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Sad shameful situation - student from India stalking white woman, why is this a pattern.

Since the over whelming majority of IT labor and managers in Silicon Valley are Hindus, it is incumbent on them to follow US anti-discrimination law.

Majority of H1B's did not even go to school here - as evidenced by the sub-par English skills.

Any attempt to circumvent and defeat California anti-discrimination laws with nepotism and religious discrimination will be met by targeted boycott of companies and public exposure.

There are plenty of groups who are disgruntled at the takeover of IT jobs by cheap Indian back-office companies and their agents. Their help will also be enlisted.

This is not India and this is not the eighties, we have laws here and this is a first world country. Feeble-brained H1B's are clueless about this.
😂. Like anyone care about some lungis whining.
Your chaddi stitching barbs would be believable if Bangladesh GDP per capita nominal would NOT be better than India's.

But it is - my bhakt friend. You are officially more bhikharee than us, so calling us chaddi-stitchers is moot.

Two masters degrees and this is your language skills? RIP US education system.

before the Turks and Mughals brought stitching to your shores, entire India did not know how to stitch anything. So there.

No job is shameful if it brings a means of earning wages to live honorably, unlike your lot.

I could have talked about toilets and other oddities, but I will digress.

He is a Felon and has Jail time on his record. He is screwed. Will never get a Green Card.
No one believes your fake BBS GDP data. Hence the lack of FDI and utter poor market capitalization of DSE. It's only for the lungi fools to believe that somehow you are doing better than India. But it is moot speaking to a chaddi stitching factory worker about economies. And I suggest you to check again the Per capita data, we are still in the lead by the latest numbers. It will not be longer before the IMF will pare through your fake GDP numbers. Heck your entire GOB revenue is less than 30 billion and you are comparing yourself with a country that has about $700 billion in revenue. Enjoy PDF, otherwise you will have no place to speak your delusions. Now F off.
Hindi and Indian mean of the Indus. After 1947 it has another meaning since another country adopted that name.

Right. Pakistani people came out of thin air in 1947. Their genetic matter was not produced from centuries of migrations from the Eurasian steppes and local settlements already there in the Bronze Age.

Learned so much from Mr Genious in the past 24 hours. Keep "en-lighting" me.

😂. Like anyone care about some lungis whining.

No one believes your fake BBS GDP data. Hence the lack of FDI and utter poor market capitalization of DSE. It's only for the lungi fools to believe that somehow you are doing better than India. But it is moot speaking to a chaddi stitching factory worker about economies. And I suggest you to check again the Per capita data, we are still in the lead by the latest numbers. It will not be longer before the IMF will pare through your fake GDP numbers. Heck your entire GOB revenue is less than 30 billion and you are comparing yourself with a country that has about $700 billion in revenue. Enjoy PDF, otherwise you will have no place to speak your delusions. Now F off.

Remember this Amit mota bhai bhakt-in-chief, tera baap?

He used to call us bad names like termites? He is sucking up to us now. With begging bowl in hand.

Modi's entire story is lies and propaganda.

We don't have to convince bhakts about the strength of our economy, those are the last low-life people we care about.

We buy $50 Billion worth of your garbage products and services every year to keep your garbage economy afloat.

Your jobless idiots are pounding the pavement in Dhaka looking for jobs, priced 20% below locals. :sarcastic:

For us its bheekh deneka mauka to your bheekh mangey govt.

Act like your auqaat.

Knowing your shameless type, you'll probably be back for more tight slaps. Beghairati in bhakt-land has no limits.

No sense speaking to rank idiot clueless people like you - so much below my standard. You are ignored.

Bask in your Godi media lies - and Thank Modi.
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Yeah, good job building a dream world for yourself. Lab creation...

Right all those genetic maps, archeological research, linguistic history were built in my own lab to hide some imaginary "South Asian race." I learned so much from you in the last 24 hours.
Right all those genetic maps, archeological research, linguistic history were built in my own lab to hide some imaginary "South Asian race." I learned so much from you in the last 24 hours.

Pretty much! If you truly believe that your ancestors never had gene mixing by cross-breeding since your ancient maps and times, you truly are the world's first lab-created human...congrats!

On the evening of September 7, 2021, Officer Sutton responded to a call in reference to suspicious activity. Upon arrival, he met the caller who stated she was being followed by a friend ("Ramesh"). She explained that the suspect had a history of contacting her despite her requests to stop.

Earlier that day, she told Officer Sutton that the suspect had called her and admitted to following her all day using a GPS tracker he had placed on her vehicle. He had said he felt bad about it and wished to remove the tracker. He had asked her to meet him at a gas station. At that point, she had called 911.

While Officer Sutton searched the vehicle for the tracker, Officer Nguyen located the suspect at the gas station and placed him under arrest once the GPS tracker had been located. The suspect was charged with Unlawful Surveillance (Felony) and Stalking (misdemeanor). He spent a week in jail before being released on a $11,000 surety bond.

So if you have Felony on your record, bye bye Green Card and of course US citizenship - as far as I know.

I don't know how stupid some people can get.

must be all the cow pee they drink
There are good and bad people everywhere. i know hundreds of Indian in US, who are normal people, working hard to make a living and pretty much like Pakistanis except for the religion.

This is true. I have tons of decent friends from India from good families.

Lately there has been a rise of uneducated lower classes in India becoming educated due to the back-office phenomenon- newly minted middle class.

These people are severely wanting in Tameez and decent behavior.

There is a saying where I come from. "Kuttey ko ghee hazam nahi hota".

These bet-tameez have some pseudo education but their low-life background betrays them.

Avoid them like the plague.

Decent Indians themselves are ashamed about these people.
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I wouldn't bat one eyelash about hiring him. Unfortunately, the reverse is seldom true, especially in Silicon Valley. That place is full of Hindutva people dumping on even Indian Dalits, forget Muslims. They bring their prejudices with their luggage and can't let go.


this is what I observed by these lot... in Dubai they do the same.
I am grateful to the country for all the opportunities- who said I am not, I was talking about the prejudice of Indian community along religious lines carrying into North America

Am I complaining?- yeah I guess I am cause it's messed up, that's not how honorable people should act but does that stop people to be what they wanna be
absolutely not, hell nah to even suggest such a thing is laughable- but both are 2 different topics

Bhai there are all kinds of low life people in India too, their exposure and family background is nothing to speak of.

I mean a person can become educated - but if they keep their back-dated prejudices and narrow-minded behavior then they do not belong in any decent society.
This reads like a Muslim playing stereotypes. What is Hindutva types.

nope... this is just hard fact. Working in Dubai with MNCs this typical indian hindu behaviour. I have yet to see an exception

it is high time you people realise deep down you are a very ugly people
Remember this Amit mota bhai bhakt-in-chief, tera baap?

He used to call us bad names like termites? He is sucking up to us now. With begging bowl in hand.

Modi's entire story is lies and propaganda.

We don't have to convince bhakts about the strength of our economy, those are the last low-life people we care about.

We buy $50 Billion worth of your garbage products and services every year to keep your garbage economy afloat.

Your jobless idiots are pounding the pavement in Dhaka looking for jobs, priced 20% below locals. :sarcastic:

For us its bheekh deneka mauka to your bheekh mangey govt.

Act like your auqaat.

Knowing your shameless type, you'll probably be back for more tight slaps. Beghairati in bhakt-land has no limits.

No sense speaking to rank idiot clueless people like you - so much below my standard. You are ignored.

Bask in your Godi media lies - and Thank Modi.

Pole vaulting experts are talking as if that slum Dhaka is some Dubai. Amit shah will push all lungis back to that termite country with sweet talk.

I don't have to believe in anything Modi tells me. I can see for my self with over 4 million cars sold and 170 million smartphone sales and with tax collection growing at over 20% reaching $700 billion and oh reserves reaching 600 billion.

Talking about auqaat, you better remember before you open your mouth that your whole country buys some 3000 new cars a year and less than 7 million smartphones. And you are one of the poorest population in which ever country you are. GOB can only muster $30 billion in revenue and you are saying you are paying India $50 billion. Either you are stupid or your government is pathetic. I think the former.

You are lucky that you are an LDC, for without it even your stitching factories will close. BBS numbers game will be out soon enough. You are like your cricket team, all hype no substance.

nope... this is just hard fact. Working in Dubai with MNCs this typical indian hindu behaviour. I have yet to see an exception

it is high time you people realise deep down you are a very ugly people
I mean if the entire world is discriminating against you, then I would suggest to look at yourself for the cause. Before you call others ugly, may be you should reflect on your ugliness within, that has become a challenge for the world.
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