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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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Ya Rayis, at this rate I worry that this time there might not be enough left for a recovery. These butchers are on a vicious and unconscionable path of destruction that might not be recoverable for all Palestinians. If things were already brutal before these recent events, I can't imagine what it will be like after. Even with Suadiya & UAE & Qatar and all Muslim nations help financially to rebuild, the situation might be too far gone the way the zios have criminal carte blanche and US support. I had this fear from the start and wasn't just convinced of it, because there is only so much the Palestinians can take with the evil impunity the zios are and will continue to show. Unless other powerful entities collaborate together to put substantial pressure on the US that we haven't seen before, there's a strong and utterly worrisome possibility the result will be irrecoverable. Is there any fear of that you're hearing about?

There is going to be a big war Basha. I saw dreams of this from years ago. Allah will atone for these murders and genocide. And will be victorious.
This seems like an attempted genocide on Gaza or something, there are even talks to turn it into a "tent territory".

I really don't understand how Arabs can look at this and do nothing, just standing by.

Honestly all politics goes out of the window, even realpolitik goes out of the window seeing the level of cruel brutality against your blood by colonists

They should just go all out war, this humiliation not worth anything
Multi-polar World = Cold War (more countries used as pawns and destroyed). The Cold War between US and USSR pitted Islamic countries against each other and eroded Islamic values. I have a post on this topic. People have forgotten.

We can complain but it never gets better.
You can see how cocky and radicalized people are - the internet is showing it.

US has meaningful partnerships with a large number of countries around the world because US will support its allies. US is supporting both Ukraine and Israel in the present. Even if this is bad in your view, US is doing it. This is why US is strong.

But Russia? Putin has damaged Russia and reduced its options.
China also has disputes with multiple countries.

Best course of action is for Muslims to sort themselves out and be on good terms with each other.

I do agree Muslims need to sort out their own affairs rather than leaving them to outsiders; outsiders never keep in mind the interests of locals in decision-making calculus.
International community needs to nuke Israel now. They're Nazi's.
Well, they won't, that's the issue here. And to be frank, Israel wouldn't care anyway. Hamas poke the hornet nest. They probably out do themselves one musical festival too far. I asked a few of my colleague in my Australian Think Tank, they all are saying the world (at least the west) would give Israel the blank cheque and a lot of latitudes and go into Gaza and literally kill everything that move.......

And if they do use Thermobaric Weapon, that is probably only the beginning, as we are expect civilian suffering in Gaza to reach Ukraine level, maybe more........

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