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5 Indian Army officers Including Col & Major killed in operation against Freedom Fighters

Now the most important question is: What the good Indians are going to do?

They can kill random PakKashmiris and claim that they have killed tarrorishts....

They can kill PakCivilians intentionally in AJK....

Or they can once again stage a Shurgical Shitrikes drama on launchpads....

We need to see what they do in this week....or so...

But it depends on their media really.....if it goes ga ga then... Modi will be forced to create a drama.

Paa Jee: By and large, their media follows the government line. So from today's evening programs, on Indian channels, their government line would become clear.

Now the most important question is: What the good Indians are going to do?

They can kill random PakKashmiris and claim that they have killed tarrorishts....

They can kill PakCivilians intentionally in AJK....

Or they can once again stage a Shurgical Shitrikes drama on launchpads....

We need to see what they do in this week....or so...

But it depends on their media really.....if it goes ga ga then... Modi will be forced to create a drama.

Paa Jee: LG(R) Khalid Naeem Lodhi, in some channel program, yesterday or today, said that there is a strong probability of Indian attack on AJK and GB, later this year. I listened to that program, for a short while, but have forgotten the channel or program. If you may search that program and possibly start a thread on it.
Psychological fear?You are talking about an army that climbed 18,000 feet cliffs under machine gun and artillery fire with just ropes and rifles.These boys won kargil with sheer force of will.Many of them are 3rd,4rth,5th generation from their families ,they would rather die than dishonour their paltan.They wouldn't be able to show their faces in the villages if they retreated in fear .You evidently know very little about indian army mentality and regimental pride.
Your soldiers are doing suicide and you are lining your own Wizard of Oz.:D
LOL Indian excuse for not starting an all out war against Pakistan?



Shit source: https://eurasiantimes.com/indian-all-out-retaliation-against-pakistan-hindered-by-france-and-russia/
This is an amazing news if true.
I think Indians haven't shown the bodies of martyred Kashmiris yet. Also, I have read somewhere that one of the mujahid they are claiming to kill was martyred last year.

So there is some truth. I am just scared that IA resorts to killing ordinary Kashmiris and show their bodies to satisfy the masses. Lets see how the coming days unfold this story further.
This is an amazing news if true.
I think Indians haven't shown the bodies of martyred Kashmiris yet. Also, I have read somewhere that one of the mujahid they are claiming to kill was martyred last year.

So there is some truth. I am just scared that IA resorts to killing ordinary Kashmiris and show their bodies to satisfy the masses. Lets see how the coming days unfold this story further.
I heard the same regarding claiming to kill someone who was martyred last year
How come that freedom fighters do not use homemade IEDs? They do great damage and strikes fear into the wicked hearts of the coward Hindu terrorists.

They are working under very constrained circumstances. I still find it hard to imagine, that how they conducted such a successful operation.
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