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What makes a person Proud To Be a Pakistani: WHY!!!

I am a proud Pakistani. Everyone should be proud of who they are.

I am proud because my country has come a long way since 1947, despite facing many hurdles. We are a nation that is finally realizing it's true potential, and I feel what is happening today is laying the foundations for a much stronger, better Pakistan. I am proud to belong to the generation that is and will continue to change the country for the better.
I xan not be a proud pakistani as i have never been made to feel like a pakistani, due to my patah origins regardless where in southern pakistan i go, people liken patahns to afghans and therefore dont really see them as pakistanis. But when they are getting shagged by india then we are their brothers and fellow pakistanis who are expected to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight.

I and people of sarhand balochistan have nothing in common with other pakistanis apart from religion, balochistan was never part of pakistan and was foirced to join the federation. So this was a hardly a choice but a dictation and violence from the federation. As for sarhad goverment has killed many natives prevfiously and now in the name of terrorism, hardly a celebration to be a proud pakistani.

haha! I lived in Risalpur and all the pathans made fun of me for NOT being a pathan. I took it as just that, jokes. You don't need to get upset to the point where you refuse to consider them your fellow countrymen. Here in the US people make fun of Mormons but those people living in Utah are still happy they are Americans.

The people of Sarhad and Balochistan don't have much in common with those in Punjab and Sind because these provinces aren't as urbanized as the latter two. I don't understand why Pathans feel like the Afghanis are their brothers. Afghanis have been mooching off our country as illegal immigrants and hate us. Btw, Texas, New Mexico etc were also 'forced' to become a part of the US, but you don't hear them complaining.
Btw, Texas, New Mexico etc were also 'forced' to become a part of the US, but you don't hear them complaining.

Reasons are not difficult to fathom - the US gives them a better life than what their compatriots in Mexico eke.

Apples and Oranges as they say.

If I were a Pakistani, I would seriously analyse why Awaaz feels that way and try to work towards ending his feeling of alienation instead of getting defensive or saying how patriotic one is inspite of being A or B clan/ community.
If I were a Pakistani, I would seriously analyse why Awaaz feels that way and try to work towards ending his feeling of alienation instead of getting defensive or saying how patriotic one is inspite of being A or B clan/ community.

Disgruntled people are not hard to find anywhere. Even in Bharat. Need I quote some things said by supporters of Shiv Sena on Indian Muslims? Victimization that truly occurs would be such as the Gujerati massacres, that happened for no reason in India, at all.
Disgruntled people are not hard to find anywhere. Even in Bharat. Need I quote some things said by supporters of Shiv Sena on Indian Muslims? Victimization that truly occurs would be such as the Gujerati massacres, that happened for no reason in India, at all.

He maybe disgruntled, but why?

After all, everything is fine in Pakistan and all are Moslems so there can be no religious divide that plagues other nations.

One people, One Religion, One psyche.

So, why?
No friends?

I think that one of the biggest problems that democratic nations face is the multi religious context and when religions vie for supremacy, abetted by spiritual leaders seeking merely power.

Pakistan is fortunate that such a problem does not exist.

And would be correct to assume that Awaaz is but a lone voice of dissent and other than him there is a healthy political and social climate?
Today is the day when every Pakistani needs to proud of our brave army and the heroic examples they set for the generations to follow.
i feel pround cause thats where my roots come from my parents and grand parents come from that origin looking back the history of the indian origin i also feel pround when i see a well behaved pakistani man or a woman feel pround gives you sense of belonging casue i share a eighty percent of my DNA with my fellow country men if they do or say something good or nice.
Once a Pakistani always a Pakistani. No matter what passport I hold I am and will remain a Pakistani. What I feel about Pakistan is not "pride" per say but a deep love. The kind of love that makes a person love another with "Warts and all". I was under IAF bombs in Keamari during 1971 and would do it again if the country needed me. I will help Pakistan in any way I can (with words, deeds and money) but I don't feel the kind of arrogance that comes with pride. Meaning that I dont think myself better than another because I am a Pakistani. I am certainly not ashamed of being a Pakistani either.

So I won't know what makes a person to be a Proud Pakistani.

You cant change nationality even if you want to. You might change the passport, but still you will be called pakistani.
You cant change nationality even if you want to. You might change the passport, but still you will be called pakistani.

Hardly true!

There are many who change their nationality and passport and are staunch believer in the country of their domicile.

It is only that their origin which is what they can't change.
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