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Chinese military buildup far exceeds its defensive needs: US


If used on a city like Paris. The yellow circle is the fireball. Red total destruction.

And the radiation fallout?
@Title of thread...

I agree..:tup:

But why US is so worried about china ? Even now theey are far ahead in technology then any other nation..!:what:
Good post. :cheers:

I wonder why India keeps only small 20kt nuclear weapons. Even India's entire arsenal could not destroy one single Chinese province.

It's likely that they are having problems mastering the technology considering the yield of their first test was

1) over-reported
2) nowhere near the target yield

Controversies about the theoretical yield
The yield of the PNE has also remained controversial. Although occasional press reports have given ranges all the way up to 20 kt, and as low as 2 kt, the official yield was set early on at 12 kt (post Operation Shakti claims have raised it to 13 kt). Outside seismic data, and analysis of the crater features indicates a lower figure. Analysts usually estimate the yield at 4 to 6 kt using conventional seismic magnitude-to-yield conversion formulas. In recent years both Homi Sethna and P.K. Iyengar have conceded that the official yield is an exaggeration. Iyengar has variously stated that the yield was actually 8-10 kt, that the device was designed to yield 10 kt, and that the yield was 8 kt 'exactly as predicted'. Careful analysis of hard rock cratering effects establishes a tight bound around 8 kt for the yield however.

US's Trinity test 20 kt (first nuclear explosion)
China's 596 test yielded 22 Kt
French 70 kt
UK >25 kt
USSR 22 kt

Numbers of tests.

United States: 1,054 tests
Soviet Union: 715 tests (involving 969 devices)
United Kingdom: 45 tests
China: 45 tests
India: 6 underground tests
Pakistan: 6 underground tests,
North Korea: 2 tests
US military's budget has been released, and its whopping amount of $725 BILLION!!!!!

talk about defence needs..
It is surprising that Chinas neighbours arent complaining but a far off country in an totally isolated continent has lot of concerns..the truth is the chinese emerging regional, economic and soft power which is concerning western imperials. With china tough on defense they cannot bully it around like sissy Japan which was force to re-valuate the yen and turn its trade surplus into deficit.

I want to know where exactly China has invaded in last two decades. Bombed innocent people or conducted joint exercises in disputed waters??
US military's budget has been released, and its whopping amount of $725 BILLION!!!!!

talk about defence needs..

They don't call it a military industrial complex for nothing. I think the Americans would have been better served if they closely heeded Eisenhower's farewell address. He once said before leaving office "God help any man who sits behind this desk who doesn't know the military like I do"

He realized that a civilian president without his intimate knowledge of overall military machine, will simply be unable to stop the build up of a military industrial complex.

YouTube - Military Industrial Complex - Eisenhower 's warning
US military's budget has been released, and its whopping amount of $725 BILLION!!!!!

talk about defence needs..

The funny thing is watching Republicans and Democrats argue over cutting excess spending. Not one even mentions the military budget. Obama and Gates said they would work to cut it but it only goes up.
do they still have tsar bomb??

i thought it was destroyed by themselves.

According to urban legend Khruschev was so scared by the sheer power of the Tsar bomb that the Soviets stopped testing bombs with greater destructive potentials.
The estimation of nuclear destructive power:

1. Russia ~ 1,273 megaton
2. USA ~ 570 megaton
3. China ~ 294 megaton
4. France ~ 55 megaton
5. UK ~ 16 megaton
6. Israel ~ 1.5 - 4 megaton
7. India ~ 0.8 - 1 megaton
8. Pakistan ~ 0.6 - 1 megaton
9. North Korea ~ Unknown

NTI: Nuclear Disarmament
Yeah, so China is 294 times more powerful than India.

No Govt is foolish enough to risk even to take a single nuke on its soil however small.
That's not true. I'm sure China would be willing to absorb a 20 kt wildly inaccurate Indian nuclear attack on Tibet somewhere if we can completely destroy an adversary blocking our way to superpower dominance in Asia in return!

There are four caveats. Firstly, Agni II+ test failed, which shows Indian IRBM technology is still experimental. Secondly, assuming the Agni II+ is operational someday, China can use its ASAT to deprive an Indian missile of GPS guidance. Inertial guidance is more unreliable and the CEP will be much greater. Good luck trying to hit Beijing or Shanghai.
Excellent analysis. Agni-II+ is the first missile intended to actually work. The Agni-II never actually worked. And all those Agni-III and Agni-V Indians talk about are preliminary scientific experiments, not deployable weapons.

India is at a point where it might develop an ability to hit 1500 km (my estimate of Agni-II+ ability) in 3 years. In other words, they might be able to threaten Chengdu, and inflict some serious damage if they are lucky and their missile / warhead actually works.

Therefore, China must take out India's nuclear program before this point! Otherwise, it's a matter of time before the Indians attack. We must attack first and win.

Finally, this discussion is entirely theoretical. There are "nearly 60 launch pads for medium-range nuclear ballistic missiles in Central China" to act as a deterrent. Attacking the world's fourth-oldest thermonuclear power with a nuclear weapon is beyond insanity.
Never underestimate their stupidity. They will only understand fear when we bloody them a bit, maybe more than a bit.
Don't worry, with Obama and Gates in the white house, our budget is going down. You guys have no need to worry, the U.S. isn't what it used to be. Happy Holidays everybody :)
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