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Chinese military buildup far exceeds its defensive needs: US

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Chinese military buildup far exceeds its defensive needs: USA

Sharing concerns of many of China's neighbours in Asia, the US has said the Chinese military buildup far exceeds its defensive needs and asked Beijing to become more transparent with regard to its "military capabilities, expenditures and intentions."

"The US shares the concern of many in the region that this type of military buildup far exceeds China's defensive needs," Wallace "Chip" Gregson, Assistant Secretary of Defence for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, said.

It has become increasingly evident that China is pursuing a long-term, comprehensive military build-up that could upend the regional security balance, Gregson said, adding that many of China's newly acquired capabilities appear to go well beyond what might be needed in nearby waters.

"These are weapons we refer to as 'anti-access' and 'area-denial' systems or, in the acronym-rich Pentagon, 'A2/AD.'

"These are designed to deny access to the Western Pacific region or to deny the ability to operate within that vital area. A2/AD systems threaten our primary means of projecting power: our bases, our sea and air assets and the networks that support them," he said in his address to the Progressive Policy Institute's Forum on China, University of California Washington Centre.

The A2/AD challenge is not limited to a single weapon system or tactic, Gregson said. "It is better understood as a series of overlapping capabilities across multiple domains.

The capability that has perhaps been getting the most attention is China's anti-ship ballistic missile technology.

This is a capability we have been watching for some years."

"But there are other examples of this kind of destabilising weaponry, such as China's investments in advanced submarines, surface-to-air missiles, anti-satellite weapons and computer network warfare techniques," he said.

In addition, these kinds of weapons threaten to undermine the basic norms that have bolstered East Asian peace and prosperity, such as open access to sea lanes for commerce and security assistance, the Pentagon official said.

"We call upon China to become more transparent regarding its military capabilities, expenditures and intentions. We are not asking for an unreasonable degree of disclosure – simply enough to allow all parties to avoid miscalculation," Gregson said.

During the defence consultative talks, both the United States and China expressed their views of the dangers that exist whenever the military-to-military relationship is suspended or fails to be implemented to its full potential, Gregson noted.

"Accordingly, both sides stressed the importance of moving the relationship beyond the on-again/off-again cycle.

We need to sustain a comprehensive dialogue, including through periods of disagreement," he said.

Following completion of the defense consultative talks, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates would be travelling to Beijing and Chinese President Hu Jintao would be coming to America on a State visit.

"These high-level visits will give our two nations an opportunity to set a tone of broader, more sustained engagement. The stakes here are very high," Gregson said.

Chinese military buildup far exceeds its defensive needs: US
Ridiculous! What China should do is to leave aside US and do what she should do.

Absolutely I agree.......and so should India(not listen to all cautions and forge military alliances with Japan,Vietnam,Taiwan,US,Australia........)
Chinese military buildup far exceeds its defensive needs: USA

Not another one. Is there a election near? These type of things are coming always at election time. "Find a enemy,call him the enemy of freedom,then scream about his/her's military budget(even it's like 1/100 of your own), then hit him over the head with club. We have saved the world from chaos,people!"

As american's put it:nuts!
meh when chinese military buildup is at the level of the united states then the story will change to china upholding world peace

If we break the spending down by a GDP basis, we'll see that the US is over spending, China is underspending. China if it had the same level of spending as France and the UK, it should have about double their spending and China is no where near that.

2009 figures (a bit dated)
1 United States 14,119,050
2 Japan 5,068,894
3 People's Republic of China 4,984,731
4 Germany 3,338,675
5 France 2,656,378
6 United Kingdom 2,178,856
7 Italy 2,118,264

Also Germany and Japan really doesn't spend much at all given the size of their economy.

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