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Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

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Someone needs to stop sucking Iranian cajones or change their flags.

The IGRC would be decimated by a US+Israeli air war much like Iraq was. The reason it hasn’t happened is not because the US alone can’t flatten Iran’s military, but because Iran has enough missiles to inflict significant damage on US allies regionally as it goes down, and the shockwave such a conflict would send through global economies.
Please change his flags
The IGRC would be decimated by a US+Israeli air war much like Iraq was.
Lol, Let me disagree.

The reason it hasn’t happened is not because the US alone can’t flatten Iran’s military, but because Iran has enough missiles to inflict significant damage on US allies regionally as it goes down, and the shockwave such a conflict would send through global economies.
The reason is Iran can target USA itself when the time comes.
Jaish ul-Adl incarnation of Jundullah. Pakistan needs to take care of such shadowy groups. They claim to be Sunni oppressed groups inside Iran and use the border between Iran and Pakistan to sow unrest. We know who sponsors and arms such groups. Let's not fall for this madness.
Lol, Let me disagree.

The reason is Iran can target USA itself when the time comes.
Yup certainly looks like it, perhaps a prisoner exchange.

lol. all that IRGC as* kissing by iranians and some pakistanis was all for a mere prisoner swap.
The reason is Iran can target USA itself when the time comes.

target what? a bunch of middle east bases and thats it. the US could wipe Iran out of existence if it wanted.
Firstly even if u have done an op and not paid ransom, why to announce it publicly?

Iran has enough enemies why want to make more? Why to annoy friendly Muslim countries??

Really IRGC attitude is suboptimal and really annoying.
lol. all that IRGC as* kissing by iranians and some pakistanis was all for a mere prisoner swap.
Whatever dude, a successful mission.

They call themselves Sunni prisoners that is the fun part. Baluch are by majority Sunnis and Baluch people hate these so called Sunni prisoners whose sole job is destabilizing of Balochistan. Once MBS claimed that we will pull the unrest inside Iranian territory and after Syraq, its Iran's turn to taste instability. He was talking about these groups. Btw, i still believe in negotiating with them rather than killing them all. We must do something that they don't expect.
Even then going on your own won't justify.
It's quite a possibility pakistani intelligence also doesn't know about the location of those kidnapped guards.
I think the main problem here is "trust". This is the most likley reason why they did it on their own.

Because such terrorist groups also operate against pakistani forces. We too are on the receiving end .

Where do you see the root cause?

And to be honest I doubt what iran is claiming here . Everything iranian regime speaks is to fool their masses.

Events like this already happened in the past. so it is likely that something like this will repeat itself.

Just like when general sulamani was killed they said they killed hundreds of US soldiers lol in missile strikes.

This thing has nothing to do with the other.

It is not excluded that US soldiers were killed in the rocket attacks on US bases in January 2020 and this has been concealed. Even if not a single US soldier had actually died, this could not have been foreseen at the time of the rocket launch and the message reached the right people.
Iran has enough enemies why want to make more? Why to annoy friendly Muslim countries??

Really IRGC attitude is suboptimal and really annoying.

Iran and specially IRGC is not paying tribute or doing favours to gain favor from second and third parties.
Sometimes its necessary to make unpopular decisions
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According to Iranian media reports:

Zahedan, Feb 3, IRNA - Iran's intelligence forces carried a successful operation in southeastern Iranian province of Sistan-Baluchestan to release two borderguards abducted by Jaish al-Zolm terrorist group two years ago.

The operation was carried out on Tuesday night according to a public relations office of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Forces.
The border guards had been abducted by the counter-revolutionay group of Jaish al-Zolm in southeastern Iranian borders over two years ago.
In October, 2018, some 12 Iranian borderguards were abducted by terrorist group and transported to Pakistani soil.
Five of those 12 were delivered to Iran just month after the abduction.
In March the same year, four others were released according to IRGC commander.
I think the main problem here is "trust". This is the most likley reason why they did it on their own.

Where do you see the root cause?

Events like this already happened in the past. so it is likely that something like this will repeat itself.

This thing has nothing to do with the other.

It is not excluded that US soldiers were killed in the rocket attacks on US bases in January 2020 and this has been concealed. Even if not a single US soldier had actually died, this could not have been foreseen at the time of the rocket launch and the message reached the right people.

Iran and specially IRGC is not paying tribute or doing favours to gain favor from second and third parties.
Sometimes its necessary to make unpopular decisions
We picked up kalboshan yadev with his original Indian passports from Iran and announced that he was captured in Pakistan side with his fake and original passport as if he was stupid to carry both into pakistan.

Come off your high horse.

Israelis are killing u day in day out within your country and you want to start another fassad with a friendly Muslim country to stroke your ego
Whatever dude, a successful mission.

They call themselves Sunni prisoners that is the fun part. Baluch are by majority Sunnis and Baluch people hate these so called Sunni prisoners whose sole job is destabilizing of Balochistan. Once MBS claimed that we will pull the unrest inside Iranian territory and after Syraq, its Iran's turn to taste instability. He was talking about these groups. Btw, i still believe in negotiating with them rather than killing them all. We must do something that they don't expect.

whatever man. bored of listening to the "poor, innocent iran" horseshit narrative.

Iran frees 2 soldiers kidnapped in Pakistan

Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) said on Wednesday it had freed two soldiers in an intelligence operation inside Pakistan’s territory.

“A successful operation was carried out last Tuesday night to rescue two kidnapped border guards who were taken as hostages by Jaish ul-Adl organization two and a half years ago,” the IRGC said in a statement.

According to the statement, the soldiers were successfully transferred back to Iran.

On Oct. 16, 2018, Jaish ul-Adl organization kidnapped 12 IRGC guards to Pakistani territory in the city of Merkava in Sistan and Baluchestan Province on the border between the two countries.

Military officials formed a joint committee between Tehran and Islamabad to free the kidnapped guards.

Five of the soldiers were released on Nov. 15, 2018, and four Iranian soldiers were rescued by the Pakistani army on March 21, 2019.

Jaish ul-Adl organization, which Tehran declared a terrorist organization, is waging an armed struggle against the Iranian government, saying it defends the rights of Baloch Sunnis in Iran.

Which is why border being fenced, so these terrorists can't carry out attacks on both sides and flee to the other.
Just letting you know, if the Pakistan Armed Forces did start messing with Iran like they have been doing for years with us, they‘ll face a lot of problems.

Somebody should tell PA that because IRGC doesn't seem to care.

People on here keep begging PA to do a clean up operation in Balochistan. Well guess what, actions have consequences. We took so long to fix a security problem for both ourselves and Iran that they decided to take a shot themselves because they knew they could do better.
Read the full article before declaring war on Iran. It was a joint operation, which is a good thing.

The joint operation is referring to the efforts a few years ago to bring back the first round of soldiers. The operation that happened this week seems unilateral.
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