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China is the fulcrum of Pakistan's National Security Policy

I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and we are negative towards the west. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF (I believe we all have seen many), well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.
The overwhelming majority consider China as a true friend of Pakistan. there's general consensus that China has always stood behind Pakistan in our difficult times.

I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and we are negative towards the west. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF (I believe we all have seen many), well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.
The overwhelming majority consider China as a true friend of Pakistan. there's general consensus that China has always stood behind Pakistan in our difficult times.
I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and we are negative towards the west. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF (I believe we all have seen many), well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.
The overwhelming majority consider China as a true friend of Pakistan. there's general consensus that China has always stood behind Pakistan in our difficult times.

The overwhelming majority consider China as a true friend of Pakistan. there's general consensus that China has always stood behind Pakistan in our difficult times.
Let's get this right. Pakistani's don't love China for any intrinsic reasons. It's a relationship based on negative. Hatred or rivalry with the other. A simple raw convergence of interests. That is it.

Otherwise China and Paks have absolutely NOTHING in common. Indeed Paks and Chinese are the most opposite people on earth. Chinese are nakedly athiest, Paks are extremely religious. Chinese are extremely hard working. Pakistan's are slack and workshy. Chinese place emphasis on this life and consumerism. Paks talk about next life and love ramming Islam down everybodies throat.

Once Paks get real exposure to Chinese as opposed to long distance love and familiarity seeps in [remember millions of Paks live in West and are fully keyed into it] watch the revulsion that snks in for port snorting, amoral and loose Chinese women that will make the West look like bastion of conservative religion.
ignorant remarks ....

Sorry to say That I am going to use harsh words but someone has to so listen it carefully You are among one of those idiots who think they know every under the heavens & sky
Precisely my point. People here like to hear things they like and not the truth. Look at the recent outburst regards to Hyundai pakistan. The top level are so quick to come out and apologize, desperate trying to save the bigger market of India.

How many countries stand on Pakistan side for Kashmir issue? With Pakistan losing favour to India for alliance with US and western. It's more like Pakistan alienate. How many countries willing to invest big on Pakistan besides China? From a economy point of view and international political scenes. Things is not going well for Pakistan.

It's no brainer, Pakistan need to strengthen the alliance with China.
Let's get this right. Pakistani's don't love China for any intrinsic reasons. It's a relationship based on negative. Hatred or rivalry with the other. A simple raw convergence of interests. That is it.

Otherwise China and Paks have absolutely NOTHING in common. Indeed Paks and Chinese are the most opposite people on earth. Chinese are nakedly athiest, Paks are extremely religious. Chinese are extremely hard working. Pakistan's are slack and workshy. Chinese place emphasis on this life and consumerism. Paks talk about next life and love ramming Islam down everybodies throat.

Once Paks get real exposure to Chinese as opposed to long distance love and familiarity seeps in [remember millions of Paks live in West and are fully keyed into it] watch the revulsion that snks in for port snorting, amoral and loose Chinese women that will make the West look like bastion of conservative religion.
we like turkey too- we know they are liberal
we liked US too in the 60s- knowing fully well what their society is like

Its all about national interests, if they alliegn general populace would like the country- if they don't
than general populace wont
I have seen wide cross section of Chinese over the years in UK. One thing they all exhibit - absolute love of western culture. They lap it up like a whale laps up water only they have bigger appetite. Western brands, Western fashion, Western icons of heritage etc are lapped up with money. Your typical Vic Chong, Susie Wong etc will trip around in awe of Western culture and artifacts. Just visit London and they are keeping London's tourism industry floating with crowds of Chinese taking clicks of London sites.

This is a aspect all East Asians display - worship of Western culture and I expect soon the Chinese will follow the Koreans and Japanes in indulging in that priceless product - having surgery to get Western 'eyes'.

Chinese females fetish over white Western guys only can be matched by black man fetish for Blonde bimbos. I have a friend who was a hair stylist in HK of Pakistani descent. I told me a lot about the prevalent racism of Chinese againsat desis but awe of Western people.

These are facts that many smoking the iron brother intoxicant might ovelook but is the REALITY which which will hit most Pakistan over the next decade as long distace love is replaced by close distance familiarity and contempt.
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I have seen wide cross section of Chinese over the years in UK. One thing they all exhibit - absolute love of western culture. They lap it up like a whale laps up water only they have bigger appetite. Western brands, Western fashion, Western icons of heritage etc are lapped up with money. Your typical Vic Chong, Susie Wong etc will trip around in awe of Western culture and artifacts. Just visit London and they are keeping London's tourism industry floating with crowds of Chinese taking clicks of London sites.
Why be such a bitter hater? Do you think the bananas you met are a representative sample of Chinese society?
I have seen wide cross section of Chinese over the years in UK. One thing they all exhibit - absolute love of western culture. They lap it up like a whale laps up water only they have bigger appetite. Western brands, Western fashion, Western icons of heritage etc are lapped up with money. Your typical Vic Chong, Susie Wong etc will trip around in awe of Western culture and artifacts. Just visit London and they are keeping London's tourism industry floating with crowds of Chinese taking clicks of London sites.

This is a aspect all East Asians display - worship of Western culture and I expect soon the Chinese will follow the Koreans and Japanes in indulging in that priceless product - having surgery to get Western 'eyes'.

Chinese females fetish over white Western guys only can be matched by Negros fetish for Blonde bimbos. I have a friend who was a hair stylist in HK of Pakistani descent. I told me a lot about the prevalent racism of Chinese againsat desis but awe of Western people.

These are facts that many smoking the iron brother intoxicant might ovelook but is the REALITY which which will hit most Pakistan over the next decade as long distace love is replaced by close distance familiarity and contempt.
China will not end up like South Korean, becos China is ruled by CPC. The big hammer will come down once thing is out of control. China is not control by popular vote but the correct decision.

The Chinese version u describe more likely will happened to Taiwan and Hong Kong where they have the right to vote nonsense.

Materialism is way to make one strive higher. It can be a double edge sword.

Deng Xiaoping once say, no matter white cat or black cat, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat.

Xi is chosen to clear up the mess by this mentality created by Deng. China has already attained the wealthy needed. New policy needed to continue ship China in the correct direction.
we like turkey too- we know they are liberal
we liked US too in the 60s- knowing fully well what their society is like

Its all about national interests, if they alliegn general populace would like the country- if they don't
than general populace wont
Abd look what happened. As long as it was long distance love and limited to few officials shaking hands and signing agreements everything was cool - that is what USA/Pak entente was in 1950s/60s.

Then as closer people to people contact became routine and familiarity set in contempt took over for the 'fahashi west;.

Turkey has been longh distance love but right now familiarity is begining to gain ground - watch the sudden distaste for 'fahashi Turks' seep in.

It already has began.
Abd look what happened. As long as it was long distance love and limited to few officials shaking hands and signing agreements everything was cool - that is what USA/Pak entente was in 1950s/60s.

Then as closer people to people contact became routine and familiarity set in contempt took over for the 'fahashi west;.

Turkey has been longh distance love but right now familiarity is begining to gain ground - watch the sudden distaste for 'fahashi Turks' seep in.

It already has began.
50/60s Pakistanis knew western culture...

Western Chinese are mostly long gone in my opinion.

And a lot of Chinese may not like it here, but are probably aware already, but Chinese women have a massive fetish for white guys.
its the other way around imo..... lol
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Western Chinese are mostly long gone in my opinion.
My referance is Chinese who just arrive off the flights - mostly middle class students. My son runs a student property company and almost exclusively caters to Chinese from mainland. He spent 6 months in China as exchange student and made lots of contacts which he has leveraged into a businesss model. The Chinese are fantastic tenants. No trouble, pay upfront and like quality apartments.

So no i am not using British Chinese as referance.

50/60s Pakistanis knew western culture...
Yeh, a few snobs who got to travel. For rest of the 98% living in abject poverty west was literally a place lined with gold - they held it in awe.
I have seen wide cross section of Chinese over the years in UK. One thing they all exhibit - absolute love of western culture. They lap it up like a whale laps up water only they have bigger appetite. Western brands, Western fashion, Western icons of heritage etc are lapped up with money. Your typical Vic Chong, Susie Wong etc will trip around in awe of Western culture and artifacts. Just visit London and they are keeping London's tourism industry floating with crowds of Chinese taking clicks of London sites.

This is a aspect all East Asians display - worship of Western culture and I expect soon the Chinese will follow the Koreans and Japanes in indulging in that priceless product - having surgery to get Western 'eyes'.

Chinese females fetish over white Western guys only can be matched by Negros fetish for Blonde bimbos. I have a friend who was a hair stylist in HK of Pakistani descent. I told me a lot about the prevalent racism of Chinese againsat desis but awe of Western people.

These are facts that many smoking the iron brother intoxicant might ovelook but is the REALITY which which will hit most Pakistan over the next decade as long distace love is replaced by close distance familiarity and contempt.


It is better to contextualize the point. The point is why Pakistan must and has always looked upon China favorably.

Sure, like every society, Chinese too have huge problems as they too were brutally attacked and exploited by the west and as they saw the rise of the west, they do look at white people with envy. This is their internal social problem. Many Chinese possibly know more about their own problems than outsiders.

But in Pakistan's context our trust upon China has stood the test of time. This is the most vital aspect to our relation with them. We cannot ignore a big fact that Pakistan has had a military or at least violent confrontations with every neighbor except China.

Now, this sweeter than honey drug is the fault of the corrupt elite of Pakistan who are so incompetent that they have to change the entire budget for 1 billion USD of tranche from IMF.

Our job should be look the world from Pakistan's viewpoint. I simply argue that for Pakistani state the level of trust with China is unmatched by any other power.
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