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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Few rockets? Hamas have thrown more rockets and demonstrated more courage in battles than Hezbollah ever did.

If Hezbollah joins than entire Lebanon might pay the price. Lebanon is already broke and it has internal tensions. It might all unravel.

I don't think you really read my quoted message? As I said, Hezbollah is allowing other minor groups to launch a few rockets and keeping plausible deniability.
As for Lebanon and Syria: Their choice. They are already in shambles. They can force Israel to come to some compromise by sustained rocket launches, choking Israel's economy over some weeks. Three or four fronts is too much any country's defenses and economy.
But their choice--who am I to say, sitting in comfort at a distance.


More than 100 bodies found in Israeli kibbutz Be’eri after Hamas attack

Video shows apparent death of Israeli hostages in Hamas custody

The Washington Post. Graphic video shared on Telegram on Oct. 8, and verified by The Post, shows multiple bodies in the street in Be’eri, a kibbutz in southern Israel, just yards from where Hamas militants were filmed walking with several civilians who appear to be those same hostages.

HazbAllah is doing the right thing staying out of this conflict. They fought admirably and valiantly in 2006 but also took a profound beating on top of suffering the despicable zionist illegal & disproportionate retaliation and lost a lot of innocent civilians as a result. Can't blame them for exercising restraint and only firing when fired upon.
Erdogan is the happiest man on earth now.
Even if Israel wins or not militarily, the IMEC corridor is now dead in the water. The Chinese would also be happy about this. This is the end of India and US's attempt at a belt and road through the gulf up to the levant.
Turkey will have a better chance of pitching its alternative economic corridor.
It's all hogwash. India doesn't border Middle East and Europe and the logistics would be extremely costly. They just wanted to see Chinese reaction.
America has never fought Israels wars so that is not news.
Europe is appalled by all the war crimes committed by Palestinians and that Palestinians celebrates massacring jews.
What about European crimes against Jews that had been happening for centuries? How easy is it to just brush it under the carpet. They wouldn't need a separate homeland had you treated them as equal citizens.
Turkish President Erdogan:

With the motto "A just peace has no losers", we call on all actors in the region to take responsibility for the establishment of peace.

Adding gas to the fire, especially targeting civilians and civilian settlements, will not help anyone.

Türkiye will do its utmost to stop the clashes.

I'm here on a visit and to my surprise there are more religious people than I thought. I'd say like 50-70% of women wear hijabs no matter where you go and this is not even a so called conservative city yet.... In fact there were even pro Palestinian demonstrations yesterday
It depends where you are. Tons of people who support Israel but they don’t need to put up a front and a show. If you really want to support Palestine you should take a single ticket towards Palestine. Those demonstrations don’t mean anything.
Or even interment camps like the US did to Japanese & Japanese Americans during WWII. Maybe give them a little taste of something similar to what the Palestinians endure.

AGREE - technically they are REFUGEEs running away from conflict ..


More than 100 bodies found in Israeli kibbutz Be’eri after Hamas attack

Video shows apparent death of Israeli hostages in Hamas custody

The Washington Post. Graphic video shared on Telegram on Oct. 8, and verified by The Post, shows multiple bodies in the street in Be’eri, a kibbutz in southern Israel, just yards from where Hamas militants were filmed walking with several civilians who appear to be those same hostages.

There is a difference between killing civilians in collateral damage because they are forced to live with the terrorists and the terrorists who gun down people only because they want to kill.
Israel uses internationally-banned phosphorus munitions in South Lebanon

Reminder that in the last few days of the 2006 War, the IDF punitively fired 4.6 million cluster munitions into south Lebanon, which still maim and kill Lebanese children to this day. I hope Hezbollah has cluster munitions to deter a repeat of this crime by Israel.
Turkish President Erdogan:

With the motto "A just peace has no losers", we call on all actors in the region to take responsibility for the establishment of peace.

Adding gas to the fire, especially targeting civilians and civilian settlements, will not help anyone.

Türkiye will do its utmost to stop the clashes.

We don't need this bro, he should sanction the zionist regime and close the embassy. We don't need this soft pro-Israel talk which emboldens the terrorist zionist regime, they'll feel emboldened while they are coward babykillers who flatten residential building from the air. This kind of talk and attitude is ruining the defence and allows the genocide to continue.
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