribune, that the duo belonged to the security establishment and "found the activities of the American official detrimental to our national security."

Read more: Tinkered, Tailored, Soldered, Spied: US suspends hi-level contact with Pakistan - The Times of India Tinkered, Tailored, Soldered, Spied: US suspends hi-level contact with Pakistan - The Times of India

Those two who died----did they have hand guns on them---did they rob other civilians before the incidence happened.

What pak police didnot do---and possible didnot have the intellect to do was to make an immediate raid at the home of the two dead people and search the house to see if there was any items in that house that would have belonged to people who may have been supposedly robbed by these two----just to be sure and to be on the safe side---.

About the weapons here---you don't go out and do target killing with expensive sophisticated expensive weapons---.

These pictures and news of the contents should never been leaked to the media---but Rana being a lacky of the taliban and alos the Sharif bros in cohoots with the taliban---have put pakistan in a terrible position.

It reminds me of Clacutta in around the 1920's----a british woman was raped by the locals and then murdered----the british locale were extremely unhappy with the gov when he didnot acty strongly and immediately---his response was--'I will make these people pay'--an artificial famine / shortage of food was created---close to a 100 thousand people died in that event---muslims and hindus and sikhs and etc were trying to search for grain in cow dung---.

You have to look at the price that you have to pay for your pride---. Sometimes it is the heads you loose and same goes for the tails.

Raymond Davis case: Men killed in Lahore were intelligence operatives, says official – The Express Tribune

ISLAMABAD: The government’s reluctance to free Raymond Davis is attributed to the fact that the two killed in the Lahore shooting were believed to be the intelligence operatives.
“Yes, they belonged to the security establishment….they found the activities of the American official detrimental to our national security,” disclosed a security official.

He requested not to be identified since he was not authorised to speak to the media on record.
The official confirmed that the president, the prime minister and the chief of army staff (COAS) had discussed the issue in a meeting last week. The three thought it was advisable to resist the US pressure on the Raymond Davis issue and believed the detained American national should not be released at this stage, he said.
He said the government’s tough stance on the controversy was also its reaction to the attempts by certain elements in Washington to implicate the country’s top spy agency, the ISI, in the November 2008 Mumbai attacks.
“The government is very angry with the decision of an American court to summon top ISI officials in connections with the Mumbai attacks,” the official maintained.
The military spokesman was not available for comments.
The officials in the Foreign Office also confirmed the government’s position on the Raymond Davis issue but said he would eventually be released once the firm assurance from the US that such incidents would not recur.
The government was also contemplating to ask the American government to waive off Raymond’s immunity and try him in the US courts, the officials added. A US Embassy official said his government had “no plans yet to agree on such a step”.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 7th, 2011.
If the two ppl are really ISI agents as being reported in the media..then the first question to be answered y are they following this Davis?
If ISI knows something abt this Davis charachter which we dont, they need to confront the US governement..

Becoz as of now..it is looking as if Davis will be freed with heavy loss of face of pakistani gov internationally(diplomatic) and more importantly internally..
If the two ppl are really ISI agents as being reported in the media..then the first question to be answered y are they following this Davis?
If ISI knows something abt this Davis charachter which we dont, they need to confront the US governement..

Becoz as of now..it is looking as if Davis will be freed with heavy loss of face of pakistani gov internationally(diplomatic) and more importantly internally..

If Davis is set free, PPP can kiss the govt. goodbye.
Dear Mastan- I appreciate your wisdom, but you are over exaggerating the consequences.

About the weapons here---you don't go out and do target killing with expensive sophisticated expensive weapons---.

The point is a member of technical and administrative staff like Davis, do not carry such sophisticated and expensive weapons and kill two people with it.

The reasons for leaking and publishing these pictures by media is obvious-- Question Mark
If the two ppl are really ISI agents as being reported in the media..then the first question to be answered y are they following this Davis?
If ISI knows something abt this Davis charachter which we dont, they need to confront the US governement..

Becoz as of now..it is looking as if Davis will be freed with heavy loss of face of pakistani gov internationally(diplomatic) and more importantly internally..

The question every one should ask is if the two dead guys were ISI operatives, why they had just one " just a gun? and took 11 shots in their backs without even giving one?
ISI operatives are not that much lame-

These are just assumptions-- just like these two were first robbers-- now ISI operatives-- no one focuses these two could be just innocents-

btw read this--

Victims’ identity: Intelligence officials refute claim

Intelligence officials have contradicted a report published in The Express Tribune, which alleged that the two motorcyclists killed by Raymond Davis in Lahore were intelligence operatives.
The report had claimed that the death of the intelligence personnel was the reason behind the government’s reluctance to free Davis and that it was in retaliation to the summoning of a top ISI official by a US court.
The official regretted that such “speculative reporting”, appearing on the front page of a major newspaper on such a sensitive matter, which was sub judice and “detrimental to the security interests of Pakistan”, was published without any confirmation from the concerned quarters.
The official vehemently denied that there was any linkage whatsoever between the US court’s summon and the Lahore incident.
The intelligence agency reserves the right to initiate legal action against The Express Tribune, said the official.
Published in The Express Tribune, February 8th, 2011.

Victims’ identity: Intelligence officials refute claim/
US trying it's level best, here's a report from Dawn.

US postpones bilateral contacts until Davis freed
From the Newspaper
By Anwar Iqbal
(3 hours ago) Today

Raymond Davis

The United States has put all bilateral contacts with Pakistan on hold until Islamabad releases Raymond Davis – (File Photo)

WASHINGTON: The United States has put all bilateral contacts with Pakistan on hold until Islamabad releases an employee of the its consulate in Lahore, arrested for shooting down two men, diplomatic sources told Dawn.

The sources said that the dispute could affect three major events planned this year: President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Washington, the next round of US-Pakistan strategic dialogue and trilateral talks involving Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United States.

Last week, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi postponed a visit to Munich, Germany, to attend an international security conference after US officials informed Islamabad that their Secretary of State Hillary Clinton might not be able to meet him because of this dispute.

But the events planned for this year are of far greater importance than the conference in Munich.

Delay in Mr Zardari’s visit, planned next month, “would send wrong signals around the world and would also embarrass him at home”, said one diplomatic source.

Similarly, “delaying the strategic dialogue would have serious implications”, he added.

The sources believe that while the Americans are unlikely to postpone the trilateral talks, “the US decision to postpone all bilateral contacts can put Pakistan at a great disadvantage during the negotiations”.

They also want that the US Congress is currently considering budget proposals for the next fiscal year and the diplomatic row could affect $1.5 billion of annual assistance for Pakistan as well.

Last week, it seemed that the Pakistani government had made up its mind to release the American, Raymond Davis, but on Sunday the wife of one of his victims committed suicide, which further complicated the matter.

Investigations by Dawn confirm that Mr Davis worked for a private security firm before he went to Pakistan but he does have a diplomatic passport.

He submitted the same passport to the Pakistan Embassy in Washington which gave him a work, but not a diplomatic visa.

The Pakistanis stress that the US Embassy was slow in demanding diplomatic immunity for Mr Davis and was quiet on this matter for 48 hours, creating doubts about his status.

“Despite such doubts, Pakistan has agreed in principle to grant diplomatic immunity to Mr Davis and send him back to the US,” said a senior diplomatic source in Washington.

“But the government is scared of political repercussions, particularly after the suicide,” the source added.

A Pakistan diplomatic source said all sort of interactions could be affected, including US assistance to Pakistan, one of the largest non-Nato recipients of American military aid.

“They tell us they’ll interact with us once this issue is resolved,” the source said. The controversy could even effect a $7.5-billion, five-year civilian aid package or official visits or meetings between the sometimes friends, sometimes foes.
According to American press, Davis runs a Florida-based security company named M/s Hyperion Protective Consultants. The undercover security company has resemblance with Blackwater.
US trying it's level best, here's a report from Dawn.

US postpones bilateral contacts until Davis freed
From the Newspaper
By Anwar Iqbal
(3 hours ago) Today.

No matter what US does, RD is not going anywhere at this point of time atleast. US will eventually have to make a choice; either they will have "their" Govt. in Pakistan or their spy.
My question is, if the deceased were actually street robbers, why all the commotion? We should be glad that we are less two vermin's. There is much more than what meets the eye. Was it a mere co incidence that the "street robbers" were chasing a guy who turned out to be a spy in possession of highly sensitive information??????

Also if Uncle Sam wants to play rough, well than they should start by figuring out an alternate route to supply their forces in Afghanistan....
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