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Imran Khan's two major demands in jail

They will kill him in Jail. One day, we will wake up and hear the news that IK died in jail due to massive heart attack.
Does that mean all the outpouring of support we see on social media for IK is just cyber hot air with no reality behind it ?

It is almost 80:20 IK for:against in this forum, which doesn’t square with what you say happen in Pakistan.

if things are bau that would mean IK’s support is just cyber manufactured and not real !!
Jinnah had 99% support and was sideline
His sister had 99% support still lost to General Gracey and his protege ayub khan

They will kill him in Jail. One day, we will wake up and hear the news that IK died in jail due to massive heart attack.
I think the more likely outcome is what happened in before with other leaders like bacha khan...i.e after 10 yrs they will either release him or send him to hospital

People by then won't remember who he is..once he is dead half of Pakistan will call him hero the other a traitor who tried to over throw govt with Indian support that was foiled by the great pakistan army

I am not passimisticmy my prediction was pretty much the same for last 2 years though it took much longer then I predicted probably because of internal military and judiciary resistance that has now been cleansed after court martials and firit/retirement
Does that mean all the outpouring of support we see on social media for IK is just cyber hot air with no reality behind it ?

It is almost 80:20 IK for:against in this forum, which doesn’t square with what you say happen in Pakistan.

if things are bau that would mean IK’s support is just cyber manufactured and not real !!

You cracked the Mystery, Ik supports is all made up!!!

Hurry up and send this information to PDM and Khaki Terrorist, so they can Hold elections and win comfortably 😉
Janamaz and English Holy Quran.................
I am sure Janamaz was given to him. But what’s with the English Quran. I thought he was the savior of the Islamic World and the great fighter against slavery of the West and now he has to read the Quran in English.
Pakistan never had any hope, this time it has crossed the point of no return.. Done and Dusted...
There is no hope for Pakistan, it is a doomed country. I'm not in Pakistan right now, but from talking to relatives it's business as usual there. There is very little outcry or anger from the public.

Pakistan will continue to teether like this until eventually it breaks into pieces.
The older generation has learned to live their whole lives in instability, so they think this is just another episode, but they look forlorn when their kids say they want to leave the country.

It’s a kind of quiet shame I’ve seen on the face of many older Pakistanis, when I last visited Pakistan, those visiting the US from Pakistan, and the older members of the Pakistani diaspora here in New York. They don’t want to talk about Pakistan, they just want to live the remainder of their lives peacefully and obviously to the world their kids and grandkids are being left in when they pass on.

Then they ask why we are not supportive of each other like the other peoples, like the Indians. “They have a strong community here”. So there is a generation worth of the boomers neglect of the community and only now in their old age do they look around for the support they failed to build in their prime years.

Should us in the younger generation keep holding our tongue out of respect?
These older folks don’t want to give up their comforts, that the system bribed them with to stay apolitical.

Last year, when I warned that the younger generation would see this law of the jungle incident as a betrayal, and act in their own individual self interests, and would in turn disengage with the Pakistan and even their own Pakistani extended families where possible.

The drop in remittances are just the first sign.
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He asked for english Quran because he can't read arabic Quran
Perhaps, but at least he’s trying.

In many ways, IK is like a young upper middle class man that became an Overseas Pakistani for sometime and came home to live the majority of his life in Pakistan and doing good for Pakistan.

He didn’t try to rock the boat because he understood the country in a linear and naive manner, as many overseas Pakistanis want to understand the country as, ignoring its complexities and multilayered power struggles.

At least with an English language Quran, maybe he will be better able to reflect and understand, in the language he is most comfortable.

They will kill him in Jail. One day, we will wake up and hear the news that IK died in jail due to massive heart attack.
I fear that may happen and people will have a few days to do their outbursts before the most vocal are arrested.

Now is the time to protest. We need weekly protests for global media to keep on covering and new ways to keep up the requirement for them to meet the demands of the people; elections in 90 days. No fake census.
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