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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

Not the actual numbers ..It is trend with Pakistan army..they will accept few cassualties here and there.. but skip over many.

And if Pakistanis asks for agregate number...lets say on LOC...they refuse.

Because that reveals their deception.

The problem with you Indians is you automatically believe many Pakistani or Chinese soldiers must have also killed whenever Indian announced his own Indian army causalities.

Here you are telling ISPR hides PA causalities while your Indian Govt and Indian military hides 1000 sq km of loss of territory for 9 months and not a single word on loss of territory come out from your military while this loss of Indian territory is even acknowledged by International media.

Infact Your PM comes on a tv and tell lies in a national speech i.e. na koi hemari seeema ma gussa ha..

Have a shame!
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Brothers, I just found out about the increased tensions at LoC. Can anybody enlighten me on why there are a flare-up and the current situation?

All the best to Pakistan and Pakistan Army. I hope you've secretly imported Turkish EW systems to decimate the indians. If this escalates, then let's liberate Kashmir once and for all.

LaNguage emanating from DGISPR and media contacts NEEDS TO UNDERGO A PARADIGM SHIFT.

We must openly threaten them with DISPROPORTIONATE and PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKES. we should abandon the "befitting response doctrine" as it is reactive, outdated and - most importantly - ineffective. By constantly stating "we are peace loving but will reply befittingly", we have actually eroded ANY functionality of this statement. India ignores this statement and proceeds with its predetermined plan. In fact, everyone ignores it. We must release statements that AT THE VERY LEAST cause an element of doubt in the enemy's calculations. State clearly that ALL OPTIONS ARE OPEN TO OUR ARMED FORCES AND ALLIES AND WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO STRIKE PRE-EMPTIVELY AGAINST THREATS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.

Whatever actually transpires on the battlefield is a separate matter. However, I'm saying clearly - if anyone in head office is listening!! - at least make statements that sow a degree of confusion in enemy algorithms. Otherwise they will keep doing what they do month after month after month.
Also celebrate killing of 3 Kashmiri civilians you claim to be brothers.

Unfortunate that you are happy with deaths on either side
you must be proud of your brave Indian forces hiding in civilians and using civilians as human shied,

Using civilians as human shield is awarded with bravery medals in Indian forces, I hope you know ...
The problem with you Indians is you automatically believe many Pakistani or Chinese soldiers must have also killed whenever Indian announced his own Indian army causalities.

Here you are telling ISPR hides PA causalities while your Indian Govt and Indian military hides 1000 sq km of loss of territory for 9 months and not a single word on loss of territory come out from your military while this loss of Indian territory is even acknowledged by International media.

Infact Your PM comes on a tv and tell lies in a national speech i.e. na koi hemari seeema ma gussa ha..

Have a shame!

india has actually lost 38,000 Square kms of it's territory to China:

LaNguage emanating from DGISPR and media contacts NEEDS TO UNDERGO A PARADIGM SHIFT.

We must openly threaten them with DISPROPORTIONATE and PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKES. we should abandon the "befitting response doctrine" as it is reactive, outdated and - most importantly - ineffective. By constantly stating "we are peace loving but will reply befittingly", we have actually eroded ANY functionality of this statement. India ignores this statement and proceeds with its predetermined plan. In fact, everyone ignores it. We must release statements that AT THE VERY LEAST cause an element of doubt in the enemy's calculations. State clearly that ALL OPTIONS ARE OPEN TO OUR ARMED FORCES AND ALLIES AND WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO STRIKE PRE-EMPTIVELY AGAINST THREATS TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY.

Whatever actually transpires on the battlefield is a separate matter. However, I'm saying clearly - if anyone in head office is listening!! - at least make statements that sow a degree of confusion in enemy algorithms. Otherwise they will keep doing what they do month after month after month.
Implications of passive approach have brought about a paradigm that the populations not only do not trust political leadership to resolve core and simmering issues, their trust in military will erode as well.
It is a paradigm shift because one needs a "go get it" attitude to deliver. Azerbaycan just showed what is possible... especially when the whole population is on the same page.
It also became abundantly clear how critical drones are in mountain warfare. Valley is a death trap for Indians and someone just paying attention and follow up with speed will bring Indians to their knees...
Every single marker checks out against Indian occupation ...
Implications of passive approach have brought about a paradigm that the populations not only do not trust political leadership to resolve core and simmering issues, their trust in military will erode as well.
It is a paradigm shift because one needs a "go get it" attitude to deliver. Azerbaycan just showed what is possible... especially when the whole population is on the same page.
It also became abundantly clear how critical drones are in mountain warfare. Valley is a death trap for Indians and someone just paying attention and follow up with speed will bring Indians to their knees...
Every single marker checks out against Indian occupation ...
Very true, but Pakistan is not ready for all out war in Kashmir. We spent decades in the USA camp but the USA had a vested interest in keeping the region quiet and made sure we could never be strong to change the status quo in Kashmir or truly threaten India.

We should learn from Azerbaijan. Only after they ditched the Russian bloc and joined the Turkish bloc did they build up the military capacity to change the status quo in NK.

Similarly Pakistan has rotated out of the USA camp and is now in the China camp and Turkish camp. It will take us time but we must build up the capacity to go all out in Kashmir. Both China and Turkey have no problems with us being strong enough to do this. USA was always slapping us with restrictions to maintain the status quo.

Looks like IA took the worse in the latest exchanges. But reality is tit for tat exchanges are not a big problem for India even if they take the worse in the exchanges. Only going all out conventionally in Kashmir will change the status quo.
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