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Wikileaks: India unlikely to deploy Cold Start against Pakistan

The audacity with which you guys talk of using nukes is unbelievable.
The audacity in which you talk of going to war is more unbelievable. Pakistan has always been against taking nations to war, while India has done quite a bit of saber rattling in the past 10 years - at least 3 times now and has amassed troops as well.

Pakistan maintains a first use policy for this reason, push comes to shove we will use it. If you don't want that, don't go to war.
The audacity in which you talk of going to war is more unbelievable. Pakistan has always been against taking nations to war, while India has done quite a bit of saber rattling in the past 10 years - at least 3 times now and has amassed troops as well.

Pakistan maintains a first use policy for this reason, push comes to shove we will use it. If you don't want that, don't go to war.

There were provocations behind those troop mobilizations and some tough talking by New Delhi. There is not a single instance where India mobilized army without reason.
u guys use the nuke word at the drop of a hat. allow me to tell u this basic concept.

pakistan will use its nuclear weapons wen its very existence is at stake or wen its is about to lose a large portion of its territory to india. it wont use weapons jus because some indian soldiers cross over to pakistan to destroy a militant camp.

Love to meet you... i think u attend alll meetings in GHQ Rawalpindi along with all C.Commanders.... and COAS discuss everything withyou when we will use nuke.. and when we willl not!! LOLZZZZZ idiot! :rofl::rofl:
The talks of using nukes, shows that your army can't win conventional war. What happened to the usual rhetoric of

"Our missiles are better than india's"
"One pakistani soldier is equivalent to 10 Indian soldiers"
"We have superior fighter aircraft"
"PAF is better trained than IAF"

If your Armed forces are no that scared of Indian conventional superiority, why don't they opt for no-first-use (NFU) pledge.

Whenever Indo-china discussion happen, I see a lot of members from across the border would say China would trash India, China has superior forces, etc. Inspite of that we have a no-first-use (NFU) pledge.

Goes to show that which armed forces is brave.
How can a war be lost without fighting?
The word I used was confrontation, not war. India blinked, Pakistan didn't.

I dunno what entire world thinks about Indian military,but i surely know India earned Kudos for showing restraint by not attacking Pak.
Of course this is always a given, the world has to appreciate someone for backing off the fight, although technically its still ridiculous since India used the "War" word, Pakistan didn't and then India backed off.

Kind of a trend, you know. India went to the UNSC for Kashmir then India backed off, India wanted war in 1999, 2002 and 2008 and in all instances India backed off.

India will earn the kudos till its cried wolf too many times.

U mean when Pak attacks India? Well...remember Kargil?
If u mean India attacking Pak,then it no longer will be a defensive role!
Pakistan's attacks are limited to Kashmir, where its all fair game since its disputed territory - officially not even the border. Whoever controls whatever territory by force, no one is going to feel bad for India for losing say, Srinagar. Its technically perpetual war when it comes to Kashmir since from each's perspective the other has already invaded their territory.

India does not launch 1 missile and wait for you to launch 10 missiles.
Donot even compare your forces with India as far as conventional warfare is concerned.
Actually time and time again articles are filled with Pakistan's missile preparedness and readiness, I don't say it the world does.

In other areas even though Pakistan may be behind India, India is nowhere near the level where it can launch an invasion of Pakistan and hence it always talks of surgical strikes.

Pakistan however has made it clear, that any surgical strike would be followed by a butcher's strike in response. Response would be disproportionate. India knows this, the US in fact advised India about this the last time around - just to confirm the obvious. Read the thread "How India debated going to war".

Just bcoz some Indian soldiers crossed the border u will use nukes..?? :o Then why are u not using them when the taliban are crossing the ****** border on a daily basis?
Don't draw parallels between yourself and an insurgent, nation-less group. It would be unwise to comment about the intensity of strikes any further other than the fact that nukes would come into play when push comes to shove. Its not for show, you know.

Pakistan is not alone in this assessment. If by any freak incident the US is invaded by say Chinese forces, the US too would opt to use nukes. Thats why the US also maintains a first use policy

Still if you use them,U\'ll be getting a volley of 45kw nukes for every 25 kw nuke..with a message...from India..with Love :)

Again some more empty saber rattling. Again you're making a very big assumption on the intensity of a nuke attack on India, you don't know what capabilities you'd be left with after a Pakistani first strike. You may not even be left with a semblance of government, GHQ, economy.

India has been given the option if nukes bother you so much, don't go to war. If you want to go to war, then go in whole heartedly.
The talks of using nukes, shows that your army can't win conventional war. What happened to the usual rhetoric of

"Our missiles are better than india's"
"One pakistani soldier is equivalent to 10 Indian soldiers"
"We have superior fighter aircraft"
"PAF is better trained than IAF"

If your Armed forces are no that scared of Indian conventional superiority, why don't they opt for no-first-use (NFU) pledge.

Whenever Indo-china discussion happen, I see a lot of members from across the border would say China would trash India, China has superior forces, etc. Inspite of that we have a no-first-use (NFU) pledge.

Goes to show that which armed forces is brave.
Actually Pakistan does not hold an offensive doctrine and its forces are prepared to hold showdown against India in Kashmir. If India expands the war, then it expands it beyond the metrics of our goals. In that case it invites a nuclear attack.

Haha you're actually suggesting we let an invasion happen just to keep our noses up? You can't invoke our egos to save yourself from a nuclear attack, if you go to war with Pakistan.
Love to meet you... i think u attend alll meetings in GHQ Rawalpindi along with all C.Commanders.... and COAS discuss everything withyou when we will use nuke.. and when we willl not!! LOLZZZZZ idiot! :rofl::rofl:

why r u getting personal buddy. may be u r opinion is different then mine. i might not attend meetings in GHQ but sure with a degree in conflict management, i know wat i m talking.
It is a good thing that India did not fight after the parliament attacks and also after the Mumbai attacks.Any war is going to have a serious impact on our economy.It is better to do something at a covert level just like the Israel.Since independence we never imposed a war on anyone .Let us continue the tradition.
Of course this is always a given, the world has to appreciate someone for backing off the fight, although technically its still ridiculous since India used the \"War\" word, Pakistan didn\'t and then India backed off.
India didnot use the word \"war\"...if i\'m wrong show me the proof. I\'ll be thankful. For that matter India didnot officially declare war even during the Kargil conflict.

Kind of a trend, you know. India went to the UNSC for Kashmir then India backed off, India wanted war in 1999, 2002 and 2008 and in all instances India backed off.
How can you say India wanted a war? If we wanted we would have got it. BTW,all the wars which India and Pak faught were initiated by Pak...not by India. Infact it\'s Pak which wanted war...u tested your nukes and kargil followed. Nothing of that sort happened when India tested it\'s nuke. This itself talks about India\'s peaceful nature.

In other areas even though Pakistan may be behind India, India is nowhere near the level where it can launch an invasion of Pakistan and hence it always talks of surgical strikes.
Ofcourse...show me one poster who claims invasion of Pak is a cake walk for India.

Don\'t draw parallels between yourself and an insurgent, nation-less group. It would be unwise to comment about the intensity of strikes any further other than the fact that nukes would come into play when push comes to shove. Its not for show, you know.
I was just saying pak would not use nukes just becoz some soldiers crossed the border.

Pakistan is not alone in this assessment. If by any freak incident the US is invaded by say Chinese forces, the US too would opt to use nukes. Thats why the US also maintains a first use policy
Yes...the basic purpose of nukes is this. BTW...dont you think the no first use can be called off as and when India wants?

Again some more empty saber rattling. Again you\'re making a very big assumption on the intensity of a nuke attack on India, you don\'t know what capabilities you\'d be left with after a Pakistani first strike. You may not even be left with a semblance of government, GHQ, economy.
Last time i checked India has second strike capability.

India has been given the option if nukes bother you so much, don\'t go to war. If you want to go to war, then go in whole heartedly.
Ofcourse pakistani nukes bothers not only India...the whole world as well. :)
The word I used was confrontation, not war. India blinked, Pakistan didn't.

Of course this is always a given, the world has to appreciate someone for backing off the fight, although technically its still ridiculous since India used the "War" word, Pakistan didn't and then India backed off.

Kind of a trend, you know. India went to the UNSC for Kashmir then India backed off, India wanted war in 1999, 2002 and 2008 and in all instances India backed off.

India will earn the kudos till its cried wolf too many times.

Pakistan's attacks are limited to Kashmir, where its all fair game since its disputed territory - officially not even the border. Whoever controls whatever territory by force, no one is going to feel bad for India for losing say, Srinagar. Its technically perpetual war when it comes to Kashmir since from each's perspective the other has already invaded their territory.

Actually time and time again articles are filled with Pakistan's missile preparedness and readiness, I don't say it the world does.

In other areas even though Pakistan may be behind India, India is nowhere near the level where it can launch an invasion of Pakistan and hence it always talks of surgical strikes.

Pakistan however has made it clear, that any surgical strike would be followed by a butcher's strike in response. Response would be disproportionate. India knows this, the US in fact advised India about this the last time around - just to confirm the obvious. Read the thread "How India debated going to war".

Don't draw parallels between yourself and an insurgent, nation-less group. It would be unwise to comment about the intensity of strikes any further other than the fact that nukes would come into play when push comes to shove. Its not for show, you know.

Pakistan is not alone in this assessment. If by any freak incident the US is invaded by say Chinese forces, the US too would opt to use nukes. Thats why the US also maintains a first use policy

Again some more empty saber rattling. Again you're making a very big assumption on the intensity of a nuke attack on India, you don't know what capabilities you'd be left with after a Pakistani first strike. You may not even be left with a semblance of government, GHQ, economy.

India has been given the option if nukes bother you so much, don't go to war. If you want to go to war, then go in whole heartedly.

i didnt bother reading you entire post all it said was.. .nuke.nuke.nuke..bla bla..bla ..but im curios on this part.. you seem to know more about Indian nuclear capability than most of our strategists ...answer me one thing ...what you said in bolded part was true...then why in HELL India would opt for NFU policy ...or is it just your assumptions..?? or our strategists are bunch of retard's... im just curious ...:what::what:
If it helps preventing useless wars... so be it

Do you even realise what you are talking about.Once the nuclear option is exercised there is no coming back.It will result in the complete obliteration of Pakistan and a partial obliteration of India.
The audacity in which you talk of going to war is more unbelievable. Pakistan has always been against taking nations to war, while India has done quite a bit of saber rattling in the past 10 years - at least 3 times now and has amassed troops as well.

Pakistan maintains a first use policy for this reason, push comes to shove we will use it. If you don't want that, don't go to war.

Pakistan has always been against taking nations to war

Yeah we know. You are against war. But will send your armed forces across the border (Kargil). But the stupid world calls it a war. :rofl:


Because of that your Army earned a dubious distinction of being called....

A reckless Pervez Musharraf
A feckless Nawaz Sharif
Pakistan an extremely unstable country
Pakistan's reckless adventurism
war-mongering generals
Pakistan's regular army involved in "Cheating"
Pakistan being an allay is the source of trouble and terrorism
If it helps preventing useless wars... so be it

You know what, I hate to say this but you could just be right.

India gives in to Pakistan's nuclear blackmail too easily.

One cross border Indian strike will expose Pakistan's hopeless belligerence for once and for all. The only condition is that US should not poke its nose, but given the WOT in Afghanistan, that will not happen, so you guys will succeed with your blackmail for now.
Guys !!

Look Pakistan can't see the growth of India in Double Digit :yahoo:

We both started at the same time and I drive Mercedes and you still in Bullock cart...

We work in 5 star Atomsphere and you still sweating in the SUN


We don't need Arms to make our Neighbour Understand , You goto toilet with Gun on your shoulder

Our Childerns are getting better Education and we have 85000 Think-Tanks in Different university in India and Abroad


There are 30000 Indians working for American Senate and Creating policy for them in back-door..
We have enough Arms and Materials to pull your country back to stone-age but we want you to grow with us:victory:

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