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We'll die like cattle': Kashmiris fear coronavirus outbreak

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I believe that it's a curse by some Kashmiri, that whole world is now going towards a lock down similar to what is imposed on Kashmiris since past many years.
BTW, Kashmiris are already in lock down.
I think there is a curfew imposed and internet restrictions. But I am sure Kashmiris are allowed to travel outside their state
Corona is no threat to the human species at all as the "kill rate" looks like it will be around 1%.

It only became an issue as action was not taken quicker and the West has no had anything like this since WW1.

Asian countries like China, Korea and Japan have brought the outbreak under control.

The silver lining is that this will a reminder to all countries to take the risk of global pandemic more seriously for when there is a next time.
I am not talking about the death rate, that’s natural.

Least of my concerns, My sympathies and prayers for those who passed away or are sick.

This virus pandemic has devastated the world economy, That is what is causing chaos. I am feeling the heat myself....
I think there is a curfew imposed and internet restrictions. But I am sure Kashmiris are allowed to travel outside their state
Yes, but the hate people of India show towards them.. Abducted, murdered, raped.. Is that the way people should be treated?
Yes, but the hate people of India show towards them.. Abducted, murdered, raped.. Is that the way people should be treated?
I have never witnessed any hatred towards then outside Kashmir. So it's not as common as you think it to be.

Back to the topic.

Coronavirus is a threat not only to Kashmir but rest of India. Infact it's more threatening to other state. Kashmir does not have urban mega cities infested with slums.
RSS Nazis have volunteered to be COVID19 infected and they have been sent to Kashmir to enjoy fair skinned Muslim women.
Only the religious and conservative ones, RSS nazis would say.
RSS Nazis have volunteered to be COVID19 infected and they have been sent to Kashmir to enjoy fair skinned Muslim women.

Government of Kashmir has asked the Government of Pakistan to announce Jihad against India for Kashmir.

Inshallah Kashmir will be liberated
Does she qualify as a fair skinned Kashmiri girl?
I have never witnessed any hatred towards then outside Kashmir. So it's not as common as you think it to be.

Back to the topic.

Coronavirus is a threat not only to Kashmir but rest of India. Infact it's more threatening to other state. Kashmir does not have urban mega cities infested with slums.
To be honest, I don't see any chance of both India and Pakistan against coronavirus. Reason is not govts, its people actually. So careless, nothing could be worse.
Summer is our only hope. I am continuously praying.
RSS Nazis have volunteered to be COVID19 infected and they have been sent to Kashmir to enjoy fair skinned Muslim women.

Government of Kashmir has asked the Government of Pakistan to announce Jihad against India for Kashmir.

Inshallah Kashmir will be liberated

healthy,well built strong women more desirable than solely fair skin women...stop projecting your ideas on others
Baniya Nationalism does not mean Hindu nationalism
Brahmans control the RSS not Banias.
But I don't see any resemblance between Hindutva and Nazism.

Some early Hindutva leaders admired hitler. But that did not means that they wanted to emulate him.

Nazis did not wait for most Germans to accept their ideology and then come to power. They wanted to capture power any means possible.
The RSS was in no hurry to capture to power and they wanted masses to accept their ideology and then come to power.

Nazis were short sighted. RSS are in for a long haul. I find very few things in common between Nazis and RSS Hinduwadis.

Also I think Nazis thought themselves to be master race supermen who were undefeatable. The RSS is well aware of shortcomings and knows things it can't get away with

Well these misinformed Pakistanis and most Indians don't know much about RSS goals.
They think RSS wants to replicate Jewish Holocaust. But in reality, RSS wants to replicate more sucessful Spanish model which managed to eradicate Islam from Spain. Spain had more Muslims percentage wise than India. Muslims ruled Spain for 800 years. And Muslims were a dominant power worldwide

These fools let themselves be decieved

@Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA @padamchen @Juggernaut_the_Gangu @Nilgiri @jamahir
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