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China and Pak,frendship and cooperation


Jun 1, 2010
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China, Pakistan reiterate fortified friendship, enhanced cooperation


Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1951, China and Pakistan have witnessed robust growth in terms of bilateral ties and economic cooperation. Over the past decades, the two Asian neighbors have fortified a traditional friendship and enhanced cooperation in terms of economic development, trade as well as exchanges of human resources.

As developing countries, China and Pakistan share the same views on many international issues. As a time-honored friend, China is always ready to help whenever Pakistan suffers hardship. The Sino-Pakistan cooperation in terms of politics, economy, diplomacy, culture as well as national defense not only benefits the two countries, but also contributes to the prosperity and stability in South Asia region.

Fortified friendship

China and Pakistan are good neighbors linked by mountains and waters with the friendship between the two peoples dating back to ancient times. Pakistan is the first Muslim country to recognize New China and China is one of its closest allies. The friendship in modern times started when Chinese leaders, including Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai, visited the country in 1950s and 60s.

Deep friendship between the two countries has weathered all changes and has only been strengthened over the years. The six decades since the two countries forged diplomatic ties has been a brilliant history of continuous development of mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation.

China and Pakistan enjoy a deep-rooted and enduring relationship, which is built on the basis of mutual trust and confidence. The two countries support each other on all issues of importance, especially those related the issues of sovereignty. Bilateral ties are highlighted by same views and mutuality of interests.

The Chinese government has attached great importance to Sino-Pakistani ties. Measures and steps have been instituted to promote and consolidate such ties. China will, as always, continue to make concerted efforts with Pakistan to develop bilateral relations forward. The Pakistani government has always appreciated China's support on the issues of its concern. China and Pakistan are fully confident the traditional friendship will bear more fruits in the future.

Enhanced cooperation

China and Pakistan have a long history of cooperation in terms of economy and trade. Over the past decades, the two countries boosted cooperation in international and regional issues as well as the global anti-terror campaign, and the future for further cooperation remains rosy. China lent its generous support and assistance in economy and technology to Pakistan for years and Pakistan is willing to expand cooperation with China in such fields.

In recent years, China and Pakistan have continued to consolidate cooperation in the fields of telecommunications, energy, health care and higher education. So far there are 11,000 Chinese working in Pakistan and 120 Chinese enterprises, including China Mobile and Huawei, have set up branches in various parts of the country.

Economic cooperation constitutes a major part of Sino-Pakistani relations, and the two countries have made brilliant achievement and benefited a lot in economic and trade ties. China has placed a high premium on economic and trade cooperation with Pakistan and will make further efforts to expand the scope of such cooperation.

Furthermore, people-to-people contact has also gained good momentum. Dozens of Pakistani youth delegations have visited China over the past decades, and the Chinese language remains a hot subject in universities in Pakistan. The program aims at increasing mutual understanding between two countries and two peoples and helps young people from Pakistan to know more about China.

The Pakistani government hopes more support from China in soft environment-building, such as more cultural promotion, personnel exchanges, Chinese language instruction as well as more Chinese tourists.

By People's Daily Online
CCPIT--China-Pakistan to Expect More Economic Cooperation

On July 9, Pakistan-China Economic Cooperation Forum was held in Beijing. Zardari, Pakistani President, Chen Deming, Minister of Commerce of China and Zhangwei, Vice president of CCPIT as well as more than 60 entrepreneur representatives from China and Pakistan attended the Forum.
President Zardari said at the forum that China and Pakistan has kept long lasting friendship, and the cooperation between the two countries has been progressing on. He hoped that the two countries could strengthen cooperation in all fields so as to achieve win-win situation and common development. Chen Deming remarked that there was great potential for the economic and trade cooperation between China and Pakistan. The two countries should make full use of China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement to deepen the bilateral cooperation. Zhang Wei addressed the forum that CCPIT would further enhance cooperation with its Pakistani counterparts including the business associations and trade promotion agencies to develop the bilateral and regional economic and trade cooperation mechanism and contribute to the friendship and common development of the two countries.
At present, Pakistan is the second biggest trade partner of China in South Asia. The bilateral trade volume between the two countries from January to May reached $3.275 billion, a 31% increase year on year. China and Pakistan had developed fast in infrastructure and energy etc, with steadily growing investment. Up to the May, China’s cumulative investment in Pakistan had reached $1.3 billion, and the total value for the contracted project amounted high to $13.47 billion. In 2006, China and Pakistan signed free trade agreement, which came into force at the beginning of 2007. The establishment of China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement would further expand the range and improve the level for the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
Chinese and Pakistani friends will note that even though China has offered tremendous opportunities to Pakistani business and industry, Pakistani business and industry have been either unable or unwilling to embrace these opportunities -- why is that? How can it be changed? Does the Pakistani government through it's ministries of finance and commerce and through it's Majlis, have any role in helping Pakistani business and industry to take full advantage of the opening China has offered?
China says Pakistan nuclear deal 'peaceful'

BBC News - China says Pakistan nuclear deal 'peaceful'

China has said its civilian nuclear co-operation with Pakistan is peaceful.

A spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry said its plan to provide Pakistan with two new reactors was in line with international obligations.

Earlier this week, the United States expressed concern at the deal.

Fears over Pakistan's nuclear activities rose in 2004 after a top scientist admitted leaking nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran.

Relations between Pakistan and its neighbour India are also of continuing concern. Both are nuclear-armed.


China's foreign ministry spokesman said: "I want to stress that the civilian nuclear co-operation between China and Pakistan is in line with each side's international obligations.

"It is for peaceful purposes, and is under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency," he told a news briefing in Beijing.

On Tuesday the US state department said it had asked China to clarify the details of its sale of additional nuclear reactors to Pakistan.

"This appears to extend beyond co-operation that was grandfathered when China was approved for membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group," it said.

The 46-nation group regulates trade in "dual-use" nuclear fuel and technology to ensure material meant for civilian energy use is not diverted into clandestine nuclear weapons programmes.

The United States is a key ally of Pakistan. It has its own civilian nuclear co-operation accord with Pakistan's rival, India.

Pakistan would like a similar deal with the US, reports say, but continued fears over its proliferation record remain a major stumbling block.

In May 2009 Pakistan denied it was expanding its nuclear arsenal after the US said it had unearthed new evidence that it had done so.

Pakistan built its first nuclear power station in 1972 in Karachi with the help of Canadian experts.

But Western countries, lobbied by the US, later halted co-operation amid fears that Pakistan was secretly developing nuclear weapons.

Pakistan currently has three nuclear reactors, one for military use. The two to be built by China will take its number of civilian reactors to four, the BBC's Syed Shoaib Hasan in Karachi says.
Chinese language attracts Pakistanis at China Culture Week

Chinese language attracts Pakistanis at China Culture Week

By Jamil Bhatti

ISLAMABAD, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) -- Galleries and corridors of Pakistan national council of arts were filled with people, enthusiastic to know about Chinese language and culture, hours ahead of inauguration of the China Culture Week on Friday evening in Pakistan's capital Islamabad.

Chief Guest of the opening ceremony Pir Aftab Shah Jilani, Pakistani Culture Minister, inaugurated the China Culture Week and addressed about the political, strategic, defense, cultural, economic and trade relations between Pakistan and China.

The yearly China Culture Week, scheduled on Sept. 25 to Oct. 8, was kicked off in celebration of the 61st anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Chief Guest, after delivering the speech, cut off the ribbon at the gate of a big alight hall whose walls were glamorized with beautifully framed snaps of Shanghai World Expo 2010.

Excellently photographed pictures were attracting visitors and camera flashes. But people's final destination was Chinese language books stalls which had a variety of books, CDs and electronic devises to help anyone who wants to learn Chinese.

Language teachers from China and Pakistan standing besides the stalls were helping, guiding and suggesting a number of people inquisitive about how to learn Chinese language quickly and easily.

Sabeeha Haseeb, a 35 year-old teacher, standing beside a book stall, was very busy in guiding children, women and men that how they can start learning.

"If you are ambitious and want to learn, it's not difficult for you, I spent four years in China for my studies and learned the language, it was a splendid experience, I always enjoy while teaching it now," said Sabeeha, a language teacher at the Confucius Institute at the National University of Modern Languages (NUML) in Islamabad.

Sabeeha's husband Haseeb Ahmad is also a Chinese language teacher and they are working together at the Confucius Institute. Ahmad said that currently 600 students at Confucius and almost of the same number at the Chinese department in the NUML were learning Chinese language. Sometime the government of Pakistan also offers Chinese language courses for the employees and students.

Chinese is the fourth most learnt foreign language after English, Arabic and French which is getting fame in people especially in big cities of Pakistan. A family surprised this correspondent when they told Xinhua that they traveled 150 kilometers from Pakistan's Northwestern terror-ridden city Peshawar only for exhibition, Chinese films and with the main concern of taking guidance to learn Chinese.

"Our whole family loves Chinese culture, if you see our house it will look like any Chinese family, our mother decorated the whole house with different Chinese things," Syed Shahroz, a 20 year-old fresh graduate, told Xinhua.

His younger sister Shafia said that they all (two brothers and one sister) want to go to China for their higher studies but their mother advised them to learn basic Chinese at home.

"China's culture and language both are versatile and very different from others that is why they appeal to me a lot, I like Chinese culture very much," said Hajra, mother of the children.

Akram Zaki, Pakistan's Ex-foreign general secretary, talked in a symbolic way and said, "If someone who thinks of future will learn Chinese and someone who worries about his today will learn other languages."

Responding to a question he said imperialistic forces, in the past, had been imposing their languages on poor and weak nations but China was doing in a friendly manner, if some one wishes he can learn it.

Some people were found worried about the prices of the language courses and said they cannot afford it in their limited income. Munir Ahmad, director of public relations at the president secretariat, was getting introduction on the process of Chinese language learning. "I came here with my son, daughter and wife. I think our future is linked with our neighbor and brotherly country China not with any country which is faraway from us," said Ahmad.

In the middle of the hall a lot of people gathered around the table. A Chinese painter was making their names written in Chinese on placards for their memories.

"It's a memorable thing for me, I shall frame it to hang in my drawing room to show off to my relatives," Farah, a very happy visitor women, told Xinhua.

The drama hall of the PNCA, on Sept. 25, was jam-packed with spectators who gathered to watch Chinese film "After Shocks". More two films "On the Taihang Mountain" and "Bodyguards and Assassins" will also be screened in next coming days for public.
Chinese and Pakistani friends will note that even though China has offered tremendous opportunities to Pakistani business and industry, Pakistani business and industry have been either unable or unwilling to embrace these opportunities -- why is that? How can it be changed? Does the Pakistani government through it's ministries of finance and commerce and through it's Majlis, have any role in helping Pakistani business and industry to take full advantage of the opening China has offered?

Friend,we know Pakistan has a little troubles in economy in recent two years,it doesnt matter of our cooperations.We Chinese are keen to see a rapid growing Pakistan.:pakistan::china:

PS:This is an open thread for every Pakistanis and Chinese to post the China Pak related news.
I remember when i was visiting Pakistan one time, they used to play chineese movies on PTV late at night...I dont know if they still do it
Not sure if this had been post already?
Pakistan China cooperation in building submarines, bigger ships war identified
Pakistan China cooperation in building submarines, bigger ships war identified | Pakistan Daily

After successful completion of construction of three F-22 P Frigates in China, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir said that Pakistan has identified to China the cooperation in the field of construction of submarine, bigger war ships, acquiring modern weapons and equipments. “We have the history of cooperation in the Navy with China like we have cooperation in all other fields”, said Noman Bashir while talking to media here at a reception on Saturday evening in which Ambassador of Pakistan to China Masood Khan was also present.

The CNS said that Pakistan Navy has already taken over three Frigates and the fourth one is being constructed with Chinese cooperation in Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works and hoped that like the three frigates, the construction of fourth ship in Karachi will be completed ahead of schedule.
“ We will not stop here and this cooperation will continue”, said Admiral Noman Bashir while replying to a question.

He said that during his meetings with Chinese side, he had identified areas including building of submarines, as so far we had not entered into joint construction of submarines.

This is one of areas Pakistan would now like to explore, he noted.

He said that Pakistan also like to go for construction of bigger ships with cooperation of China.

These ships would be bigger than the current F-22 P Frigates, he added.

There is lot of discussion that are taking place, he said adding “obviously we will have the ships and submarines which will be according to our requirements and specifications”.

Also, the CNS said that in the areas of weapons and sensors we are going beyond what we had.

On floods in Pakistan and Chinese relief assistance, Admiral Noman Bashir said that we are grateful to the government and the people of China for their timely assistance for the flood affected people.

He said that the Chinese Medical team is doing an excellent job and Pakistan Navy has taken the responsibility to look after them.

He said that before coming here he went to the Chinese Mobile Hospital which was established in Thatta and they were doing remarkable job.

In addition to medical team and hospital, there was lot of flood relief supplies we received from China.

Flood had caused great deal of damage in Pakistan, said Admiral Noman Bashir adding that these unprecedented floods we did not experience in our history.

The floods are not confined to one part of the country, but caused widespread damage from north to south, he added.
The untold story of Pakistan China trade
bilaterals.org | The untold story of Pakistan China trade
Express Tribune, Pakistan

The untold story of Pakistan China trade

By Fatima Farhad-Babar

7 June 2010

KARACHI: Pakistan and China have increased bilateral trade agreements with the help of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which was signed between the two countries in 2005.

China has now surpassed the European Union (EU) as Pakistan’s second largest trading partner. As per official figures reported by the Pakistan government, the country exported goods worth $1.3 billion in 2009 to its trading partner and in turn Chinese imports stood at $5.5 billion in the same period.

As per data available on United Nations Commodity trade statistics database, the major commodities that Pakistan imports from China are electronic equipment, plastic, footwear, motorcycle spare parts, rubber manufacture and travel goods such as hand bags.

However, there are major discrepancies and variances in data with relation to Chinese goods imported by Pakistan. For instance, in FY 2008, various anomalies existed in the trade data that was reported to the UN by Pakistan and by China. This is the story on under-invoicing that is rampant in Pakistan on imports from China.

The FTA whilst having its advantages of opening up Pakistan’s access to Chinese markets also has its downside. As a result of the FTA there has been a strong penetration of cheap Chinese products into the local market such as the plastic and motorcycle spare parts industry for instance.

According to critics of the FTA the weaker country in most FTA’s must be given a more advantageous position in order to counter its local industries from the adverse impact that a stronger economy such as China has proven to have on the Pakistan economy.

Apart from the extensive misuse of the FTA signed between the countries whereby Pakistani importers submit invalid “certificates of origin” to clear non-Chinese goods from the ports in order to enjoy the benefits of the FTA, there also exists a strong case for under invoicing carried out by Pakistan importers.

Under invoicing is mainly carried out by way of preparing the invoice for the amount that the letter of credit has been established for whilst the exporter (in this case China) receives the remaining portion of the total sale in the form of bank drafts for instance arranged by the Pakistani importer through the black foreign exchange market. The practice is carried out to evade import duties that must be paid by the importer, whereby the commercial invoice is doctored to facilitate the importer on account of payment of duties and taxes in Pakistan.

A case in point would be the rampant under invoicing of motorcycle parts which in turn affects general sales in the organized sector.

Concealment of the actual value of the goods assists the importer in evading duties and also selling the imported products at a higher price in the local Pakistani market.

In 2006 the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), formerly known as CBR, launched an investigation against the massive under-invoicing of motorcycles and their parts, and non-payment of sales tax on their registration. This historical trend of under invoicing in the unorganized sector has affected sales of the organized motorcycle sector.

Therefore, the Director General Valuation, Karachi should duly investigate the current under invoicing trend in various industries and advise the collector of customs to take action against the violators.

Other industries which are currently suffering are the also the plastics and ceramics industry. A flourishing market known as Gul Plaza located in Karachi where Chinese products are readily available is an example of the extent of market penetration of Chinese products in Pakistan.

The plaza has an array of ceramics, chinaware, plastics and electronics all imported from china at the cost of under invoicing. The local plastic industry is suffering as a result of this since the Chinese goods whilst being similar or inferior in quality are flooded in the various markets across the country.

The Ministry of Commerce (MoC) must investigate the anomalies that exist in the data reported by Pakistani importers vis-à-vis the data reported by China.

The credibility of the UN data is unquestionable and can be duly verified by the MoC and the time series of the data provided by the UN commodity trade statistics database allows rectification of any reporting errors which might have occurred on the part of both trading partners.

VAT might be a solution to the never ending tax evasion woes in the country, however an abundance of fabricated “commercial invoices” which are under invoiced result in a loss of tax revenue for the government and does not create a level playing field for local industries versus Chinese manufacturers. The Chinese have not made inroads due to tariff and non-tariff barriers in India, Thailand and Malaysia. Perhaps similar discipline is needed in Pakistan to develop industry.
Pakistan, China cooperating for human resource development

<br/> Pakistan, China cooperating for human resource development<br/>

Pakistan and China are increasing their cooperation for the development of human resources in Pakistan, particularly focusing on youth, the Ambassador of Pakistan to China Masood Khan said in Beijing on Monday.

The ambassador said this during a talk before a group of 86 professionals from Pakistan, comprising representatives from provincial and federal governments, businessmen, NGOs and members of the civil society at Pakistan's embassy.

In addition, he said, Pakistan and China are also exploring new possibilities in rural development in Pakistan.

The ambassador said that the Chinese-Pakistani friendship is time-tested and has become even stronger over the last several decades.

He said this friendship includes economic cooperation and people-to-people contact. He said Pakistan and China are working on developing three corridors of cooperation including transportation, fiber optics, and the more ambitious energy corridor.

Currently there are 5,000 Pakistani students studying in China in various disciplines.

He said next month a group of 20 students from China's Sichuan University would be visiting Pakistan as part of efforts to increase people-to-people contact between the two countries.
I guess nobody realised there's a Pak think tank on China.A lot of useful information there.

Pakistan to launch first think tank on China
Pakistan to launch first think tank on China

Chairman Mushahid Hussain (R) and Charge d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy to Pakistan Yao Jing (R) attend a press briefing in Islambad, capital of Pakistan, Sept. 17, 2009. Pakistan will launch its first think tank on China on Oct.1, to promote, strengthen and expand Pakistan-China relations in different fields. The Pakistan China Institute is the first non-governmental, non-party and non-political organization with equal number of experts, scholars and intellectuals from China and Pakistan, according to Mushahid Hussain. (Xinhua/Yan Zhonghua)

Pakistan will launch its first think tank on China on Oct.1, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, to promote, strengthen and expand Pakistan-China relations in different fields, the chairman of the Pakistan China Institute announced Thursday.

The Pakistan China Institute is the first non-governmental, non-party and non-political organization with equal number of experts, scholars and intellectuals from China and Pakistan, Chairman Mushahid Hussain said in a press briefing.

"Since there is complete unanimity within the Pakistan's political and social fabric on the need for deepening friendship between Pakistan and China, it is my pleasure to announce the establishment of the first Pakistani think tank," said Hussain, the former information minister.

"This think tank will work in key sectors of Pakistani state and society including political parties, civil society, educational institutions, opinion leaders, media and business community," he remarked.

The chairman said the Pakistan China Institute will conduct policy research on promoting Pakistan-China cooperation and bringing the two countries closer in the areas of security, trade, energy, education and culture.

"With its headquarters in Islamabad, the Pakistan-China Institute will explore ways and means to further strengthening the Sino-Pak ties since Pakistan-China relations are unique in international relations," he said.

Highlighting the key elements that make this relationship so special and so unique, Hussain said Pakistan and China have the longest depth of strategic relationship between any two countries and they have been solid and strong for the last 46 years, since 1963.

"Pakistan-China relations are friction-free, model relations between two neighbors, which are unequal in size, with different social systems. China has never interfered in Pakistan's internal affairs and it has always provided aid and assistance without any conditions or strings attached. Moreover, China has always stood by Pakistan in every conflict and crisis and China is Pakistan's all-weather friend," added the former minister.

Hussain further informed that The Pakistan China Institute will be formally inaugurated on Oct. 1 with a function at the International Islamic University, Islamabad and Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Luo Zhaohui will attend the launching ceremony.

He said that the Pakistan China Institute will hold regular seminars and briefings on important developments pertaining to Pakistan-China relations and will also maintain an inter-active website.

Tabling his recommendations to the government for taking initiatives to cementing the Sino-Pak ties, the chairman presented a three-point strategy to the government.

"The government should establish an inter-ministerial and inter-provincial Special Task Force to implement in a speedy, coordinated manner the ongoing projects, initiatives and MOUs signed between the two governments," he said.

Hussain further advised the government to ensure full protection and security to nearly 10,000 Chinese workers, experts and technicians working in Chinese-aided projects in different parts of Pakistan.
Source: Xinhua
Lets see if Pakistani and Chinese leaders will be able to devise strategies to counter the US destabilization of Pakistan - otherwise Pakistan will have to pay a very heavy price for it's relationship with China -- and some Pakistani politicians will be "tempted", unless it can be stopped on the ground level -- you will see this in the very near future.
We (Pakistanis) have to go over the human evolution in order to develop like China.
If our citizens were educated enough (mentally), there would not be any reason of wide spread corruption.

Okay, forget that--

Pakistanis should be ASHAMED---Islamic Republic of Pakistan--Yet, wide spread corruption on every level of the society, sect wars, tax evasion--
^^ Is not it against the Islamic rule???

In reality we have achieved NOTHING!!
We do not follow what our religion said nor we try to become a civilized society!

Anyways, China is at our door step--what else do you need???

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