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PIA plane crash near Model Colony Karachi with 93+ on board

He was thinking ... 'sab chalta hai' or 'sab theek hai'. They typical Pakistani unprofessionalism, laid back and damn care attitude. Something that is the result of sifarshi culture.

I think their was also a report in which few other pilots also attempted same landing approach so its safe to assume that some pilots were trying to show off to each other.

Ok this picture is from insta.
It was taken 4 days before the crash. Same crew was flying the plane.
Notice the bottom of both engines.
Is it normal for engines to have marks like that or the engines had scrape marks ?

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notice that right engine hardly has any markings on the bottom and it would not be visible on side pose. Where as if you look at the image few mins before crash has much more bigger and visible markings which is different from your picture.
I think their was also a report in which few other pilots also attempted same landing approach so its safe to assume that some pilots were trying to show off to each other.

That is a very serious allegation, any evidence for this?
Someone posted a landing approach of past couple of weeks where some pilots attempted to land from higher altitude then recommended.

Landing from a higher altitude unintentionally is completely different than doing it on purpose to show off.

The latter is reckless and criminal endangerment.

This is what happens when PIA hires PAF pilots. You end up with hotshots in the cockpit who think they can do it all and shoot a descent from 10K feet direct to the runway in 4 minutes. Air Force culture is real, A320 is not a fighter jet but PIA pilots treat it like one. Its not just bad airline culture, its bad safety culture, and dangerous to risk the lives of people who trust you to get them somewhere safely.
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Landing from a higher altitude unintentionally is completely different than doing it on purpose to show off.

The latter is reckless and criminal endangerment.

This is what happens when PIA hires PAF pilots. You end up with hotshots in the cockpit who think they can do it all and shoot a descent from 10K feet direct to the runway in 4 minutes. Air Force culture is real, A320 is not a fighter jet but PIA pilots treat it like one. Its not just bad airline culture, its bad safety culture, and dangerous to risk the lives of people who trust you to get them somewhere safely.

PAF pilots in PIA are almost extinct! That was the thing of the past until early 1990s when PIA use to be one of the best in the region. thanks to PeePeePEE and PMLN sowar parties who hired patwaris on parchi and got them fake pilot licences.


A video of the crash has been released on Jang.com.pk today---.

And it was the same thing that I assessed right on the first day---.

Totally and absolutely Pilot's errors---one blunder being committed after another.

Aircraft descended to fast---wheels were not out----engines hit the tarmac---twice or maybe four times---so instead of decreasing power and shutting down the engines and and letting the aircraft scrape---crawl to a stop---the pilot decides to takeoff---.

This shows an extremely poor judgement capability under duress---poor training---very very poor situational awareness---basically the 14000 hours pilot was clueless in how to deal with the aircraft after it had already made a crash landing---.

Decides to take off---which happened due to the dive momentum and high speed.

Total incompetence & failure in face of crisis---.

A video of the crash has been released on Jang.com.pk today---.

And it was the same thing that I assessed right on the first day---.

Totally and absolutely Pilot's errors---one blunder being committed after another.

Aircraft descended to fast---wheels were not out----engines hit the tarmac---twice or maybe four times---so instead of decreasing power and shutting down the engines and and letting the aircraft scrape---crawl to a stop---the pilot decides to takeoff---.

This shows an extremely poor judgement capability under duress---poor training---very very poor situational awareness---basically the 14000 hours pilot was clueless in how to deal with the aircraft after it had already made a crash landing---.

Decides to take off---which happened due to the dive momentum and high speed.

Total incompetence & failure in face of crisis---.

Same pilots who were complaining when govt took away thier fake credentials.
this was pure pilot erorr also gwader and skardu ATRs were also pilot errors sir
The A320 was not pilot error. It looked very intentional regarding what they thought would have been a belly landing without doing a go-around. Their final approach speed was almost 200 kts, even F-7s land slightly slower.
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