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Joe Biden elected the 46th President of the United States

Why are news agency part of the formal election process for the USA??? That is so odd, and crazy. Elections are so important, that there are goverment agencies tasked with executing these.. and here, we are in USA where private companies are "calling" which state has won or not, and that has an actual bearing on the results.

That's the is indeed very odd. American media just announcing winner on their own , predicting results without a government authority first releasing the results. Even in Pakistan you cant do that without election commission of Pakistan first releasing the result.
Brother you know we had Chinese last night - today (as if we need an excuse) - it’s mumtaz paan house Bradford for a dee lish asss take away to celebrate - I’m so happy coz I really hate him and my pleasure doubles thinking Indians will be heartbroken!
My brothers - @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @PAKISTANFOREVER @PakFactor @Areesh

Rejoice brothers the penis has been sacked and indian fanboys are at a loss tonight

lol. The Bhakts are crying.
Yep, Modi was obsessed with trump, did you not see how touchy he gets and also when he clasps trump's hand in both of his.

Probably master pupil type relationship.

Nothing much will change in terms of foreign policy objectives only procedures may change, anyone in USA President seat is not good for Pakistan die to strategic interest collision.
Most of their secondary sanctions are controlled by the president so Biden can relatively easily reverse them. My expectation is he will lift the Trump imposed sanctions and return to the JCPOA and the situation will be quite similar like it was under Obama.

Democrats will win the house but the republic are more likely to get majority in the senate.

It will also depend on whether Iran agrees to go back to the JCPOA. Iran can always say "wait a minute, why should we trust it will work this time when the next president can do exactly what Trump did" and that really is the issue with so much of what that jerk did. He only wanted to destroy anything and everything that Obama did in order to destroy his legacy without having any good reason to do it, just like what he did with ending the JCPOA. One of the dumbest moves by this idiot, along with many others.

I wouldn't blame Iran if it said no, let's amend the deal at least so that it can't just be taken away by the next fool.
We are looking at the future of the BECA agreement. Breaking news that RAW was caught red-handed in the involvement of attacks recently in Afghanistan on an American installation. American establishment knows it and waiting for a new Gov circus settle down and see what sort of action will take against India.

Nothing much will happen as they have put all bet on India for containment of China and policing IOR for them.
Bro you maybe right - will return to the old style American establishment politics - backstabbing, liars and of course bullsh1t that we have seen before - my hatred for for Trump and everything he stands for has perhaps blinded me for the moment.
Let me enjoy his rejection - let me enjoy knowing he is burning - let me enjoy this orange turd has been slapped. Give me a week or so and il start contemplating what Biden means for us and our future prospects.

I have been observing Pakistanis reaction all over and I am astounded as to how gullible we are as a nation. We just dont put Pakistani caps on and look at world through our own selfish interests. We get awed so easily by outside influences and then we have foreign funded media within, the likes of DAWN which has been very anti trump as if Biden winning will mean more funding for this media group and all the so called liberal non sense NGOs and what not.

Trump if was not beneficial for Pakistan but he wasnt harmful either. Infact his best contribution towards Pakistan was to pursue the peace deal in Afghanistan, against the wishes of his own American deep state, shrinking the space for the likes of CIA and RAW to work from Afghan soil to spread terrorism in Pakistan. Now that peace process is up in the air. Make no mistake, Biden is American establishment puppet.

American establishment has already removed ETIM from terrorists group list anticipating Biden victory. This is how Obama played as well, all smiling yet playing all the dirty games through proxies and terrorism against Pakistan.

Who cares if Trump was horrible for America? How does it matter for Pakistan and its citizens?
Now one important thing is that Biden was VP when Drone strikes in Pakistan started and they are more interested in using proxies then going to war directly compared to republicans.
Now one important thing is that Biden was VP when Drone strikes in Pakistan started and they are more interested in using proxies then going to war directly compared to republicans.

Pakistani establishment needs to ensure that all the loopholes used by American establishment during Obama presidency for fighting hybrid war against Pakistan are firmly plugged.

Taliban needs to keep their guns well oiled, just in case.
if Biden is bad for Pakistan then Pakistan needs to become stronger simple

we cannot be at the mercy of a American president

its 2020 and we need to move on, shocking to see so much victim mentality
In my honest opinion. Trump is more of a guy who tells what he believes . He doesn't pretend to be someone. While the democrats with all their goodies in front are evil in the back. During Obama times USA was involved in more wars and destruction than Trump under Republican era. Sure Trump is bad for his country in terms of segregation only other than that he was pretty successful in many instances on economic front ,the world was peaceful.
Can't say about Biden but Kamala won't be good for and with Pakistan, she is liberal and Pakistan is majority conservative , expect more funding and support for Mera Jism Meri Marzi types ..
And Saudis must be majority liberal?
Sure Trump is bad for his country
Trump was bad for the entire world, not only his policies left the allies stranded, it also gave other players to rain in on their allies. Then the issue of Climate agreement, in 3-4 decades a lot of our regions will be under water, many Island nations may disappear. Trump wants to please the red states with more coal, fracking, and hence he moved away from the climate agreement. This was bad in a lot of aspects.
Biden hates Pak Army! Expect a major shift in policy against Pakistan. Trump gave us a lot of breathing space and backed off from constant pressure especially after meeting IK. Biden is a real bad news for us as now American Establishment have their proper puppet installed.

Sorry, What breathing room trump gave the Pakistan army?
And Saudis must be majority liberal?

Trump was bad for the entire world, not only his policies left the allies stranded, it also gave other players to rain in on their allies. Then the issue of Climate agreement, in 3-4 decades a lot of our regions will be under water, many Island nations may disappear. Trump wants to please the red states with more coal, fracking, and hence he moved away from the climate agreement. This was bad in a lot of aspects.

That is the goodie thing for them they have one face there while killing mercilessly at the other.

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