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The weridest part of China's protests is: Poeple ask government to stop its efforts. Instead make effort.

That is not what I said. Let's not twist others' words.

I said Chinese know the state media is a propoganda machine and they are more likely to verify it with alternative source of information.
So it is Raygun's "Trust, but verify." Most people do not understand the subtext of what Raygun said, which is essentially do not trust.

Chinese tend to accept zero covid policy because they knew the outcome of alternatives. But the same zero covid policy is getting tougher to implement as people are getting tired.
Here is why it does not work...

The COVID containment measures cannot work. Not in the US. Not in China. Not anywhere. As long as you, and I use 'you' generically, allows people to congregate the virus WILL spread, and if the virus is able to travel, some immuno-compromised people will die. Many Chinese already died and the CPC will not be honest about it, and you know it. You guys mocks US for our COVID deaths, but from the US, I can practically guarantee YOU that if the CPC ease the COVID lock downs due to public pressure, China WILL see that one million, or more, COVID deaths. You cannot tell me that there are no immuno-compromised Chinese in that 1.4+ bils humans. Those COVID deaths are inevitable.
I have no idea. Judging from the life in my home town in South China (never locked down), and the response of my wechat groups (hundreads of people all over China), the answer must be yes.

If that is the case there is no rational justification for the zero covid policy

I think it is undeniable that China's dynamic zero covid policy have save a lot of Chinese life and largely kept its economics chungging along uninterrupted.

It is miraculous that China - the world factory has manage to run largely uninterrupted and supply the whole world with lots of vaccine, masks and medical equipment and supply. In that sense, it has also help to save life outside of China.

But with the more transmissible Omicron variant, interruption in Chinese life become more frequent. And some people are complaining.

Whether it could be contained into mostly zero cases and death for most of the time like before Or kept at a certain acceptable level Or fail altogether and kept at natural level, is unknown and yet to be seen.

Fact is, we have a pandemic and people are continously dying day by day. So far, It doesn't look like it is going away any time soon.

The Chinese people expect the gov't to protect them. Passively doing nothing would be seen as a failure, dereliction of duty and gross negligence. I think It is unlikely that zero covid would be abandon altogether, but easing of restrictions is already happening.

At this current moment, for China to give up, I think it would require Chinese people to accept the death of at least hundred of thousand Covid death per year, every year, as the new normal.

there is no pandemic in rest of the world. With Pfizer and Moderna vaccines the death rate is quite low. Before covid people died of flu. It is not like we shut down things

In USA the death rate is 1 per 100,000 vaccinated people and it is 5 per 100,000 unvaccinated people
If that is the case there is no rational justification for the zero covid policy
China is delaying the inevitable -- COVID deaths. Not saying that to be mean, but to be honest.

If that is the case there is no rational justification for the zero covid policy

there is no pandemic in rest of the world. With Pfizer and Moderna vaccines the death rate is quite low. Before covid people died of flu. It is not like we shut down things

In USA the death rate is 1 per 100,000 vaccinated people and it is 5 per 100,000 unvaccinated people
No matter how you want to label what happened, the facts is, lots of people are dead.

And about the death rate, it is quite misleading to use only the death rate.

The total no. of death is the death rate multiply by the infections no. Even if the death rate is lower, but if the infections no. goes to big number, the actual total no. of death would be bigger.

That is the reason why, for some place, the total no. of death is more for Omicron even though the death rate is lower compare to Delta.
No matter how you want to label what happened, the facts is, lots of people are dead.

And about the death rate, it is quite misleading to use only the death rate.

The total no. of death is the death rate multiply by the infections no. Even if the death rate is lower, but if the infections no. goes to big number, the actual total no. of death would be bigger.

That is the reason why, for some place, the total no. of death is more for Omicron even though the death rate is lower compare to Delta.
Using only the death rate is outright intellectually dishonest because it does not reveal whether a death is directly caused by COVID, as in someone who is immuno-compromised, or the death is COVID derived, as in suicide from being socially isolated for so long.

I am twice, but not boosted, vaccinated, but for all I know, I may have been infected and never knew it. That should have been the point of all COVID measures once we know that containment cannot work. Either you put everyone into an isolation pod or everyone wears hazmat level suits everywhere they go.
The COVID containment measures cannot work. Not in the US. Not in China. Not anywhere. As long as you, and I use 'you' generically, allows people to congregate the virus WILL spread, and if the virus is able to travel, some immuno-compromised people will die. Many Chinese already died and the CPC will not be honest about it, and you know it. You guys mocks US for our COVID deaths, but from the US, I can practically guarantee YOU that if the CPC ease the COVID lock downs due to public pressure, China WILL see that one million, or more, COVID deaths. You cannot tell me that there are no immuno-compromised Chinese in that 1.4+ bils humans. Those COVID deaths are inevitable.

People like me should trust Dr. Fauci or someone like you for medical advice? You may want to stick to things you know the best. :enjoy:
You just convienently not to mention that most of SG who took Chinese vaccines are old senoirs for fearing complications of taking other western vaccines, and thus you have those suppose low number of efficacy. You forget to mention that for taking three doses of chinese vaccines, the efficacy is much higher.

If you dont trust indian number, its reasonable, they are taking western and their own vaccines. For pakistan and many other countries, they are mainly taking chinese vaccines, if chinese vaccines are no good, not all of them should be fine as reported, china has exported billions of vaccines so far, you cant accuse all those countries of lying. You SG are western worshippers, that tells many things.

Its better to replace you ignorance and delusion with facts and reason.

What western vaccine is India taking? All our vaccines are Indian.
When a peaceful protest against covid restrictions occurred in Canada this year their Prime Minister Trudeau declared an emergency, arrested the protesters and froze their bank accounts. Trudeau had previously boasted how he admired Xi's "basic dictatorship" but some people did not believe him. I did.
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Other than demographics, I don't trust the statistics coming out from developing countries with poor healthcare surveillance system.

Look at this:

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You believe that India with 1.4bil people is only reporting 2-4 deaths from Covid?

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Or Pakistan with 200mil+ people reporting basically 0 deaths for the past 2 weeks?
Even different organizations from the same countries more often than not release drastically different research datas and figures, so one research report from a tiny state with very limited number group is by no means can be used as a typical reference.
The fact is almost all high death rate countries used western vaccines and some reports show 94% of Americans had at least got infected by covid for at least once, of cause , this one report also is not a golden standard, we can read very different research datas coming out everyday in US, and they often contradict each other.


Fauci lied about the mask.

So did the surgeon general,and lots of others. But people are getting smarter now. Are you trying to tell me you have never worn a mask in past 3 years?
Az, although its produced in india.

They both are collaborating with the Oxford platform. But the AZ vaccine is no more Serum Institute's than Serum Institute's vaccine is AZ. They are different vaccines in every way that counts.
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