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Featured After Erdoğan, Prime Minister Imran Khan condemns French President Macron over Islamophobia

Islamic republics are teaching secularism to France. I mean is there no sense of irony in the world anymore?
Pakistan is free to do whatever it wants...last I checked an Indian has no say in that matter.

Just like u r using freedom of speech for ur verbal diarrhea against Pakistan on a Pakistani forum. Or just like India cried to Sweden about Pakistan using SAAB AWACS...
...and the continuous painful cries from time to time to every country about "terrorism", "isolation", and "not to sell weapons to Pak", etc.
...just like ur country can freely say whatever it wants...so can other countries...and there's nothing u can do about it.
Imran better look at his own country than worry about Islam at the world stage. His country is failing economically and politically. By playing the messiah of Islam, he is boxing himself as Muslim leader rather than a world leader. It'll be detrimental to Kashmir issue too.
Just like that Modi should worry about his own starving population than worry about Hindus/Sikhs/etc. of neighboring countries. Why not practice what u preach? Oh right...I forgot it's bcuz u morons are the biggest hypocrites.
And each country has its own way of handling social tensions according to their requirements. By meddling in their affairs, Imran once again shown the shallowness of his diplomacy. His attack on Macron is as diabolical as his attack on Modi as Nazi. Imran should be smart and practical with diplomacy. Instead of launching his verbal tirade against France on Twitter, he should have registered his disappointment with the French embassy in Pakistan.
If each country is to be left to handle its own social tensions without foreign intervention...then stop sending ur Kulbhushan Jadhavs to aid BLA types of miscreants...
...oh wait...was it "Hussain Mubarak Patel"? So many fake identities...I forget.
At least Erdogan is playing to his constituency as France is seen as a rival in Turkey. How will this help Imran and Pakistan? Don't tell me that Islamic countries would see him as their leader because of this. They are more practical than him. West would see him as loose cannon.

Oh well, what is done is done, good luck to Pakistan with this leader.
Focus all this energy on ur own country...with negative economic growth, no end in sight of covid, and China occupying ur territory...ur plate is more than full.
There is no such thing as "hats speech" there is either free speech or incitement to violence.
Rubbing insult on faces of people is incitement to violence. The principles of modern world are built on upholding human dignity, for all. Not to forced indignation and compliance.
Rubbing insult on faces of people is incitement to violence. The principles of modern world are built on upholding human dignity, for all. Not to forced indignation and compliance.

Who is he inciting to violence? If these people were actually smart, they would hold a Holocaust denial cartoon competition like Iran did as a way to protest, but they didn't.

Anyway, these incidents are good, French have for too long been deluded that these people are just as French as they are, hopefully they are now waking up to the racial realities.
Who is he inciting to violence? If these people were actually smart, they would hold a Holocaust denial cartoon competition like Iran did as a way to protest, but they didn't.

Anyway, these incidents are good, French have for too long been deluded that these people are just as French as they are, hopefully they are now waking up to the racial realities.
Wow. What a bigot. So the definition of being French is to accept indignation. That is what Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité means in the eyes of today’s bigots...

And no, why should our indignation be answered by ridiculing the genocide of the Jews. That’s just....
A Muslim man decapitates a French man for giving offence, and it is the French that are hateful. Not to forget how tolerant this man himself is.
A Muslim man decapitates a French man for giving offence, and it is the French that are hateful.
That is wrong. So the answer should be collective indignation of all Muslims including millions of French citizens.
I guess you underatood it and rest of Muslims are jahil and do not understand. So Islamism is what TTP and AQ are now! Thankyou for revealing your self so clearly.

Where did I say that phrase? On one hand you're virtue signalling using Islam and on the other you are strawmanning and claiming things which were never said. I don't know if you intentionally made this statement or erred, but please QUOTE me exactly where I have said the above in bold.

Previously western leaders used to attach an unfavorable adjective to Islam like “Radical“ Islam - which was also wrong and was dropped during Obama admin after pressure from Muslims for a long time - but now its just Islamism.
I also live in the West and I've defended Islam and Muslims from Islamophobes more times than I can count. And I've been around these sorts of debates and discussion enough to know what the word 'Islamism' means as applied by western media and the multiple debates around Islam in the west.

As an example, this is from google:

  1. an advocate or supporter of Islamic militancy or fundamentalism.
    "radical Islamists"
  1. relating to, advocating, or supporting Islamic militancy or fundamentalism.
    "hardline Islamist groups"

Does TTP fit the bill of this definition, according to you? If not, why not? On the words macron said about Islamism, I'm looking for his full speech but all I've found is some remarks on Islamism with the context of Charlie Hebdo, failure to integrate, this teacher's beheading, multiple other terror attacks in France. I can tell you from experience even in my personal debates, I've drawn a distinction between Islamism and Islamic faith in any other form it manifests itself in the West. We can have secularist Muslims, conservative Muslims, traditionalist Muslims, Muslims who only see their faith as their private matter, etc., and islamism means something else here.

Maybe my english is weak but an -ism is the practice of a certain belief or philosophy. For example Capitalism, Socialism, Buddhism, - you cant say “Capitalism is evil” and then pretend its not referring to a Capitalist financial system. Islam is a religion and the practice of it can be called Islamism.

Here let me help you: Imagine Fayaz Chohan of your favorite party PTI says in a speech that Hinduism is not welcome in our society - Now just replace Chohan with Macron and Hindusim with Islamism; does your fake liberal self-hating a** get it now?

Your English is fine, but perhaps you and others are lacking the context in which the word Islamism is used often here. People here don't always apply the dictionary definition and use it to describe for example "islamist terror attacks" without attacking the religion or peaceful followers.

As for the last part, please show me where Macron said that Islam (Not Islamism) is not welcome in French society? If he said 'Islam is not welcome', then he is utterly and undeniably an Islamophobe and his comment would be bigotry and generalization. However, if he is specifically targeting an ideology that he sees responsible for multiple attacks and tensions, that he views as a subsect of Islam, then it's fair in my view given the context.

Last thing I want to say, some folks on this forum are too touchy about some subjects. Whether its politics or subjects like this, people immediately jump to the worst conclusions and start assuming bad intent in the who they are talking to. A mature discussion requires careful reading and empathetic analysis of the other side.
Wow. What a bigot. So the definition of being French is to accept indignation. That is what Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité means in the eyes of today’s bigots...

And no, why should our indignation be answered by ridiculing the genocide of the Jews. That’s just....

Because Jews are behind the Charlie Hebdo "provocations" (as you put it).
Both IK and Erdo are just Placating their votes, they both being government heads can take much more stern diplomatic actions if they were actually serious rather than crying out on social media.
Islamic republics are teaching secularism to France. I mean is there no sense of irony in the world anymore?

Imran better look at his own country than worry about Islam at the world stage. His country is failing economically and politically. By playing the messiah of Islam, he is boxing himself as Muslim leader rather than a world leader. It'll be detrimental to Kashmir issue too.

And each country has its own way of handling social tensions according to their requirements. By meddling in their affairs, Imran once again shown the shallowness of his diplomacy. His attack on Macron is as diabolical as his attack on Modi as Nazi. Imran should be smart and practical with diplomacy. Instead of launching his verbal tirade against France on Twitter, he should have registered his disappointment with the French embassy in Pakistan.

Atleast Erdogan is playing to his constituency as France is seen as a rival in Turkey. How will this help Imran and Pakistan? Don't tell me that Islamic countries would see him as their leader because of this. They are more practical than him. West would see him as loose cannon.

Oh well, what is done is done, good luck to Pakistan with this leader.
you hindutva RSS sanghies will never understand what PM IK intention is you will need some brains to understand OUR PM go teach a ting our two to your chiwal NAZI terrorist and by the way our economy is just doing fine compared to randian economy do some research than open your disgusting mouth against PM IK or use some bernol or drink some cowcola .
Islamic republics are teaching secularism to France. I mean is there no sense of irony in the world anymore?

Imran better look at his own country than worry about Islam at the world stage. His country is failing economically and politically. By playing the messiah of Islam, he is boxing himself as Muslim leader rather than a world leader. It'll be detrimental to Kashmir issue too.

And each country has its own way of handling social tensions according to their requirements. By meddling in their affairs, Imran once again shown the shallowness of his diplomacy. His attack on Macron is as diabolical as his attack on Modi as Nazi. Imran should be smart and practical with diplomacy. Instead of launching his verbal tirade against France on Twitter, he should have registered his disappointment with the French embassy in Pakistan.

Atleast Erdogan is playing to his constituency as France is seen as a rival in Turkey. How will this help Imran and Pakistan? Don't tell me that Islamic countries would see him as their leader because of this. They are more practical than him. West would see him as loose cannon.

Oh well, what is done is done, good luck to Pakistan with this leader.

No advise required from Fascist and extremist Hindus of India who are butchering their own people.
Where is the Muslim indignation at the attack?
It’s a local crime. Hang the guy, why should I be expected to walk on all four with my head hanging when I had nothing to do with it? Or else I should be insulted?

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