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CPEC expansion plan in doldrums

I think the Chinese side is concerned about the safety of large number of Chinese tourists to Pakistan in light of the recent terrorists attacks on Chinese and the turmoil of the country. Recently, China gov has issued a warning to its citizens to avoid travelling to Pakistan if not necessary becos of the violent unstable situation.
What are you talking about. Pakistan has successfully hosted Cricket Asia Cup just 2 weeks ago and you claim that Pakistan has security issues??
Please don’t try to undermine Pakistan just because Pakistan takes loans from you and going through economic disaster. It’s time for you to treat Pakistan with respect and leave behind this master slave relationship mentality.

Also, we would really like it if Pakistan and China resolve all their outstanding disputes through bilateral dialogue. We want all our neighbors to have peaceful relations. 😊
Even back in December 2022 some analysts starting casting doubts on the direction that CPEP was taking. However you still said that everything is ok. You definitely have some inside information that we do not. But everything that was mentioned int that vLog is now coming true.

You may want to check again with your source if everything is really ok with CPEC.
"Islamabad wanted to change location of 300 MW Gwader power plant to Thar to use the local coal. But China did not agree to Pakistan’s text about the Gwadar plant."

Does this answer your question that was raised in December 2022?
What are you talking about. Pakistan has successfully hosted Cricket Asia Cup just 2 weeks ago and you claim that Pakistan has security issues??
Please don’t try to undermine Pakistan just because Pakistan takes loans from you and going through economic disaster. It’s time for you to treat Pakistan with respect and leave behind this master slave relationship mentality.
Fool, Chinese are looking at the broad picture over a period, not a single event as your little brain can only understand. Stop your sleezy BS.
What are you talking about. Pakistan has successfully hosted Cricket Asia Cup just 2 weeks ago and you claim that Pakistan has security issues??
Please don’t try to undermine Pakistan just because Pakistan takes loans from you and going through economic disaster. It’s time for you to treat Pakistan with respect and leave behind this master slave relationship mentality.

@etylo was alluding to the lack of security of the Chinese personnel in Pakistan.

Chinese do not go to watch cricket matches.
I dont buy the security issue thing. We all know china never suffers casualties
I dont buy the security issue thing. We all know china never suffers casualties
Is there anything you Indians agree with the Chinese in the world esp regarding Pakistan ?
Fool, Chinese are looking at the broad picture over a period, not a single event as your little brain can only understand. Stop your sleezy BS.
But I only said don’t treat Pakistan as slave and resolve all disputes. Don’t know why you are angry unnecessarily.
That chutiya Bajwa when he was singing Amreeka Bahadur's praises and relegating China as a third rate weapons supplier should be hung by his tiny balls and asked how do you like them Chinese apples now.

Watch this video to understand the topic.

Do not jump to premature conclusions.
okay so basically GOP was being stupid as usual
A- They lost focus and started including BS/political projects like tourism, urban development, gas into CPEC
B- They didn't follow the process- didn't do their homework, didn't approve it through technical committee

Just barged in and asked JCC to approve this expansion with little to no homework, or approvals from actual technical committees responsible for specific projects

Project were not outright rejected but if reworked by following proper procedures, homework, approvals they're back on the table

"IF" going by the video you shared
CPEC will get back on track after review and renegotiations.
Chinese have cut their losses and moved on. Even a half blind imbecile can tell you the country is insolvent and Chinese will never recover their investments.

Plus there's a small matter of sepoy generals' inability to rebel against their colonial masters no matter how detrimental it is to their own country's interests to remain loyal compliant little sepoys.
okay so basically GOP was being stupid as usual
A- They lost focus and started including BS/political projects like tourism, urban development, gas into CPEC
B- They didn't follow the process- didn't do their homework, didn't approve it through technical committee

Just barged in and asked JCC to approve this expansion with little to no homework, or approvals from actual technical committees responsible for specific projects

Project were not outright rejected but if reworked by following proper procedures, homework, approvals they're back on the table

"IF" going by the video you shared
China is sticking to 2015 terms and conditions. It was limited in scope. To date, people do not know what the original deal was due to lack of transparency.

Pakistani leaders billed CPEC as a socio-economic game changer for public consumption and attempted to include a variety of projects in CPEC that the Chinese have not accepted - now this is news. Millions of jobs were promised. Such hype was created that people in Balochistan were hoping to see their fortunes shift but this did not happen. Did I not point out protests in Gwadar that were censored in local media?

Pakistan have absolute clowns at the top. Pakistan should open numerous development projects to international bidders, but nope. Let's sing Pak - Cheen dosti songs and scream foreign conspiracy when problems come to light. This is how clowns behave.

WE must have realistic expectations from all countries and build meaningful partnerships with multiple countries. Clown should stop fooling the masses for short term domestic political gains.

@Crimson Blue

CPEC expansion plan in doldrums​

China has not agreed to further expand cooperation in areas of energy, water management, climate change

Shahbaz RanaSeptember 26, 2023

photo reuters file


China has not agreed to further expand cooperation in areas of energy, water management, and climate change under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), underscoring the challenges that both the sides are facing in deepening the economic ties.

Moreover, Islamabad gave up its opposition to setting up a new imported coal-fired power plant in Gwadar and also agreed to a number of Chinese demands to address Beijing’s concerns, the signed minutes of the 11th Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) of the CPEC showed.

Although, the JCC meeting was held in Oct 2022, its minutes were signed on July 31, highlighting the difference of opinions on both sides that led to almost a year’s delay in reaching a consensus.

The details showed that China did not agree to a host of measures that Pakistan had proposed in the areas of energy, water management, climate change and tourism in Giglit-Baltistan (G-B), Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P), Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and the coastal areas.

The final draft shared with Beijing by Pakistan and the final minutes signed by both the sides were different in many ways. The CPEC minutes had been signed on July 31 during the visit of the Chinese vice premier, Ahsan Iqbal, former planning minister in the PDM government, said.

The JCC is a strategic decision-making body of CPEC and its 11th meeting was held virtually on Oct 27, 2022 on the insistence of the PML-N led government that wanted to showcase some progress.

China excluded cooperation in the areas of cross-border tourism in G-B, K-P and AJK and cooperation for promotion of coastal tourism from the final minutes of the 11th JCC, the details showed.

China also did not agree to Pakistan’s proposal for inclusion of Water Resources Management and Climate Change and Urban Infrastructure Development in the CPEC framework. The proposal for setting up a new joint working group on water resources management and climate change was also rejected by China.

When contacted, the Ministry of Planning stated that it was a global practice for the minutes of meetings between two countries to be signed by both the sides only after due consultation and evolving consensus. This is to ensure that the minutes accurately reflect the agreements and understandings reached by both the parties, it added.

The planning ministry further said that the 11th JCC meeting minutes were signed in July 2023 after a thorough consultation process. Both the sides reviewed and discussed the minutes in detail to ensure that they comprehended all these outstanding issues and future goals, it added.

The details showed that China excluded the issue of financial challenges being faced by the power companies from the final minutes. The text related to the financial closing of 701 megawatts (MW) Azad Pattan hydropower project, 1,124MW Kohala power plant, and 1,320MW Thar Block 1 Shanghai Electric Co power plant was dropped from the final minutes.

The draft minutes had mentioned that “the projects have achieved 90% milestones for financial closing; however, financial closing is dependent on Sinosure clearance”.
Major concession on Gwadar plant

Pakistan has given significant concessions to China on the issue of setting up the 300MW Gwadar Power Plant.
Islamabad wanted to either shelve the 300MW project or change its location to Thar to use the local coal. But China did not agree to Pakistan’s text about the Gwadar plant, which had mentioned that “both sides recognised that there was a need to examine the requirement, size, location and fuel type for 300MW Gwadar Power Plant in view of escalating international coal prices, which were resulting in exceptionally high prices of electricity, liquidity and foreign exchange issues for Pakistan and environmental concerns”.

Pakistan had also wanted the conversion of the imported fuel-based Gwadar plant to Thar coal to address energy security and liquidity issues to which China did not agree.

The final minutes showed that “both sides agreed to advance the Gwadar Power Plant in accordance with the existing plan”.

Pakistan also committed that it would follow the consensus reached by two sides, and will direct the Pakistani power purchase companies to stop deducting the capacity power rate and return the deducted power rate.

To ensure the normal operations of CPEC power projects, the Pakistani side promised to take necessary measures to ensure timely exchange to US dollars for CPEC power projects to buy necessary fuels.

China also did not agree to a proposal to the inclusion of a 500kv transmission line from Hub to Gwadar to link the seaport city with the national grid in the CPEC framework.

Similarly, China did not agree to “carry out joint studies for future development of Thar coal blocks, including development of mega power parks and power evacuation infrastructure, with a view to meet Pakistan’s energy needs from indigenous resources, conversion of coal into other products for domestic demand as well as exports.
The reference that the JCC appreciated the decision on the conversion of imported coal-based IPPS to local Thar coal was also dropped.

China also did not agree to the proposal for inclusion of 100MW KIU and 80MW Phander hydel power projects in the CPEC energy cooperation list and implementation through Chinese investors. China did not agree to the proposal of developing a policy framework for coal gasification to fertiliser projects based on Thar coal.

Similarly, there is no mention of the South-North gas pipeline project in the final minutes. The draft minutes had mentioned examination of feasibility study and Chinese cooperation for the purpose.

Pakistan had proposed Chinese participation in a strategic underground gas storage project but there is no mention of this mega project in the final minutes.

Pakistan had also proposed participation of China in the national seismic study for sedimentary areas and sought Chinese equipment. But this idea is also shelved at the bilateral level.

Pakistan proposed joint exploration, development, and marketing of metallic minerals and sought Chinese technology, but the final minutes were silent on this issue too.

The planning ministry emphasised that signing of the minutes of the 11th JCC meeting was a testament to the strong relationship between Pakistan and China. It was also a reflection of the commitment by both sides to work together to achieve their common goals, it added.

Good. I agree with Chinese stance. Don't reward a backstabber. The slaves of America need to beg.

Chinese have cut their losses and moved on. Even a half blind imbecile can tell you the country is insolvent and Chinese will never recover their investments.

Plus there's a small matter of sepoy generals' inability to rebel against their colonial masters no matter how detrimental it is to their own country's interests to remain loyal compliant little sepoys.

The Chinese don't trust the guarantors anymore. You and I know what the guarantors did. This is the price you pay for backstabbing a trusted ally in the back. Now let the guarantors plead their American masters for help. I am sure the Americans are dying to invest in Pakistan LOL

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