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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This guy is advocating for CHILDREN to stay in Gaza to fight Israel and "go out on their shield". Please ban this sick SOB. @LeGenD
Spartans and Vikings are long done.
We are in 21th century where a thinking like THAT is ok for deepest jungle but not civilization.
Now that you mentioned it. There will be a war between Syria and Saudi Arabia when Mahdi will be consolidating his position in Saudi Arabia. Syria will be under control of a Tyrant as usual :rolleyes:. Syria will be defeated.

Romans will destroy two Islamic armies but will return after a treaty.

Jesus PBUH will be able to correct religious misconceptions of all believers perhaps. I do not think it is possible to wipe out jews in the manner stated.

Tsarists attempted to do that. Hitler attempted to do that. Arabs attempted to do that. All failed. It is important to learn from real developments and history.

Islam spreads with guidance and examples, not with violence. Prophets can do a better job in this matter of-course.

Only Allah Almighty knows what will happen in the future.

Back to topic now.

I appreciate how difficult it must be for moderators given the numbers of posters involved but is the kind of bile we are seeing on this even allowed on here? There's racial, religious bigotry, celebrating atrocities, cheerleading war, people advocating mass murder and genocide. The kind of views on here, from a variety of posters have been abhorrent.
OP might be good in life but I find his views strange TBH.
Sure, bc he is living in DENMARK and from there you can advocating children as meatshields.
I don't know his bodymass but he could maybe take a few 5.56/7.62 from Israelis and stay in front of gazan children.
Further confirmation can be seen here. You can see the blood pattern along the upper body region of the baby seat. Nobody is going to publish a beheaded baby of some family...

There are literally thousands of Palestinian babies murdered brutally by Isra-hell in just past few years, not speaking of genocide of 7 plus decades.
People like you never talked on that issue.
Don't show your ugly hypocrite face here.
Children on both sides should always be spared from the results of war. Both sides have clearly committed grave offences, but we have to remember there is a huge power asymmetry here in terms of occupier vs occupied and F-35 fighter jets and nuclear weapons vs unguided rockets made of water pipes.
Gloat, for this is your lust for blood and Let Palestinians die for their freedom, and NEVER GIVE IN!
The Muslim has become factionalized, divided, political camps have formed, they have become owners of property and possessions, and these ambitions have tied them to worldly affairs. Now when Muslims lose these things, when they have nothing left but their lives to give, what else can be expected of them but to return to their essence? Every bullet fired at Muslim societies deepens the grave of those who keep them in bondage.

A Muslim who surrenders himself to Creator has no fear of death in his heart. On the contrary, they considers the most honorable death to be dying on the path of the Allah. This is main thing that we failed explain to non-muslims: Don't be afraid of them getting richer and stronger, start being afraid when you think you can destroy them.
Children on both sides should always be spared from the results of war. Both sides have clearly committed grave offences, but we have to remember there is a huge power asymmetry here in terms of occupier vs occupied and F-35 fighter jets and nuclear weapons vs unguided rockets made of water pipes.

The foe will lose heart fighting against that type of people on the ground who have their back against the wall scenario. The ultimate key should be a hellish meatgrinder
Americans are walking into Israeli trap... being dragged in a war which will ultimately destroy their reputation and interests among Muslim and Arabs and Global South.
They should enforce something similar to the American ESTA Visa Waiver scheme where they can "only fly to Turkey" once they have approval to fly ...

Or even interment camps like the US did to Japanese & Japanese Americans during WWII. Maybe give them a little taste of something similar to what the Palestinians endure.

Palestinians disagree and report Egypt as seizing a lot of items and destroying a lot of tunnels.

The peace treaty you signed with Israel does not stipulate you have to blockade Gaza and be complicit in mass starvation of 2 million Palestinian civilians living there. That blockade only started when Hamas took over Gaza, so you are clearly wrong there.

I understand that risk, but the risk of 2 million civilians being massacred is greater than that.

So far only in words. Time will tell.

Usually I appreciate your perspectives but here you are being overly kind to the Egyptian government.

Palestinians might disagree on some of the blockading because they'd love to bring in tanks and ballistic missiles. Can't do that until there is a diplomatic solution.

2 million civilians being massacred is a gross exaggeration. Let's not over-inflate things to make a point. I understand what you're saying, you just refuse to see Egypt's position and expect it to drop everything and hand over everything.

And yes it is bound by the peace treaty because that would be a weapons violation if the border is wide open and not only supplies are crossing, but weapons as well. So to curb the weapons, they allow the border crossing to open as needed to have supplies enter on a regular basis.

And trust me, I am about as far removed from the EGY gov, as an Egyptian could be lol.
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