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ALL Xinjiang related issues e.g. uyghur people, development, videos etc, In here please.

An Independent East Turkestan will be bad for Pakistan

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    Votes: 64 53.8%
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    Votes: 55 46.2%

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2000 years ago in xinjiang has been under the jurisdiction of the Han empire
Where were the turks at that time?
For now. Indian is following the devil i mean China slowly.

Just read news a couple days ago that a mosque in Kashmir has been completely closed off and no prayers for months now.

There has been no prayer in temples for 3 and half decades. All mosques are open except those who provokes people. We have to do this because we don't kidnap people and make them disappear or shoot them after kidnapping.
There has been no prayer in temples for 3 and half decades. All mosques are open except those who provokes people. We have to do this because we don't kidnap people and make them disappear or shoot them after kidnapping.
You guys aren't far from others tbh... Whatever it's in Kashmir or recent Anti-Muslim policies...
No, I am Chinese, all the Chinese members knew I am 100% Chinese. and I am also a veteran. I did my duty to defend my country.
Defend it by joining a service not online!

They pray or not pray, is their choice.
Does China give them a choice? Or locks them up and for choosing to pray?

Next person to associate Terrorism with Islam will be banned without a warning! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Terrorism is a disease without a religion, sect, nation, people...

Anyone trying to associate it with something WILL be banned!

It is like saying just coz some Chinese sold Pakistani brides all Chinese around the globe are pimps!
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Pakistan do have educational facility to transform those misled rebellions. I remembered there are youtube video introduce those facility. I think it's in Baluchistan.
I may find it later if needed. I saw those video a couple of month ago.

They are called deradicalisation centres, specifically for those deluded enough to do suicide bombings. Its more like therapy though because a lot of the time suicide bombers are just scared kids brainwashed into thinking its the right thing to do.

Its not the same thing, not even close to internment camps.
Well... I don't know how it will turn out at this rate... will the next gen ever have a chance to make it right before it's too late...
They don't seem to grasp the importance of what they are doing... When religion is being used as a rally... Things can spiral out quickly...very quickly... even more when they are creating a pool of a million people to act later on...

They are literally serving to those separatist potential combatant in a silver plate...
Now that the "Jihadist" are being pushed out of ME... those guys gonna find another way to express their behavior/ideology... added to it Afghanistan... and you have it... the next Hotspot...

This is a very good question. You have to remember what China was like during the 60s and 70s. Religion was banned completely under Chairman Mao. But in the current period, this policy has reversed. In Beijing, the local Govt has funded the renovation of numerous Mosques. Thus, China isn't against Muslims on the basis of their religion but they feel anxious when it comes to the Uyghurs because of there voice of independence. If the rumours are true in Xinjiang then their strategy is completely wrong. However, I do firmly believe in the idea if China can change after the events of the cultural revolution then the same can happen in Xinjiang when a new leadership which isn't connected to the old way of thinking takes office.

They don't seem to grasp the importance of what they are doing wrong is because they are following the cultural values that were taught to them from there books. For example, the Chinese Govt call themselves communists but anyone with a decent bit of knowledge knows they still follow legalism. Rebellion needs to be stamped out at all costs to maintain the law and order of the land. This is the philosophy of legalism.

We both understand how the Chinese Govt's actions if true are serving the interests of the terrorists. America must be rubbing its hands in excitement because it's good at manipulating and funding groups to serve its interests. They are much better and more experience than the Chinese at playing this game. It's their choice but when shit hits the fan then they can only blame themselves. I hope that doesn't happen.

During WW 1 Ottoman began to support separatists in Xinjiang, you are not chinese so you are lacking on this issue.

Last time I checked the CPC Govt wasn't in power during the first world war. This just show's how desperate you are my dear brother. When the CPC took power they had an opportunity to create harmony but we all know how Mao destroyed such a chance by attacking religious communities. So you can huff and puff as much as you want but you can't deny it was the CPC themselves who created the mess. Now read what I said carefully and think outside the box.
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Without the help of some Pakistanis, I don't think this deal can be realized
I said it is the same as saying so! NOW going by YOUR thinking : they should be no bashing of Chinese people if Chinese people themselves dont start attacking others for questioning!
Freedom of belief means nothing to a person when he can't practice his faith.

Muslim in China is more safe and free than atheist in Muslim countries, if you don't give up your double standard I'm not surprised one day India, China, Russia, Europe ,Sub Africa will reach consensus to deal with Muslim.
Muslim in China is more safe and free than atheist in Muslim countries, if you don't give up your double standard I'm not surprised one day India, China, Russia, Europe ,Sub Africa will reach consensus to deal with Muslim.

When a Human is born...
He believe to be the first...
Till he's reminded that he was last...

Before you they Tried and After you they will try...
But the Answer will be the same...
You will be forgotten and Islam remembered...
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