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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

You are blinded here and not able to see that US is not allowing these criminals to attack other nations and kill their children and women.
If Hamas attack Israel, then Israel gets a right to directly attack Hamas and all those who support it.
The US is one of the biggest hypocrite nations, they have killed millions over last few decades they have zero moral compass to criticize even north koreas kimmy let alone hamas or any other militant group.

I have no issue israel directly going for hamas, but its clear to are they are not. From the start they have waged cultural and violent genocide against the natives there. Why are they killing scores of children in the west bank there are no hamas there. Why they taking more and more land of the native Palestinians. You are the clear blind one who has no issue with all the terrorism israel has done so you have no right to criticise anyone else.
We cannot stop killing criminals and take control of our affairs due to any fear of them becoming stronger. The same was said when Israel started building walls to defend itself against the suicide attacks of Hamas. At that time to such lame excuses were presented that it would make Hamas popular. But then we saw Hamas was able to do hardly any suicide bombing from 2008 up till now.

The solution to get rid of Hamas is then to take control of Gaza once again and cut the tunnels, and expel all Hamas members and supporters from the adjacent areas.

Only let those Palestinians live there and give them full and equal human rights, who want to live in peace. There should be no mercy shown against terrorist Hamas till the time they repent and give up their terrorism.
Violent resistance against occupation is allowed under international law. The Palestinians are within their rights to defend themselves and attack violently Israeli leaders and their security apparatus and anyone else who is violently supporting th occupation on Palestinian land.

Only when Israel finally realises that a viable homeland for the Palestinians per the 1967 borders is created with full Palestinian control will there be proper peace. Israel does not want peace they want land that is the crux of the issue not this diverting if attention to hamas.
only 9061 Gazans have been killed since October 7. If Israel were hitting civilians randomly, a million Gazans would have perished.

This is the dumbest thing ever. You think it's that easy to kill a million civilians in one instance without using weapons of mass destruction? Israel killed more than the whole war of Ukraine-Russia:


This ia what Bosniaks did in 1992-1995, and storming trenches with limited ammo and long sharp knives.

I am impressed to see the Arabs changing tactics and turning into a thought-through fighting force. I remember the disorientation amongst Arab militias over the last years. Good they got their act together.

الله أكبر
الله أكبر

اللهم أنجز لأهل فلسطين وعدَك الذي وعدتَه لعبادك المؤمنين، انقطعت آمالُهم وعزَّتك إلاّ منك، وخاب رجاؤهم إلاّ فيك وكفى بك وليا
وكفى بك نصيرا
This ia what Bosniaks did in 1992-1995, and storming trenches with limited ammo and long sharp knives.

I am impressed to see the Arabs changing tactics and turning into a thought-through fighting force. I remember the disorientation amongst Arab militias over the last years. Good they got their act together.
Palestinians are carpet bombed for weeks with most buildings turned to rubble, besieged and starved of fuel water and food, blockaded on all sides from the rest of Gaza, then they hide <10m away from Israeli Merkava MBTs and walk up to the damn tank and place the explosive on it, walk back, and after the explosion they fire at it again from close distance

Unbelievable bravery
The US is one of the biggest hypocrite nations, they have killed millions over last few decades they have zero moral compass to criticize even north koreas kimmy let alone hamas or any other militant group.

I have no issue israel directly going for hamas, but its clear to are they are not. From the start they have waged cultural and violent genocide against the natives there. Why are they killing scores of children in the west bank there are no hamas there. Why they taking more and more land of the native Palestinians. You are the clear blind one who has no issue with all the terrorism israel has done so you have no right to criticise anyone else.

Violent resistance against occupation is allowed under international law. The Palestinians are within their rights to defend themselves and attack violently Israeli leaders and their security apparatus and anyone else who is violently supporting th occupation on Palestinian land.

Only when Israel finally realises that a viable homeland for the Palestinians per the 1967 borders is created with full Palestinian control will there be proper peace. Israel does not want peace they want land that is the crux of the issue not this diverting if attention to hamas.
He is murtard, you waste your time with him, deep in heart he is happy to see muslims suffering ad be subjugated, do not waste your precious time with this kind of filth
Yemeni Houthis release statement calling for anti-Israel alliance with Saudi regime

"The Houthi": We say to the Saudi regime:

If you have decided to enter and attack areas in the occupied Palestine to fight the Zionist entity, you won't need to attack us again in Yemen, and we are ready to hand over Sanaa to you so you can live with us. There will be no harm between us when the compass points in the right direction of hostility towards the usurping Zionist entity
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