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Pakistani Minorities Seeking Asylum Abroad

Indians are trolling the world with their democracy and tolerance mask fielding support for such lunatics and seriously endangering our identity. We as muslims have a right to preserve our identity and impersonators like Qadyanis / ahmedis / gohar shahis shall be banned from calling themselves "muslims"?

India and Indians are nobody to decide on our identity or shelter the impersonators so please stop trolling the forum with India pride syndrome..wonder how will India react if pagans started calling themselves Hindu while maintain their pagan practices?? Just presume for instance as an example..

Being proud of nationality is a syndrome!!:cheesy:
Yeah why not,those who want to break the country,will only die.
But religious expressions are freely exercised by people.
Unlike in Pakistan.

Pakistan is based on Islam, traitors/two faced people are not allowed everywhere and so in Pakistan, apart every religion is free, and Muslims have zero tolerance for the ones who talk against Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
On the other hand India based on secularism just by name, in India secularism is Sikhularism, infact no religion is free to move, I think i don't need to give examples massacre of Muslims in Gujrat, about christians
Christians in India face prospect of more attacks by extremists - Times Online
This is the fundamental difference between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan is focused on singularity of faith and leaves no space for alternate narratives.

India's motto is "Unity in diversity" which is why we open out to everyone.

Pluralistic societies like India and the USA have always triumphed over narrow ideologies.

Just like you had defectors from the erstwhile Soviet bloc and Cuba, we now have refugees from Pakistan. This will continue until that society consumes itself with each individual try to out-Islam his neighbour. Where there is this race to be more pure than the Arab and the Turk and the other.

As we say in Sanskrit : "Vinasha kaale vipareetha buddhi".
Hindus will welcome all to the fold with their religious practices.Coz for them every one is hindu even if they are from different religion/sect etc.Religious practices are un-important among hindus so u see so many crores of gods.

I am a Hindu, hence I am a muslim, a christian, a jew, a man of all faiths. If the basic requirement of a muslim is to pray to Allah with whole heart, I can do so without any prick of my conscience, in any mosque. I can pray my heart to Jesus in any church. I can pray to any god, with form or formless. I've been to temples many and prayed to gods many. I every often see new local deities being formed and have no problem in praying them too. At different points in my life, I had visited churches and mosques and prayed in them. In a way, I am an atheist too as my religion has taught me to be detached from god. My religion had trained me to focus only on faith and not God, much like atheists focusing on self-belief. I use god only as a means for faith. I can pray the same thing to many gods at the same time, without a flutter. I see god in my environment, in living and non-living things. I can pray to animate and inanimate objects. And it is my strength and not a weakness. I am a Hindu and I am proud of it.
Pray I will, to any God, for sanity to prevail in this world.
This is how the term "pluralism" is defined in the American Heritage dictionary:

a. A condition in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups are present and tolerated within a society.
b. The belief that such a condition is desirable or socially beneficial.
c. The doctrine that reality is composed of many ultimate substances.
d. The belief that no single explanatory system or view of reality can account for all the phenomena of life.

One can deduce the following for most Islamic societies:
a. Even if there is a constitutional provision for other groups, they are not tolerated whole-heartedly.
b. Pluralism is not considered beneficial or desirable.
c. Rejection of any alternative narrative or version of reality.
d. Defacto assumption of the superiority of hte Islamic belief system and the active consideration of other belief systems as inherently false.

Add to this the Quranic sanctions to aggressively prosleytize and use violence to eliminate other belief systems.

That is why Pakistan will never be pluralistic and those who hold a contrarian view to the majority will continue to be persecuted. There is an inherent philosophical flaw in that society which is why they will continue to tear at themselves and claw at their already bleeding wounds.

There is no band-aid for a problem this deep. I feel a profound sadness for Pakistanis, knowing their eventual fate.
Then please gladly absorb these heretics into India as we don't like compromise of our identity and religion by hypocrites. Singularity and uniformity is important to us..we don't want to turn into another diversity cult!

Who the F*** are you to claim who is or is not muslim Mr.eMullah?

Reading comments such as yours throws light on why the Taliban is such a problem in Pakistan.

For the sake of the liberal Pakistanis...I think its good that you're located in SArabia or else you would be part of Pakistans problems not solution!
You and your friends need to take killing people a little more seriously, just to prove that only humans are allowed on this forum.

yeh just like you took the brutal killing of Bangladeshi teenage girl by Indian BSF
. I feel a profound sadness for Pakistanis, knowing their eventual fate.

keep your profound grief for some of victims of Gujrat massacre at the hands of Hindu extremists and victims of Orissa massacre of Christians at the hands of same hindu extremists.

we really feel sorry knowing their eventual fate in India too
Who the F*** are you to claim who is or is not muslim Mr.eMullah?

Reading comments such as yours throws light on why the Taliban is such a problem in Pakistan.

For the sake of the liberal Pakistanis...I think its good that you're located in SArabia or else you would be part of Pakistans problems not solution!

Even the "liberals" do not tolerate ahmedi people.
There is a conscensus amongst all other sects that Ahmedis are in violation of the most basic tenant of Islam.

Thus every other sect has asked them to choose any name, but do not falsify Islam.

that is all, they are even free to spread their religion etc, as long as they keep them selves separate and unique from what the world has known as Islam since 1400 + years.

Is that too hard to understand ?
Who the F*** are you to claim who is or is not muslim Mr.eMullah?

Reading comments such as yours throws light on why the Taliban is such a problem in Pakistan.

For the sake of the liberal Pakistanis...I think its good that you're located in SArabia or else you would be part of Pakistans problems not solution!

And let me be the devil's advocate here ...

you asked who the F is Mullah,

Well Mullah is the one who took the responsibility of cleaning the mosque, calling out Azan, Organizing eid prayers, giving you a certificate of marriage and recite some verses from Quran ....

Just so the billions can feel they are still some how associated with what was Islam.

That my friend is Mullah,
so what if they now ask for political recognition and power in return.
It's not like you and I offered any choice.

I think no one has a right to question the Mullah, if you never bothered to volunteer your self for the job.
Pakistan is based on Islam, traitors/two faced people are not allowed everywhere and so in Pakistan, apart every religion is free, and Muslims have zero tolerance for the ones who talk against Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
On the other hand India based on secularism just by name, in India secularism is Sikhularism, infact no religion is free to move, I think i don't need to give examples massacre of Muslims in Gujrat, about christians
Christians in India face prospect of more attacks by extremists - Times Online
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Extremists can be in every society or state.India is no exception.Please keep in mind that we r secular because majority of us want it to be.U unfortunately will never know the beauty of secularism.A hindu wouldn't discriminate btw a shia or sunni or ahmedia and a muslim wouldn't discriminate btw a brahmin or a shudra,and this is y secularism works.India is the birth place of atleast 4 different religions.What u percieve as a place where no religion is free to move,i believe it to be a place where every religion is free to propogate.
And yes because we dont have the luxury of hiding behind a religious identity\state and justifying the cleansing of minorities unlike u i will be the first to admit that we r not perfect,but atleast have the deceny not to ridicule and generalize when we r trying to achieve something truely beautiful,something u as a nation can not even think of.
keep your profound grief for some of victims of Gujrat massacre ...

Just how shameless are you guys? We are having this discussion because the minorities in your country are running away to India and seeking asylum!

If really what you say about India is correct, why aren't your borders full of Indian asylum seekers? At least admit there is a problem, otherwise you won't be able to solve it.
Pak Hindus and Sikhs urge India to grant them citizenship

AMRITSAR: Sixty three years after the partition of the subcontinent, India and Pakistan continue to deal with the repercussions of the divide. A delegation of about sixty Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs on Monday urged the authorities to grant them Indian citizenship and not deport them to Pakistan.

The Pakistani delegation met Deputy Commissioner KS Pannu and submitted a memorandum urging to grant them Indian citizenship.

Around 450 to 500 Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs live in different colonies of Chheherata area of Amritsar. They have been living here for the last several years, mostly on extended residential permits. Every year a few families from Pakistan arrive here and add to their number.

Surinder Kumar Billa who led the delegation told TOI that these families had left Pakistan fearing torture, extortion and forceful conversions at the hands of Islamists and didn't want to return to Pakistan.

Naranjit Kaur who had migrated to Amritsar about fourteen years ago said, "Freedom for girls is a far fetched dream in Pakistan especially in areas like Peshawer. I couldn't stay there. However, as Pakistani nationals we have to go there once in every five years to get our passports renewed and every second year to Delhi for getting our residential permit extended." "There is always a fear while going back to Pakistan," she added.

Unlike Naranjit Kaur, most Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs preferred not to speak on record against the fundamentalists in Pakistan fearing backlash when they return to Pakistan for renewal of their passports and against their relatives who are still living there.

Naam Singh, a migrant from Khyber Agency in Pakistan, said that due to their Pakistani nationality, the migrant community members were being discriminated against. "We are seen with suspicion when our children apply for jobs in private sector or for admission in schools," he added. Naam Singh who does a petty sales job said that people like him couldn't afford to visit Delhi for the extension of the residential permit. " Indian government can end our miseries by accepting us and giving us Indian nationality," he said.

Deputy Commissioner Pannu said that he had recommended the state government to grant Indian citizenship to Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs living in Amritsar.

Read more: Pak Hindus and Sikhs urge India to grant them citizenship - The Times of India Pak Hindus and Sikhs urge India to grant them citizenship - The Times of India
Yes I am seeking asylum abroad even though I just shifted from Canada to Pakistan a few months ago :hitwall:

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