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Iranian Protests

Heres a rather interesting piece of info that shows that these protests have swfa to do with "womens rights" or "democracy"
The largest numbers of casualties are in areas with the strongest ethno-seperatist sentiments.
Funny that,eh?šŸ¤”
Another spin by a regime shill pretending to be something he is not.
I did not hear any talk about separatist movement. Any video that purported such statements was all fabricated by the regime just like massacre of innocent people in Shiraz.

Is this confirmed ? :

Protest-hit Iran says reviewing mandatory headscarf law

Iran said Saturday it is reviewing a decades-old law that requires women to cover their heads, as it struggles to quell more than two months of protests linked to the dress code


Protests have swept Iran since the September 16 death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian of Kurdish origin arrested by the morality police for allegedly flouting the sharia-based law.

Demonstrators have burned their head coverings and shouted anti-government slogans. Since Amini's death, a growing number of women have not been observing hijab, particularly in Tehran's fashionable north.

"Both parliament and the judiciary are working (on the issue)" of whether the law needs any changes, Iran's attorney general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said.

Quoted by the ISNA news agency, he did not specify what could be modified in the law by the two bodies, which are largely in the hands of conservatives.

The review team met on Wednesday with parliament's cultural commission "and will see the results in a week or two", the attorney general said.

President Ebrahim Raisi on Saturday said Iran's republican and Islamic foundations were constitutionally entrenched.

"But there are methods of implementing the constitution that can be flexible," he said in televised comments.

The hijab headscarf became obligatory for all women in Iran in April 1983, four years after the Islamic Revolution that overthrew the US-backed monarchy.

It remains a highly sensitive issue in a country where conservatives insist it should be compulsory, while reformists want to leave it up to individual choice.

Another spin by a regime shill pretending to be something he is not.
I did not hear any talk about separatist movement. Any video that purported such statements was all fabricated by the regime just like massacre of innocent people in Shiraz.
I do not know if you are Iranian!.. however rational interpretation of the entire event since September indicates that protests were indeed legitimate reaction to an unpopular law of the land...The protests were subsequently taken over by the enemies of Iran and turned into a regime change effort that has obviously failed.

Can not fight logic..no matter what side you are..lets hope Mullahs have seen the light and would relax some of these unpopular laws.. Lets also hope that Israelis and Saudis and CIA and MI5 and so on (all 47 of them!) have learned their lesson that as long as there are patriotic Iranians inside Iran no regime change initiated by them will occur....sorry to burst your bubble!.:undecided:
I do not know if you are Iranian!.. however rational interpretation of the entire event since September indicates that protests were indeed legitimate reaction to an unpopular law of the land...The protests were subsequently taken over by the enemies of Iran and turned into a regime change effort that has obviously failed.

Can not fight logic..no matter what side you are..lets hope Mullahs have seen the light and would relax some of these unpopular laws.. Lets also hope that Israelis and Saudis and CIA and MI5 and so on (all 47 of them!) have learned their lesson that as long as there are patriotic Iranians inside Iran no regime change initiated by them will occur....sorry to burst your bubble!.:undecided:
Of course I am Iranian. I have no political affiliation except an allegiance to Iran and Iranian people. Being patriot does not mean to blindly follow and support a bankrupt ideology whose founder by his owns words denounced nationalism. Anyone that exposes the corruption of the regime, its backward draconian laws, rape of kids, and murder of children is not acting at the behest of the US.

The usual spin by the regime shills and intelligence PR minions is to gaslight.
Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 1.29.33 AM.png

eh, this for real or just an eyewash to calm things down for now ? :o

Goes in line with this announcement that they would consider mandatory hijab :

"Both parliament and the judiciary are working (on the issue) of whether the law needs any changes, Iran's attorney general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri said. "

Seems like an attempt to appease Iranians without actually giving them anything.

Still , an achievement for the protestors to force this reaction by the regime.

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eh, this for real or just an eyewash to calm things down for now ? :o
the exact news is that laws about hijab will be reviewed , there was talk about remove the punishment for it but put out incentives out there for people to use it for example no governmental service for people without it or if you want to go to schools you must have it or for example in big malls it will be mandatory and such

that branch of police force effectively disbanded and merged with normal police 2 month ago
I've not seen such media warfare since the war against Syria. Western and Saudi funded media, their LGBT-troops and the feminists/lesbians are giving direct orders to close down everything (economy, roads etc) and to reject any possibility of reform by creating typical psyops news such as "Strikes in Iran start amid mass protests".
They want to create distrust in government, army, among people to ignite a civil war. They do not want reforms or any political solution.
If the government is wise, they've to give some reforms and let the arrested rioters free (as a sign of good will) and heavily suppress the remaining rioters/feminist gangsters who want maximalist changes or revolution. Their leaders who want revolution (civil war) should be thrown in jail. Stick and carrot should be used at the same time.
The last option is that the enire pro-government front will take action. If these feminists think they can do a Libya or Syria in Iran, they're fooled, millions could die by igniting the fire.
I've not seen such media warfare since the war against Syria. Western and Saudi funded media, their LGBT-troops and the feminists/lesbians are giving direct orders to close down everything (economy, roads etc) and to reject any possibility of reform by creating typical psyops news such as "Strikes in Iran start amid mass protests".
They want to create distrust in government, army, among people to ignite a civil war. They do not want reforms or any political solution.
If the government is wise, they've to give some reforms and let the arrested rioters free (as a sign of good will) and heavily suppress the remaining rioters/feminist gangsters who want maximalist changes or revolution. Their leaders who want revolution (civil war) should be thrown in jail. Stick and carrot should be used at the same time.
The last option is that the enire pro-government front will take action. If these feminists think they can do a Libya or Syria in Iran, they're fooled, millions could die by igniting the fire.

It's made worse by the ethnocentric element

Kurd and Baloch separatists suddenly clicked onto the fact that the murtad feminist LGBT crowd are taking the lead in terms of propaganda in the west so to make the push for more chaos
It's made worse by the ethnocentric element

Kurd and Baloch separatists suddenly clicked onto the fact that the murtad feminist LGBT crowd are taking the lead in terms of propaganda in the west so to make the push for more chaos
In most zionic western organized colour revolutions, the separatists, lesbian/feminists and and LGBT operate together. If Iranian government gives the women the choice to wear headdress by choice, these opportunist gangsters will reject that offer through their 1 sided media (tool). They set the trend for what to reject or not, in other words, the LGBT+Feminists are just readers who follow and receive signals through Reuters, BBC, DW etc. They will try to distrupt any positive and peaceful reform in Iran.


Trick or treat ? ":

Iran Regime Plans To Pursue Mandatory Hijab By New Methods

Conflicting statements abound by Iranian officials about measures to enforce hijab amid ongoing protests ignited by the death of Mahsa Amini by hijab patrols.

Following the recent propaganda stunt by the government that the so-called ā€˜morality policeā€™ has been disbanded, foreign and Iranian media are full of interpretations of how the regime plans to both enforce the dress code regulations and at the same time appease protesters.

On Tuesday, hardliner lawmaker and member of parliamentā€™s cultural committee Hossein Jalali said that hijab enforcement will never be abolished, ensuring that ā€œveils will be back on womenā€™s heads within two weeks.ā€ His remark shows that a growing number of Iranian women who are appearing in public without hijab since protests began in mid-September.

Confirming that the regime is making some decisions about hijab rules, the lawmaker explained that the methods for enforcing hijab may change, adding that ā€œit is possible that women who do not observe hijab would be informed via SMS, asking them to respect the law. After notifying them, we enter the warning stage... and in the third stage, the bank account of the person who unveiled may be blocked."

Jalali did not elaborate on how the government intends to identify the people who unveil in public to send them text messages. However, there were earlier reports that the Islamic Republic was about to start using cameras in the metro to track and identify women. Such measures had been announced as part of efforts by President Ebrahim Raisiā€™s hardliner administration to intensify pressures on women in society throughout the year which culminated in the beating to death of Mahsa Amini by hijab enforcers.

On Monday, Ali Khan-Mohammadi, the spokesperson of Iranā€™s Headquarters For Enjoining Right And Forbidding Evil, tasked with promoting the Islamic Republicā€™s interpretation of Islamic laws, echoed some reports about the end of the hijab police, saying that "the mission of the morality and social safety patrols (the official name for the hijab police) is over."

He added that new measures will be implemented "in a more modern framework, using the technologies that already exist for this purpose and with an atmosphere that is not one-sided."

Iran's police have so far declined to confirm Prosecutor General Mohammad-Jafar Montazeriā€™s claim on December 3 that the notorious "morality police" has been disbanded, as international media trumpeted the report. Shargh daily reported Monday that it had contacted the head of public relations of the Greater Tehran Law Enforcement, Colonel Ali Sabahi, to verify the claim but the official refused to make any comments.
The news about disbandment of ā€˜morality policeā€™ was widely covered by Persian and foreign media as a measure by the Islamic Republic to calm the unrest. However, state-run media immediately cast doubt on any substantial change in hijab enforcement.

Montazeriā€™s suggestion made headlines in many major international media and even made US Secretary of State Antony Blinken cautiously comment on it in an interview with the CBS.

Many activists, such as US-based Masih Alinejad, have debunked Montazeriā€™s claim as a sheer publicity stunt or even misinformation spread by a dictatorial regime that is about to fall. However, there are some journalists such as Negar Mortazavi and Farnaz Fassihi of the New York Times who called the measures a victory for Iranians, eliciting condemnations by Iranian activists.

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The Chanel called Wion, why its so antiIslamic, itsn't that a hinduvata media?
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