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What makes a person Proud To Be a Pakistani: WHY!!!


Dec 26, 2005
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United States
Ladies and gentlemen,

This topic that I want to talk about, I have always been concerned about the random usage of the term "proud to be a pakistani", " I am a proud pakistani " and I have often wondered at what makes a pakistani proud and why.

Incidently, islam, the religion as the pakistanis state, that we the majority belong to, disallows the term and its usage related to a muslim. So a muslim cannot show pride in himself or be proud of his heritage, because it breeds ARROGANCE and creates a sense of superiority. Then what makes the pakistani muslim make a statement that he or she is a proud pakistani. Is it a lack of understanding the meaning of the word, a lack of common sense or just a social phenomenon that this word is used at random by whomsoever who wants to use it.

Now I understand that a person can be proud of the achievements of kids or friends, we can be proud of our engineers who may have constructed a tall skyscraper, or a bridge, or our nuclear scientists who designed and produced a nuclear weapon and managed to run a nuclear reactor against all hardships, or our missile scientists who came up with the delivery system. We can be proud of our millitarymen and engineers at defence ordinance factories and mirage rebuild factory, our naval engineers who helped build the augustas and people from any other fields of life who have participated in trying to make the country a better place.

Now, you guys, don't be mad at me. Put it on paper why you think otherwise.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Now I understand that a person can be proud of the achievements of kids or friends, we can be proud of our engineers who may have constructed a tall skyscraper, or a bridge, or our nuclear scientists who designed and produced a nuclear weapon and managed to run a nuclear reactor against all hardships, or our missile scientists who came up with the delivery system. We can be proud of our millitarymen and engineers at defence ordinance factories and mirage rebuild factory, our naval engineers who helped build the augustas and people from any other fields of life who have participated in trying to make the country a better place.

Well when I say 'I am Proud to be a Pakistani' than I am referring to the great achievements of engineers, media's booming growth to a influential position, and the 10 year old Microsoft Professionals that are putting Pakistan on the map. There is too much to talk about Pakistan when it comes to the reason of being proud. So MustanKhan janab you tell me. Am I wrong according to the Islamic way.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
People are always proud of something, its just our nature. It doesn't mean you suddenly become arrogant. The two are very different.

I mean are you trying to tell me that your not proud of being muslim?

As for personal pride I think it is necessary for the health and betterment of an individual.

Is it the time to get a lecture from MK! Regardless of what one may think, pride---proud---islam and muslim---they have no place together in any form or function.

As for personal pride---I think you maybe mixing it up with the word confidence-----confidence is neccessary for the betterment of the individual---pride kills all the good attributes that an individual has. Pride breeds arrogance, arrogant people are selfish in nature---selfish people are self centered----and self centered people as the word states are only looking for themselves---which also reduces their ability to learn new things and they are not open to sharing their ideas with others to help them make their lives better, which is not conducive for a healthy growing society.

Pakistani patriot, you asked me a question---and the answer is that you are wrong in the statement that you made.

Let me give you an example----next time going to silicon valley at a technology related seminar see how many indian and pakistani engineers are there at the show---then compare how many fresh patents to new inventions the pakistani engineers have have as compared to indians---hardly any----it will be a humbling experience.

Now, if you said that you are proud of the job that the pakistani peace keeping force did in the african continent, I would say 'ditto', but just saying that we are proud of the achievements as you stated---and that is why we call ourselves to be proud pakistanis---let us not sell ourselves so short---it sounds so very fake---we just climbed a "mole-hill"---there is a huge mountain range to cross---what would we call ourselves and express ourselves with, then.

Is it the time to get a lecture from MK! Regardless of what one may think, pride---proud---islam and muslim---they have no place together in any form or function.

Well they do. There's only one kind of "pride" that is anti-Islamic. Other forms of pride are fine.

As for personal pride---I think you maybe mixing it up with the word confidence-----confidence is neccessary for the betterment of the individual---pride kills all the good attributes that an individual has. Pride breeds arrogance, arrogant people are selfish in nature---selfish people are self centered----and self centered people as the word states are only looking for themselves---which also reduces their ability to learn new things and they are not open to sharing their ideas with others to help them make their lives better, which is not conducive for a healthy growing society.

This is nonsense. You have this the wrong way round! Here are two examples. Bhutto and NS. I think you'll agree that deep down neither has any pride in their country..all they want is money. Yet they are the most self-centred individuals you could ever see. Take Musharraf, a military man, a man with a sense of pride in his nation. He wants to put his country first, before himself, and better the whole nation. This makes him less self centred!

I would argue that having pride in ones nation will make you less self centred and less corrupt. However, you do get some individuals in whom pride may lead to arrogance. This is a different set of factors causing the arrogance to exist in such individuals. The connection you make between pride and arrogance is fallacious.

Pakistani patriot, you asked me a question---and the answer is that you are wrong in the statement that you made.

Let me give you an example----next time going to silicon valley at a technology related seminar see how many indian and pakistani engineers are there at the show---then compare how many fresh patents to new inventions the pakistani engineers have have as compared to indians---hardly any----it will be a humbling experience.

I'm not sure you have made a point here. Anybody can be proud of anything in their nation regardless of whether another nation is more successful in a particular area. Just because India might have more software engineers (not surprising given its size), or be ahead in one particular area, doesn't mean that Pakistanis cannot feel pride in being a fast growing nation, progressive, strong and powerful, with a good history behind it. India is basically irrelevant.

Now, if you said that you are proud of the job that the pakistani peace keeping force did in the african continent, I would say 'ditto', but just saying that we are proud of the achievements as you stated---and that is why we call ourselves to be proud pakistanis---let us not sell ourselves so short---it sounds so very fake---we just climbed a "mole-hill"---there is a huge mountain range to cross---what would we call ourselves and express ourselves with, then.

Anybody can be proud of anything. If Pakistanis are proud to be the first Islamic nation to have a nuke, or to be one of the fastest growing economies in the world, or to be the the inventors of the number zero, or whatever, and if this leads to a sense of betterment, then there's nothing wrong with it. That sort of pride is acceptable, and Islamically acceptable.
Once a Pakistani always a Pakistani. No matter what passport I hold I am and will remain a Pakistani. What I feel about Pakistan is not "pride" per say but a deep love. The kind of love that makes a person love another with "Warts and all". I was under IAF bombs in Keamari during 1971 and would do it again if the country needed me. I will help Pakistan in any way I can (with words, deeds and money) but I don't feel the kind of arrogance that comes with pride. Meaning that I dont think myself better than another because I am a Pakistani. I am certainly not ashamed of being a Pakistani either.

So I won't know what makes a person to be a Proud Pakistani.
proud to be a pokhtoon before being a proud to be pakistani, as if you are proud of your heritage then most pakistanis dont have a same heritage.
I xan not be a proud pakistani as i have never been made to feel like a pakistani, due to my patah origins regardless where in southern pakistan i go, people liken patahns to afghans and therefore dont really see them as pakistanis. But when they are getting shagged by india then we are their brothers and fellow pakistanis who are expected to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight.

I and people of sarhand balochistan have nothing in common with other pakistanis apart from religion, balochistan was never part of pakistan and was foirced to join the federation. So this was a hardly a choice but a dictation and violence from the federation. As for sarhad goverment has killed many natives prevfiously and now in the name of terrorism, hardly a celebration to be a proud pakistani.
I xan not be a proud pakistani as i have never been made to feel like a pakistani, due to my patah origins regardless where in southern pakistan i go, people liken patahns to afghans and therefore dont really see them as pakistanis. But when they are getting shagged by india then we are their brothers and fellow pakistanis who are expected to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight.

I and people of sarhand balochistan have nothing in common with other pakistanis apart from religion, balochistan was never part of pakistan and was foirced to join the federation. So this was a hardly a choice but a dictation and violence from the federation. As for sarhad goverment has killed many natives prevfiously and now in the name of terrorism, hardly a celebration to be a proud pakistani.

well if you are not proud of pakistan, why the ******* hell are you staying here then? Why the **** do you eat the food that is made in pakistan? and mind you balochistan, sarhad are included in pakistan which means that you should probally leave pakistan. Go to your afghan brothers in afghainstan since you alone have quite in common with them or perhaps go to hamid karzai for that matter. Tell him you hate PA and he'll probaly hire you or the indian consulates there will surely hire you. Rest assured balochistan and sardad are going nowhere, terrorists who tried the otherway are already sent back to hell where they desreved. You too can try out your luck as well.
I xan not be a proud pakistani as i have never been made to feel like a pakistani, due to my patah origins regardless where in southern pakistan i go, people liken patahns to afghans and therefore dont really see them as pakistanis.

Do you even know what "Pakistani" is? It's a nationality, nothing to do with an ethnic group. Noone in Pakistan can tell who is a Pakistani and who is not. They can perhaps think of who is Sindhi, Punjabi, from the Northern Areas and so on.

But when they are getting shagged by india then we are their brothers and fellow pakistanis who are expected to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight.

Indeed. Ayub Khan was actually a Punjabi in disguise.

I and people of sarhand balochistan have nothing in common with other pakistanis apart from religion, balochistan was never part of pakistan and was foirced to join the federation.

Historically Balochistan has always been part of the Indus Valley.

So this was a hardly a choice but a dictation and violence from the federation. As for sarhad goverment has killed many natives prevfiously and now in the name of terrorism, hardly a celebration to be a proud pakistani.

The people of Swat if I recall actually wanted the government to take action sooner against these miscreants. Some tribes even took action against them (the Uzbeks). But you of course know more obviously sitting from behind your computer coming up with the same agenda day in day out. You should know that the ANP are not popular in NWFP, and that PML-Q/Musharraf are the most popular party in Balochistan (per last election monitored by international observers). Even in the NWFP, Bhutto, a Sindhi is more popular than the ANP. Obviously most people are not so nationalistic as you are, so you might as well quit talking like this "we in the NWFP" when it's only you..I am 99% sure you don't even live in the NWFP, so who made you their spokesman? At least Jana would be a better spokeswoman for actually living there..And she's even pro-government!
mastankhan said:

Is it the time to get a lecture from MK! Regardless of what one may think, pride---proud---islam and muslim---they have no place together in any form or function.

As for personal pride---I think you maybe mixing it up with the word confidence-----confidence is neccessary for the betterment of the individual---pride kills all the good attributes that an individual has. Pride breeds arrogance, arrogant people are selfish in nature---selfish people are self centered----and self centered people as the word states are only looking for themselves---which also reduces their ability to learn new things and they are not open to sharing their ideas with others to help them make their lives better, which is not conducive for a healthy growing society.

Well your first paragraph depends on your interpretation of Islam and how you follow it, you think your way is the truth, I mine and from the looks of it our views are different.

I don't think pride breeds arrogance or selfishness. If you are proud of yourself it can make you feel as if you are in a priveledged position and therefore be glad that Allah made you like that and therefore you should help those less fortunate. I wouldnt call that selfishness.
Do you even know what "Pakistani" is? It's a nationality, nothing to do with an ethnic group. Noone in Pakistan can tell who is a Pakistani and who is not. They can perhaps think of who is Sindhi, Punjabi, from the Northern Areas and so on.

Indeed. Ayub Khan was actually a Punjabi in disguise.

Historically Balochistan has always been part of the Indus Valley.

The people of Swat if I recall actually wanted the government to take action sooner against these miscreants. Some tribes even took action against them (the Uzbeks). But you of course know more obviously sitting from behind your computer coming up with the same agenda day in day out. You should know that the ANP are not popular in NWFP, and that PML-Q/Musharraf are the most popular party in Balochistan (per last election monitored by international observers). Even in the NWFP, Bhutto, a Sindhi is more popular than the ANP. Obviously most people are not so nationalistic as you are, so you might as well quit talking like this "we in the NWFP" when it's only you..I am 99% sure you don't even live in the NWFP, so who made you their spokesman? At least Jana would be a better spokeswoman for actually living there..And she's even pro-government!

And she's even pro-government![/QUOTE]

So jana is pro goverment therefore she is an authroity for pushtoon people to speak is she?

And well have you questioned every pushtoon and baloch to know how they feel?

Pathetic way of silencing people and discrediting peoples views and as they conflict with your vision of pakistan and instituion.

You are blinded fella, as far as my residency is coincerned i am most times in nwfp and even in taxila hassan abdal at times.
But when they are getting shagged by india then we are their brothers and fellow pakistanis who are expected to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight.
Nobody's ever kept a gun on anyone's heads. Whoever went to fight India FOR Pakistan were true patriots of Pakistan.

Please don't enforce your views and tell us what we think of our fellow countrymen. Why do you put the Pakistani flag under your name?

Nobody else accepted you?

I and people of sarhand balochistan have nothing in common with other pakistanis apart from religion, balochistan was never part of pakistan and was foirced to join the federation.
First of all, Pakistan got you this freedom that you boast about. Your leaders of that time were Jamaat-e-Islami, who wanted to remain under India.

Perhaps it was for people like you that prompted Iqbal to say:

Ghulami main khush hain abhi doosron ki
Keh rehte hain jannat main, woh ahmakon ki

What is the similarity between Sindhi and a Punjabi? And what about Kashmiris? And what about Mohajirs?

We are all different people. It doesn't matter, Pakistan wasn't made for ethnicities or heck not even for Islam. It was made for the minorities of India to flourish under a free land.

I agree it didn't happen as it was planned. But it's not like only you got the raw end of the deal... The only difference is we aren't whining about it and are doing something to change this country. You're neither helping Pakistan, Pathans or Sarhad. Useless.

So this was a hardly a choice but a dictation and violence from the federation. As for sarhad goverment has killed many natives prevfiously and now in the name of terrorism, hardly a celebration to be a proud pakistani.
We are killing people with guns who are killing others. Stop killing, give up the guns and no one would touch anyone.

Simple. No one likes to kill, aiwai.

So you speak for Pathans and Baluchis now?
Nobody has tied down anyone. 30 million Pathans in Pakistan at this moment, what are they waiting for?
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