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China is the fulcrum of Pakistan's National Security Policy

Did you watch the video? Do note a significant faction of Pakistani populace loves the west (as all Chinese should've experienced here in PDF) just like India does, they will and can choose the west any time. Our two nations are pulled together by convergence of geo-economic interests aka the BRI or CPEC, and pushed together by common threat from India. But on China vs west, Pakistan will at best stay neutral, this is a choice.

There is a small portion of the Pakistani populace that will choose the West over China. These are mostly elite and Westernized Pakistanis. The bulk stands with China. China is one of the superpowers of the world and by default of the region. Pakistan has every stake in having China on its side. The few Pakistanis siding with the West you have seen on PDF don't represent entire Pakistan. They are a fringe minority.
In terms of military, within the decade you will find PLAN and PN, operate much more closely than any other arm of Pakistan’s military. Western IOR is important for PLAN and PN, and there’s a convergence of strategic goals for both in operational domain.
Yes I do look forward to combined operation, say PN staff in PLAN/PLASSF fleet/theater command and vice versa, or joint command. IOR is where things are happening, both economic life lines as well as strategic security.

Other than SLOC missions, PLAN/PLASSF is actively pushing for ABM (sea-based mid-course) & ASAT capability centered around 055, and second strike based on 094 (& next gen) SSBN, IOR will be a key theater of operation for these assets. In fact PN is also building its second strike in the same area, though targeting different enemies the two forces should definitely increase coop in ISR & logistics.
Did you watch the video? Do note a significant faction of Pakistani populace loves the west (as all Chinese should've experienced here in PDF) just like India does, they will and can choose the west any time. Our two nations are pulled together by convergence of geo-economic interests aka the BRI or CPEC, and pushed together by common threat from India. But on China vs west, Pakistan will at best stay neutral, this is a choice.

We have been ruled by the british and had to go to US after the creation of Pakistan and even our official language is now predominantly English so western legacy will always be there.

But if its China vs US - hands down irrespective of political divide, Pakistanis overwhelmingly will always support China. Friendship with China is one thing that Pakistanis across the divide always agree on.

I actually found your assessment that significant Pakistanis support west rather disturbing. As it is not true at all.
I actually found your assessment that significant Pakistanis support west rather disturbing. As it is not true at all.
I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and we are negative towards the west. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF (I believe we all have seen many), well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.
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It is a choice out of no choice.

Respectfully disagree. Pakistanis in general see China as a very trust worthy country and trust is everything whether in diplomacy or war and that is why our choice is always China.

As for choice, Pakistan could become a indian subsidiary and western outlet and rewards will be great, but there is no trust at all. Indo-western alliance is filth because its main purpose is chaos so they can rule. They will always stab anyone once they are done with their interests.

China is opposite, China wants development and economic networking and fulfills its commitments. There are tons of examples where China has kept its promises no matter how much pressure was put on it.

So our choice clear - China and any Pakistani who disagrees with it must need to have his/her mental check up done immediately.
Yes actually I've mentioned this before, 50:50, half of Pakistani here are friendly towards China, interesting observation is that most of these friendlies seems to be residing in Pakistan not overseas.

That depends on the issue on hand. I remember the emotional outpour a few years back. It shocked me.
I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and they are pro-China. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF, well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.
PDF = mostly diaspora or middle class or higher Pakistanis
Pakistan in reality = large middle and low class who hate west. Upper class sucks off west though. Diaspora living in west is going to naturally favour west.
Pakistanis in Pakistan majority hate west though and see west as enemies of Islam as well. Pakistanis in Pakistan are majority conservative religious and hate west for all the atrocities it’s done against Muslims. In majority Pakistanis in Pakistan prefer China over west
I have some Pakistani friends (PAF personnel to be exact, based out of Beijing) in real life and they are pro-China. What I have described is based on years' of experience here on PDF, well I do know it's not a perfect sampling of all Pakistani people. Some Chinese members here are also very offensive, they are not representative either.

Thanks for your reply.

Like you said, PDF is not actually a good sampling area.

The reason for our support for China is trust. Trust is irreplaceable.
The state of China is very trustworthy compared to the west. Yes the west is excellent in living standards and development and we need its business as well, but it is not trust worthy at all.

If Chinese govt gives a commitment to you and you give them money for a transaction, Chinese govt will make sure to fulfill their part of the bargain. A small example look at Pakistan, Iran, syria and even Turkey missile programs to some extent and possibly others missiles contracts.

Despite major pressures applied to China and even their state organizations were banned, they found a way to complete their agreement through 'third parties'.

Western countries sign a commitment and you pay them money, next month they get their parliaments or congress to block the deal and impose sanctions for violating "Human Rights" and many times keep the money too.

Long story short, in recent decades, common folk see China as a peaceful country which wants to do economic development instead of bombing countries left right and centre.
Chinese men marry to Pakistani women.
Ofcourse people will get angry lol, it was buying and selling of women for marriage right?
I remember it, was a great talking point for the Indians on the internet
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Chinese men marry to Pakistani women.
Not sure what exactly happened in that regard, too little information. A Chinese man married a Pakistani woman, or was there some mass event or something?

Also, I've spoken to some Chinese, they do not like the idea of Chinese women with any foreign men either...
friendlies seems to be residing in Pakistan not overseas.
Tell me which 'unfriendlies' do you guys need guarding in Pakistan. I mean entire security divisions have been raised to guard few Chinese inside Pakistan. Is this threat from overseas Pakistani's?

A Chinese is far more safer in countries that are hostile to them, in UK, USA, India etc. But need guarding in Pakistan from surfiet of love.

Think about this contradiction please ....
Western countries sign a commitment and you pay them money, next month they get their parliaments or congress to block the deal and impose sanctions for violating "Human Rights" and many times keep the money too.
You're welcome!

What I've learnt after years' of dealing with the west is that they only understand one language: brute force. In small business, always get your lawyer ready, perhaps some muscles may help. In big business, always get your law makers ready, if not some guns. In Chinese we call the west "认势不认理" aka "recognize force not reasoning", the only way is confrontation.
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