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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

***Keep personal attacks, insults out of this thread otherwise this thread too will be locked within the day.***
Our Pashtuns went to help their brethren Pashtuns in Afghanistan.

Our 'brethren Pashtuns'? The same who were sheltering the Hitler reincarnate Bin Laden while he was blowing up embassies and USS Cole? The same, when grabbing power in Swat in 2009, were butchering people in the town squares and banning girls? The same who are ruling Afghanistan now??
You seem like another expat Pakistanis who lives in the West and watch from your comfort the destruction of your country of origin!! There is nothing redeeming about religious extremism! Nothing.
May Allah deal with him accordingly

he was a snake and disgusting human being

May Allah make him account for each and every Pakistani he sold for $5,000 to the US as terrorists

those poor Pathans were taken away and tortured and eventually killed young boys 13 years old and less

Musharraf was a slave dog of the West and Israel and also India

during Kargil he refused to collect the bodies of the Mujahideen and he never supported Palestine

he helped Taliban and when US said go against Taliban he went against them

yes I know he's dead but truth is truth

Former chief of army staff and President Pervez Musharraf has passed away on Sunday at American Hospital in UAE after a prolonged illness.
Local media reports quoting his family members said the former four-star general succumbed to Amyloidosis. He was hospitalised for a couple of weeks due to a complication of his ailment, per reports.

Musharraf was the tenth president of the South Asian nation after the successful military coup in 1999. He served as the 10th CJCSC from 1998 to 2001 and the 7th top general from 1998 to 2007.

Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raaji'uun

May Allah open the doors of his forgiveness and allow him into the greatest Jannat.
May Allah deal with him accordingly

he was a snake and disgusting human being

May Allah make him account for each and every Pakistani he sold for $5,000 to the US as terrorists

those poor Pathans were taken away and tortured and eventually killed young boys 13 years old and less

Musharraf was a slave dog of the West and Israel and also India

during Kargil he refused to collect the bodies of the Mujahideen and he never supported Palestine

he helped Taliban and when US said go against Taliban he went against them

yes I know he's dead but truth is truth

Everyone will be judged and punished according his sins, you, others and me too.
Our 'brethren Pashtuns'? The same who were sheltering the Hitler reincarnate Bin Laden while he was blowing up embassies and USS Cole? The same, when grabbing power in Swat in 2009, were butchering people in the town squares and banning girls? The same who are ruling Afghanistan now??
You seem like another expat Pakistanis who lives in the West and watch from your comfort the destruction of your country of origin!! There is nothing redeeming about religious extremism! Nothing.

Pakistan has always been helping the Taliban since soviet War. Every country does this in one way or another; putin is using his Prisoners population to fight war in Ukrainian Pakistani state used radicalised Pashtuns / punjabis others fight off Ussr threat to pakistan where you now sit safely. Using radicalised believes as proxies for the foreign policy Interest's. It would be weirder if Pakistan didn’t do the same thing. It’s millions of us hard working expats that keep millions of our Pakistanis feed and clothed back home kindly show some gratitude to us unlike your patriotic Pakistani patriotic stealing every penny money and running to the west Shane Shane …..
Pakistan has always been helping the Taliban since soviet War. Every country does this in one way or another; putin is using his Prisoners population to fight war in Ukrainian Pakistani state used radicalised Pashtuns / punjabis others fight off Ussr threat to pakistan where you now sit safely. Using radicalised believes as proxies for the foreign policy Interest's. It would be weirder if Pakistan didn’t do the same thing. It’s millions of us hard working expats that keep millions of our Pakistanis feed and clothed back home kindly show some gratitude to us unlike your patriotic Pakistani patriotic stealing every penny money and running to the west Shane Shane …..

You make no sense.
The war against the Soviets in 1980s was a USA-USSR proxy war. Yes, a pro-India, Soviet dominated Afghanistan wouldn't be friendly to Pakistan but if you look at the other 'Stans', Afghanistan would have become yet another 'Stan': More educated and thus less averse to launching a war against a nuclear power like Pakistan. That would have been the trajectory for Afghanistan and Pakistan had the Soviets prevailed totally. This is only now being realized in Pakistan, albeit too late.

And about the Russia-Ukraine war: The Russian prisoners fighting in Ukraine are not suicidal. The tendency to blow oneself up because of some heavenly-rewards has its roots in the religious extremism. The Urdu Speakers of Karachi and the Sindhi nationalists were also brutally crushed by the State of Pakistan in the 1980s and 1990s, respectively. But they, being not religious extremists, didn't turn out the way the religious extremists have. There is far less militancy in Sindh despite all the violence happened there.

PS. I have sent well over $200,000 to Pakistan over the years. I don't consider it doing some great sacrifice or service. I did to support family. No point bringing such things up.
PS. I have sent well over $200,000 to Pakistan over the years. I don't consider it doing some great sacrifice or service. I did to support family. No point bringing such things up.
Majority of overseas Pakistanis including myself have the same correct attitude but a "few" still need to be educated. :D
Lal Masjid degenerate jahil types are celebrating today.

Do you remember the Lal Masjid events? I wonder how many here still remember those days from 2007 ?? Recall that the religious thugs--the wanna be champions of 'Sharia' in Pakistan, abducted Chinese nationals, occupied public places, armed up inside holy places like a mosque and started issuing demands for 'Sharia'. They not only challenged the writ of the State of Pakistan but also put Pakistan's most important friendship with China at risk.!!
There was a lot of negotiations made with such Haraamkhors but they wouldn't budge. THAT is the mindset of the religious extremists!! They don't live in the real-world. You know, this world is just a 'mirage' to them. Anyway, after much hesitation, Musharraf launched the operation in which patriotic Pakistani law enforcing agents died. The media turned into some kind of a 'martyrdom' for the damned goons even if their leader hid in a Burqah trying to escape. Such is the level of stupidity of some Pakistanis!!!

I don't know exactly where and when--but between Lal Masjid, the Benazir assassination, and rise of terrorism, and the Lawyer's Movement--all in 2007, Pakistan went off-rail after some years of growth and peace. That was the end of Musharraf and the beginning of the second 'Lost Decade' for Pakistan. He had to concede power to some viable civilian setup and hence the NRO. And what's new there?? The military gave the power to ZAB after 1971, to Benazir after 1988.... NRO was a requirement, whether you like it or not. Who would a 'bunker President' given power to?? Mualana Edhi? Dr. Adeeb Rizvi? No, power is given to those who have sufficient vote bank and the cunningness to rule in countries like Pakistan otherwise there would be even more anarchy. So that's the context for Musharraf's NRO. But lets also acknowledge: The same cursed Establishment which engineered those power transitions also helped Imran Khan in 2018 to rise to power. As I said: Nothing new here.
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