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Thousands protest in Turkey over Istanbul mayor's conviction


Dec 14, 2017
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Thousands protest in Turkey over Istanbul mayor's conviction


ISTANBUL, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Thousands of people rallied in Turkey on Thursday to oppose the conviction and political ban of Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, chanting slogans criticising President Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling AK Party before elections next year.

A Turkish court on Wednesday sentenced Imamoglu, a popular rival to Erdogan, to two years and seven months in prison, which like the ban must be confirmed by an appeals court. The verdict drew wide criticism at home and abroad as an abuse of democracy.
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Late on Thursday, media reports said the prosecutor in the case had launched a legal challenge to the verdict, seeking a longer jail sentence for Imamoglu. No further details were immediately available.

"Rights, law, justice. ... The day will come when the AKP is called to account," the crowd chanted.

Next year's presidential and parliamentary elections, due to be held by June, could prove one of the biggest political challenges to Erdogan's two decades in power, as Turks grapple with surging living costs and a plunging currency. The lira fell to a record low against the dollar this week.

"The government is afraid and that's why there was such a verdict. Nobody can stop this nation," said Filiz Kumbasar, 56, who travelled to the rally from Duzce, a town 200 km (125 miles) from Istanbul, Turkey's commercial hub of 16 million people.

mamoglu was convicted of insulting public officials in a speech he made after he won Istanbul's election in 2019. Critics say Turkish courts bend to Erdogan's will. The government says the judiciary is independent.

"You beat them two times already and you'll do it again," Imamoglu told the crowd, referring to an initial vote in 2019 that he won but which was annulled and a re-run that followed and which he also won.

"All 16 million Istanbulites, our nation and our big Turkey alliance is behind me. We will change this order in the election next year," he said.

The six-party opposition alliance formed against Erdogan, led by Imamoglu's Republican People's Party (CHP), has yet to agree on a presidential candidate. Imamoglu has been mooted as a possible challenger and polls suggest he would defeat Erdogan.

The court ruling, if upheld, would bar him from running.

"We are here today to protect our rights and the votes of millions of people from Istanbul. We are here because we want to live in a country where there's rule of law," said Aslihan Gulhan, who works in the tourism sector.

Imamoglu was tried over a speech in which he said those who annulled the initial 2019 vote - in which he narrowly defeated an AKP candidate - were "fools". Imamoglu says his remark was a response to Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, who he said used the same language against him.

His comfortable win in the re-run vote ended the 25-year rule in Istanbul of the AKP and its Islamist predecessors.

Erdogan's trying to take out another opponent. And this time it's one of the most popular mayors in Turkey. Mayor of Istanbul is a prestigious title.
And this:
Imamoglu was tried over a speech in which he said those who annulled the initial 2019 vote - in which he narrowly defeated an AKP candidate - were "fools"
Shows that for all its attempts to paint itself as a 'European' nation, Turkey remains a society primitive in its values. So, its Sultan is not only the Head of State, but He can also exercise Fatwas through invisible means using a puppet judiciary.
And this:
Imamoglu was tried over a speech in which he said those who annulled the initial 2019 vote - in which he narrowly defeated an AKP candidate - were "fools"
Shows that for all its attempts to paint itself as a 'European' nation, Turkey remains a society primitive in its values. So, its Sultan is not only the Head of State, but He can also exercise Fatwas through invisible means using a puppet judiciary.
Imamoglu is a good guy,smart and charismatic. On the other hand,you have a populist leader,who just tells the people what they want to hear.
Erdogan is dangerous for Turkey long term political stability. This measure will hunt AKP when the party in the future is not in power, every political power will be less likely uphold to the democratic value, then Turkey democratic future will be uncertain.

This show a leader with short term vision, more likely only to secure his own ambitious military program rather than seeing the nation future within long term and holistic way.
But the Sultan thinks that is a feature and not a bug. See above.

Yup, he is likely think like that.

But he surely never made such statement publicly, that is just other person image creation, unless you can bring such statement in respected media that recorded the quote directly

But he surely never made such statement publicly
Did Erdogan really say "Democracy is like a tram ride: when you reach your stop, you get off"?

Fuat Baydogan

Lived in Turkey 5y

Yes, he really did say it.
He said it on an interview while he was a Mayor of Istanbul in 1996.
Date: July 14th. 1996
Reporter: Nilgun Cerrahoglu
Newspaper: Milliyet - page 20

Milliyet Newspaper Archive: http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Arsiv/1996/07/14
The next election seems very important for Turkey. Erdogan have changed the course of Turkey, towards an independent regional power and a country that can compete in top technologies. A change in regime may reverse this course. Erdogan needs 5 more years to take Turkey to his desired status. A regime change would affect Pakistan as well as Turkey is one of the two main military technology supplier and a western obedient Turkey is something Pakistan doesn't want.
The next election seems very important for Turkey. Erdogan have changed the course of Turkey, towards an independent regional power and a country that can compete in top technologies. A change in regime may reverse this course. Erdogan needs 5 more years to take Turkey to his desired status. A regime change would affect Pakistan as well as Turkey is one of the two main military technology supplier and a western obedient Turkey is something Pakistan doesn't want.
Most Turkish people seems to dislike Erdogan though, doubt he'll win a free and fair election

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