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The weridest part of China's protests is: Poeple ask government to stop its efforts. Instead make effort.

I think it is undeniable that China's dynamic zero covid policy have save a lot of Chinese life and largely kept its economics chungging along uninterrupted.

It is miraculous that China - the world factory has manage to run largely uninterrupted and supply the whole world with lots of vaccine, masks and medical equipment and supply. In that sense, it has also help to save life outside of China.

But with the more transmissible Omicron variant, interruption in Chinese life become more frequent. And some people are complaining.

Whether it could be contained into mostly zero cases and death for most of the time like before Or kept at a certain acceptable level Or fail altogether and kept at natural level, is unknown and yet to be seen.

Fact is, we have a pandemic and people are continously dying day by day. So far, It doesn't look like it is going away any time soon.

The Chinese people expect the gov't to protect them. Passively doing nothing would be seen as a failure, dereliction of duty and gross negligence. I think It is unlikely that zero covid would be abandon altogether, but easing of restrictions is already happening.

At this current moment, for China to give up, I think it would require Chinese people to accept the death of at least hundred of thousand Covid death per year, every year, as the new normal.

Yes, this is a more mature response. Even North Korea can't keep out Covid. If China wants to keep down Covid it has to double down on its current measures which are already causing a lot of pain. At some point the cost of restrictions to the society will outweigh the benefits, and you have to be flexible and change course accordingly.

Human societies have never prioritized human lives at all costs, otherwise alcohol, tobacco, sugary drinks etc would have been banned right from the start when they were deemed harmful. WHO estimates that ~1mil deaths in China are caused directly or indirectly by tobacco every year. If 生命至上 is really as it is claimed, is China going to ban tobacco?


Back last year when Singapore still has very low levels of cases and the people are still pro-zero-Covid, the government make the conscious decision to open up knowing that it will lead to more deaths. But 疏不如堵, it's better to divert the flood rather than trying to block the flood. You have to set up healthcare protocols for the public to familiarize, take time to persuade the population that the virus is not deadly for most of the population especially for the vaccinated, and that it's fine to quarantine at home if you're low risk. Adjust accordingly. All this takes time to mature, so when the flood comes you're not overwhelmed.

If you try blocking the flood and the flood overwhelms you, it would be like HK earlier this year with 200+ deaths daily. Healthcare system overwhelmed because people are confused and panicked, low risk groups visit and take up the hospital resources which is unnecessary. There is no healthcare protocol in place to focus only on the vulnerable, because before that they were quarantining everyone.



(protocols then, outdated now)

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So after so long, where's your source to prove your claim of 500 daily deaths? Some random person you read on Weibo which you have cited in another thread? LOL.

Yes I do agree on this. China will probably see 1mil Covid deaths within a year if it suddenly relaxes its Covid controls tomorrow.
Finally you agree there will be millions of deaths if give up zero covid policy. Now here is the quetion: Aren't those protesters hypocritical to ask government to give up zero covid policy to save people lives from fire incidents like Urumqi fire?

I saw many Taiwanese mentioned 500 deaths/day before.

The weridest part of China's protests is: Poeple ask government to stop its efforts. Instead make effort.​

Chinese govt. is like that over controlling mother who just can't leave her kids alone even if they are grown up adults. She just can't stop interfering in their lives. No matter how many times kids say mind your own business, she refuses.

The weridest part of China's protests is: Poeple ask government to stop its efforts. Instead make effort.​

Chinese govt. is like that over controlling mother who just can't leave her kids alone even if they are grown up adults. She just can't stop interfering in their lives. No matter how many times kids say mind your own business, she refuses.

Silly analogy. What if her kids' freedom would take her elder parents' lives?

The weridest part of China's protests is: Poeple ask government to stop its efforts. Instead make effort.​

Chinese govt. is like that over controlling mother who just can't leave her kids alone even if they are grown up adults. She just can't stop interfering in their lives. No matter how many times kids say mind your own business, she refuses.
You are not in China. Don't be so judgemental. Most Chinese want zero covid policy. They don't go to street. Doesn't mean they don't exist. I have asked many people, they support zero covid policy
Finally you agree there will be millions of deaths if give up zero covid policy.

I've always held this view.

Now here is the quetion: Aren't those protesters hypocritical to ask government to give up zero covid policy to save people lives from fire incidents like Urumqi fire?

They are venting their frustrations. The tragedy is a valve for them to finally express their anger.

I saw many Taiwanese mentioned 500 deaths/day before.

Err... on the internet? And you believe some random netizens without verifying yourself?
I've always held this view.

They are venting their frustrations. The tragedy is a valve for them to finally express their anger.

Err... on the internet? And you believe some random netizens without verifying yourself?
But you stood with those who said the covid is as safe as flu. Check earlier posts. It's not about venting frustration. They are anti logic from very beginning, There are so many weird things because logic is not important for them. This is a well organized and long time prepared color revolution led by US.
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Will the CCP relax Covid measure and avoid Communist party to face possible downfall ?

Will Iranian Mullah relax Hijab enforcement and by doing so avoid to face possible downfall of its regime ? (the demonstration has already passed the resentment over hijab enforcement into something more dangerous to the regime)

I have already shows that in Islam there is nothing found either in Quran and Hadith about the enforcement of Hijab by other people/government, but the supporters keep support their regime blindly despite most of them live in Western country LOL

For China case, it is very logic to believe that after getting the vaccine, they should see Covid as something normal as well, even in US getting flue also can cause many deaths by looking to the statistics, implementing Zero Covid policy is basically stupid

But both Iranian regime and CCP have similarity, they are very hard to change their policy, they more likely to tighten their control to their people and impose hard measure, in Xinjiang for example we see how Xi Jin Ping impose tight control to their Muslim society, so we have already seen the tendency of Xi Jin Ping of what he will do next

Putin is also showing similar trait, he can bring down Russia due to his invasion to Ukraine where the reason to invade is also irrational, more like to be emotional ( caused by Ukraine braveness to challenge Russia when Russia wants to liberate Russian speaking region in Ukraine in Donbas region for many years before the actual invasion).

The same with North Korea

I see the reason why is more about psychology, to satisfy the leader emotion that they are very powerful, this can bring satisfaction to them by keep pushing their control to people under their control inside the country

It is not about logic vs non logic, it is psychological

I can read their leaders minds : NO BODY CAN CHALLENGE ME !!!!
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But both Iranian regime and CCP have similarity, they are very hard to change their policy, they more likely to tighten their control to their people and impose hard measure, in Xinjiang for example we see how Xi Jin Ping impose tight control to their Muslim society, so we have already seen the tendency of Xi Jin Ping of what he will do next
Wrong. Zero coivd policy wasn't written in China's constitution. CCP will survive if it gives up zero covid policy. CCP insists on zero covid policy because it is the best choice for China. There is no so much conspiracy behind it.
Wrong. Zero coivd policy wasn't written in China's constitution. CCP will survive if it gives up zero covid policy. CCP insists on zero covid policy because it is a better choice for China. There is no so much conspiracy behind it.
We need to take a balanced approach, many people offered suggestions and possible solutions on the Chinese social media.
But you standed with those who said the covid is as safe as flu.

It's only comparable to the flu in SG due to multiple waves of infections and very high rates of triple dose vaccination among those aged 80+. It confers the society a high level of hybrid immunity through infections and vaccination. China has neither.



And you have to take 4 doses of Sinovac (if you choose it) in SG to be considered to have minimum protection. Yet 3 dosage vaccination in China among those aged 80 above is only 40%.
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