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Chinese Shipyard Launches 3rd Type 054 A/P Frigate For Pakistan Navy

What’s your point, the Barak 8 has limitations too yes, it doesn’t remove the limitations of the hq-16 though.

atleast barak 8 is arh and does not rely on soviet era illuminators to guide what is an absurdly heavy and outdated point defence missile.

Once again, if you want to see what a proper PD Sam should look like, take a peek at ESSM or CAMM/ER.
The theoretical rate of fire of MK41 is 1s per.
rate of fire of HQ16:
2007 Edition is 16s per
2009 Edition is 5s per
2011 Edition is 4s per

HQ9B (052D) is 1s per

Fire rate is irrelevant when you can’t guide them. Go for it, dump all 32 missiles, can only guide 2 per illuminator though.
Radar and Electornic Systems are modern 2021 capable so I think HQ 16 will have good guidance from them.

The air search radar is modern sure, the sr2410c is a brand new aesa, however as I have said before, that’s not the issue.
What’s your point, the Barak 8 has limitations too yes, it doesn’t remove the limitations of the hq-16 though.

atleast barak 8 is arh and does not rely on soviet era illuminators to guide what is an absurdly heavy and outdated point defence missile.

Once again, if you want to see what a proper PD Sam should look like, take a peek at ESSM or CAMM/ER.

Fire rate is irrelevant when you can’t guide them. Go for it, dump all 32 missiles, can only guide 2 per illuminator though.

The air search radar is modern sure, the sr2410c is a brand new aesa, however as I have said before, that’s not the issue.
No warship can launch all missiles at the same time because of the shared fireworks vent. The ultimate speed is launches 1 every 1s.

Launch speed:
Mk11 and mk13 launch 1 every 10s;
Mk26 launches 1 every 5S;
Hq16 launches 1 every 4S;
Mk41 HQ9B launches 1 every 1s;
What’s your point, the Barak 8 has limitations too yes, it doesn’t remove the limitations of the hq-16 though.

atleast barak 8 is arh and does not rely on soviet era illuminators to guide what is an absurdly heavy and outdated point defence missile.

Once again, if you want to see what a proper PD Sam should look like, take a peek at ESSM or CAMM/ER.

Fire rate is irrelevant when you can’t guide them. Go for it, dump all 32 missiles, can only guide 2 per illuminator though.

The air search radar is modern sure, the sr2410c is a brand new aesa, however as I have said before, that’s not the issue.
Yes, 054A's a semi-active radar. It needs an illuminator.
However, 054A positioning in the fleet is to assist air defense, and 052d and 055 will undertake the main air defense tasks. And it can share 052d data link during midcourse guidance, so it does not need an illuminator.
What’s your point, the Barak 8 has limitations too yes, it doesn’t remove the limitations of the hq-16 though.

atleast barak 8 is arh and does not rely on soviet era illuminators to guide what is an absurdly heavy and outdated point defence missile.

Once again, if you want to see what a proper PD Sam should look like, take a peek at ESSM or CAMM/ER.

Fire rate is irrelevant when you can’t guide them. Go for it, dump all 32 missiles, can only guide 2 per illuminator though.

The air search radar is modern sure, the sr2410c is a brand new aesa, however as I have said before, that’s not the issue.
054A positioning is ocean escort, evacuation of overseas Chinese, landing cover and fleet assistance (monitoring and warning, guiding aviation or missile boat group operations). Therefore, HQ9 is not installed.Hq16 has a short range, so it is not necessary to use active radar.
In low intensity war environment, it is faster to use semi-active radar in short range. If 054A enter the large fleet, HQ16 can use the data link of other main warships.
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If all are launched at the same time then they will likely crash into each other.

Come on you know their will be few seconds between each launch.
But the other poster does have a valid point you brining a 1980's equipment on a 2000's ship doesn't make sense.
Come on you know their will be few seconds between each launch.
But the other poster does have a valid point you brining a 1980's equipment on a 2000's ship doesn't make sense.
He said can they be launched at once so thats the case then they will crash into each other no matter how advance the missiles are.
USN still uses ships that were designed in 1970s but they always get upgrades..
He said can they be launched at once so thats the case then they will crash into each other no matter how advance the missiles are.
USN still uses ships that were designed in 1970s but they always get upgrades..

Yes, US does upgrade, but US doesn't built a ship with 80's spec and then upgrade --
You built with the flow of things in the era. If what he says is true then you've screwed up your defense/offense before you started a war, God bless Pakistan's minimum deterrence training if this is true.
Yes, US does upgrade, but US doesn't built a ship with 80's spec and then upgrade --
You built with the flow of things in the era. If what he says is true then you've screwed up your defense/offense before you started a war, God bless Pakistan's minimum deterrence training if this is true.
When u have a budget of toyota dont expect a Ferrari.
054A is not designed to perform air defence. It is a anti-submarine focused ship in China's navy and I think there are so many delivered to China's coastguard. It can store 8 anti ship missiles of older generation missiles in YJ-8 class. Don't expect these ships to protect against saturation Brahmos attack.

Naval war between Pakistan and India is about putting distance between Indian attack. You are aiming to destroy the ship and aircraft launching the brahmos not about trying to intercept brahmos on their way to 054A. The ones that can slip through need to be intercepted. This number should be far below number of interceptor missiles otherwise the planner has failed.

Indian navy Kolkata class is of course better. Why compare destroyer to frigate? HQ-16 is used for huge warhead size. Missile in ballistic range is useful as anti-surface or anti-ship weapon too. Huge warhead with proximity blast cone gives the missile much better interception capability as well. That's the reason for HQ-16 but it is much older compared to Barak. Barak is not really that good anyway with focus on slow burn engine which means much better average speed but lower top speed and can keep the missile smaller for its range capability. I bet it is super expensive since it also has booster two stage. Within Barak's designed range of interception, it works very well. That's why the israeli decided to keep speed low because it is designed for intercepting missiles which means it needs more sustained speed over its operation range than top speed. HQ-16 is overall better missile than Barak but Barak is better just for intercepting anti ship missiles, not good for fighters but they don't really have range for fighters anyway unlike HQ-16. HQ-16B range well beyond reported 75km. Look at the sizes of the missiles. Barak is designed for around 50km to 75km. All depends on target of course but both are different purpose and focus. Mach 2 vs Mach 4.

I don't think people should expect 054A to perform like 052C or 052D when it is not the same class. It improves Pakistan navy because it really needs to improve quickly since Indian's is far more ahead even if they are not impressive at all, compared to Pakistan's, they have many modern ships with new air defence missiles and good AESA radars and electronic warfare.
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